
My love story by Abhishek Malhotra

Abhishek is a famous actor in India and is known for his sincerity at work place. He is a cold, mysterious and oof person. His first love is Shriya Sheren, who is an orphan. He follows her for almost three years , without her knolwedge. But he comes in front of her one day, seeing him she asks him "Aren't you the famous Actor Abhishek Malhotra, Are you the one who wants to spend the night with me." Next morning Abhishek offered her coffee with a smile on his face and said " Last night you promised me that you will let me take care of you." Will she accept his proposal to stay with him. What happens if she decides to stay with him and what are her reasons to become a mistress all of a sudden.. How Abhi is going to be make her his women and what happens when he decided to stay with her for a long time. Will she be able to manage his high profile status and become worthy to be his girlfriend. How does her life change after she met that dream man of all the girls in the entire country. Thought: "What you have left with is more important than what you have lost".

sweetykim · Teen
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586 Chs

Harry the psychiatrist

After a while, a man wearing a black suit and back pants with black leather shoes entered the parking lot of the apartments and knocked on Abhi's car's window glass.

Abhi rolled down the glass and the man bowed to him in respect. Abhi nodded and saw the man who was carrying the box in his hands. He opened the door. The man was carrying a big box with beer in his hands. Abhi walked towards the elevator with the man following behind his master.

After entering the elevator Abhi took the box from the man, though he said he will carry it to the door step if the condo. He didn't want others to know about the place where he lives. He likes a quiet and peaceful atmosphere than all flashing light's attention on him.

Though the box looked heavy and large, Abhi carried it with so much ease. He pressed the buttons in the elevator to his floor and went up.

He pushed open the door with one hand while the other is busy carrying the box. And he didn't see neither Shriya nor Harry in the living room. He placed the box on the table which is near the shoe cabinet.

He went into the kitchen and saw a scene which shocked him the most. Shriya was busy cooking and Harry sat on the kitchen cabinet folding his both legs. He removed the top buttons of his shirt and his pale skin is visible. He folded the shirt sleeves of his shirt so that it doesn't come in between his work.

Shriya was mixing the dough while Harry was busy cutting the onions. They were chit chatting about both the Malhotra brothers, Abhi and Rahul. To be precise they were making fun of them behind their backs.

Shriya was laughing out loud with her whole heart and Abhi couldn't help feel happy and a warm smile painted on his lips. But he maintained a fake angered expression and with a cold face and in a cold voice while walking towards them "What is so funny that you people are enjoying so much ?".

Shriya turned around and looked at the man and said with a smile "Harry is narrating your childhood stories and they are funny", she then turned towards the kitchen while working and said "You are such a bully back then and I guess you did so many naughty things too."

Abhi walked towards her and he took a brown colored apron with yellow duckling printed from the cabinet and put it over her and tied the knots behind her back. She moved a bit so she could give him some access to tie it and after finishing he leaned in and back hugged her.

He asked her once again "What are you making ?, I already told you that dinner will be hear and not to worry much".

Abhi spoke as there were only two people in the room completely ignoring Harry's existence. Harry said with his red eyes full of tears "I am the one who is working hard. See my ghost like eyes".

Shriya smiled at the man's complaints and said "Harry wanted to eat Pakoda, so I am making some".

Harry said excitedly "Yes, I like Beer with hot pakoda", and he asked looking at Abhi "Did you bring the beer?".

Abhi nodded but asked immediately "Do you really want to drink a carton of beers. Don't you think it's a bit to much for both of us ?"

Harry said "But we are three here. three for each one of us."

Abhi gave a killer gaze to his friend and asked "How did you two become so friendly in such a short amount of time."

Harry said with a complimenting tone "Your woman really is amazing and a genius. She already guessed what we did." Saying so he handed her the onion slices.

Abhi looked at his woman who was now mixing both onion and the dough. She smiled at him "I heard your call earlier. And most importantly I know you won't leave me alone with a bad man. So I guessed you were testing me".

Abhi made a complimentary sigh with his fingers while Harry made a thumbs up with a smile.

Abhi asked while helping her fry those snacks. He asked "What else did this man say to you ?".

Shriya smiled and said "Nothing much, about your few girlfriends back from your college and high school and how you bullied others with your cold nature".

Abhi frowned and looked at his friend. He asked in a helpless manner "When did I ever bully others and what do you mean by girlfriends ?".

Harry jumped down from the cabinet and stood against it by placing his hands on it and taking it's support. He accused Abhi "Of course you are a bully back then, You always gave a cold shoulder to those girls who wanted to be your girlfriend and fangirls and you treated them like dirt. And you even beat me up two times back in the day".

Abhi laughed mockingly at his friend and said "That's because you messed around and I couldn't help but involve being the class monitor".

Shriya looked at Harry and asked "So you really did mess around back then ?, at such an young age".

Harry shrugged his shoulders without much feelings and said "Every person commits mistakes and I also did. Moreover, it was because of that rain".

Abhi shook his head asking his friend not to say anything further but Harry already said something that Shriya didn't like.