
My love story by Abhishek Malhotra

Abhishek is a famous actor in India and is known for his sincerity at work place. He is a cold, mysterious and oof person. His first love is Shriya Sheren, who is an orphan. He follows her for almost three years , without her knolwedge. But he comes in front of her one day, seeing him she asks him "Aren't you the famous Actor Abhishek Malhotra, Are you the one who wants to spend the night with me." Next morning Abhishek offered her coffee with a smile on his face and said " Last night you promised me that you will let me take care of you." Will she accept his proposal to stay with him. What happens if she decides to stay with him and what are her reasons to become a mistress all of a sudden.. How Abhi is going to be make her his women and what happens when he decided to stay with her for a long time. Will she be able to manage his high profile status and become worthy to be his girlfriend. How does her life change after she met that dream man of all the girls in the entire country. Thought: "What you have left with is more important than what you have lost".

sweetykim · Teen
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586 Chs

My hometown 1

Barun knew the pain his brothers are facing when he followed those women all day long. Their mood swings, emotional blackmails and threats are one thing, but shopping is another thing.

They visited almost all the stalls and shops in the neighborhood and their bargaining got on his nerves. Barun asked them with irritation "Why are you guys even bothered to bargain. We have got enough money ?" and they just glared at him.

Sony replied "There's no fun without bargaining while shopping" and Shriya "It will be super fun to fight with them." He just mumbled "You guys are insane" and gave up arguing as he understood it will his waste of time and energy.

They bought so many things. Their shopping range included earrings, necklaces, shoes, dupattas, accessories bangles and almost everything a woman ever needs.

Barun wondered "Why do you have to buy them here, when you can get them in Mumbai" but didn't dare ti speak his mind as he knew arguing with them will be useless.

He asked Naveen "Will they ever get to use all these things and the latter said "Even god doesn't know that."

Shriya bought four sets whatever she liked, while Sony took two sets and Brahmini three sets.

He was confused and asked when they were shopping in the first stall and Shriya answered "For Manvi, Gouthami, Preeti and for me each", Sony said "One for Pumpkin and the other for me".

Brahmini said "One for my mom, one for Naveen's mom and the other for me". They giggled seeing his expression. He thought for a moment and said "I will pay" and they said at a time "You said that" and he just nodded.

Naveen said to Barun "You might go bankrupt brother. You shouldn't have said that" and Barun explained "Don't worry brother. I will collect double the amount from their men" and Naveen said "Then I will pay for my woman" and his reply earned a chuckle from the iceberg.

They spent so much time selecting things. When they left to another shop, Barun paid for all that and his men carried the bags for him.

After coming out of second shop, Shriya asked "What's taking him so long to pay the bill ?" and he said who came behind her said "The amount you asked and the one he said isn't tallying and the shop owner is both in confusion and happiness as you guys emptied almost half of his store. He even gave me a few things for free".

Sony asked "But it's a girls emporium". He ignored her when she asked "What did he give you ?" She made a pout and followed behind him. Brahmini joked "He must be collecting stuff for his future wife." and her both friends said "It's impossible".

Sony ran to him and struck her tongue out saying "Don't worry. It will be a practice for you for future" and he said "Thanks for the advise".

They took break only for a half and an hour time for dinner and resumed to shopping. The bought so much stuff that both the helpers, driver, Naveen, Barun had to carry the bags and women had to carry one bag each too. But the total bill was far less than what Barun expected.

It was almost midnight when they finished and everyone are dead tired. Barun thought "Am I in hell now ? Is this what they call hell ? I want to rest. How come these delicate women are still able to shop while we can't evenfeel our own body parts. Won't they get tired now".

They reached hotel late and the room was packed with stuff. Even Barun's room was filled with stuff as he did some shopping too.

Later that morning they didn't wake up early as they are tired. They woke up in the early afternoon and started getting ready for the engagement party of Vamshi.

Women wore simple long dresses while men wore casual attire and it was an hour journey from hotel.

When they reached there, it was already evening and Vamshi came out to invite them all. Shriya was not so comfortable with meeting her relatives because of the incidents that took place before and how she moved out from there.

Vamshi understood her inconvenience and assured her "You don't have to worry about anything. Dad has been waiting for you eversince I told him you were coming."

She smiled and Vamshi turned to others and said "Come in guys please". Shriya entered the house and saw that nothing has changed from before except for a few decorations.

The house was in complete festive mood and everything was decorated in a warm and beautiful way. Vamshi wore a navy blue kurta. Vamshi took them inside and there they saw his father RangaRao managing work.

He saw her and his eyes lit up with happiness and love afterall he is her maternal uncle. He smiled calling out "Beta". She ran to him "Mama". He hugged her asking "How are you beta ?"

She said she was fine and after exchanging a few greetings she introduced her friends and he invited them all with a warm smile.

He then took them inside so that they can sit and rest. He asked aboit her whereabouts and wellbeing and also about Preeti. Vamshi brought his fiancee there so that they can meet.

The girl is so warm and outgoing and she soon got friendly with all of them and they spent the entire time together.

Vamshi's mother saw Shriya but she didn't greet them, she just smiled for the sake of formality and went on with her work.

Barun and Naveen left these women only when they are surrounded by women. Whenever they met with men, they made sure tobe around them because of what happened with Vamshi's brother with Preeti.

Even Naveen's father made sure not to let his younger son anywhere near them. Shriya just got a glimpse of him from afar. She was happy for her cousin ans he said that the couple will move to Mumbai after marriage she felt even more happy.

Soon the ceremony ended and guests started to leave. Even these people want to leave but had to wait as RangaRao wanted to talk to his niece for some time.

Mrs. Rangarao came to them after seeing the guests off and sat infront of them and both her husband and elder son are out for some work. Shriya felt unesay and just as expected the first sentence that came out of her aunt's mouth hurt her so much.

Long chapter equal to one and a half chapter. I didn't get time to separate them.

Good night


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