
My love story by Abhishek Malhotra

Abhishek is a famous actor in India and is known for his sincerity at work place. He is a cold, mysterious and oof person. His first love is Shriya Sheren, who is an orphan. He follows her for almost three years , without her knolwedge. But he comes in front of her one day, seeing him she asks him "Aren't you the famous Actor Abhishek Malhotra, Are you the one who wants to spend the night with me." Next morning Abhishek offered her coffee with a smile on his face and said " Last night you promised me that you will let me take care of you." Will she accept his proposal to stay with him. What happens if she decides to stay with him and what are her reasons to become a mistress all of a sudden.. How Abhi is going to be make her his women and what happens when he decided to stay with her for a long time. Will she be able to manage his high profile status and become worthy to be his girlfriend. How does her life change after she met that dream man of all the girls in the entire country. Thought: "What you have left with is more important than what you have lost".

sweetykim · Teen
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586 Chs

Abhi spoiled the mood.

Abhi walked out of the room in a hurry but he maintained his usual cool and asked in his indifferent tone. There is no panic or tension in his voice. He just asked "What do you mean ? Did you tell her about Shriya."

Rahul explained being afraid that his brother might misunderstand the situation "No, I didn't tell her any details about Sisla. I just told her that you have a girlfriend."

Abhi relaxed down a little and asked "Didn't mom ask you anything after that ?"

Rahul said "I didn't give her that chance. I immediately hung up on her."

Abhi scolded his brother "Didn't I tell you not to tell her everything at once?".

Rahul explained "I don't know how she found out either. I called her and before I could say anything she yelled at me without giving me any chance to talk. I think I need to talk to Gouthami about this."

Abhi understood the situation and he didn't blame his younger brother. He even consoled his brother "Well life is full of variables. Don't worry and talk to her."

Rahul nodded and he felt a sense of relief when he heard his brother. He wanted to inform his brother so that the latter wouldn't blabber anything more than the required.

Just then Abhi received a text message from Naveen. He opened the text and after reading it he sighed and shook his head walking towards the elevator.

The text said "Sorry sir, Because of some urgent and unavoidable situation I have to go out. I know you are home early and are with madam. But if you need anything please inform me".

Naveen is not the kind of person who ditches work for some unimportant matters. Unless and until it was important, he wouldn't have gone out without telling.

Abhi went to the parking lot but he couldn't go to the convenience store on his own. He didn't even bring a mask or something to cover his face. If he really went, he would have surely made a headlines of the next day's newspaper.

He dialled a number and spoke to someone. Then he sat in the car for sometime waiting. Remembering something suddenly he called Kunal.

* * * * * *

Kunal was about to kiss his woman when his phone rang. He moved away from her with a unsatisfied and slightly frustrated expression on his face and he muttered to himself in slow voice under his breath "I should kill this person".

Sony couldn't help but laugh seeing his frustrated face. Kunal took out his phone from his jacket's pocket and glanced at the screen.

He answered the phone and the person on other end said "Hello".

Kunal said in a cursing tone "I didn't know you were such a mood spoiler".

Abhi frowned and said in annoyance "Don't act like a sissy, man".

Kunal cursed "F**k man,"

Abhi was a bit surprised when he heard his friend and he could hear some feminine giggles behind his friend's voice. He asked ignoring his friend's curse "Where are you and whom are you with ?"

Kunal was about to say something when Abhi continued "Did I disturb you just now. You must be with Pumpkin right ?".

Kunal shook his head and said "No, I am with this silly girl", saying so he pinched her nose tip and she smiled.

Abhi was once again pleasantly surprised and he said "Enjoy, I will talk to you later. Abhi didn't want to disturb them. He knew his stubborn friend is very tight lipped and it is very rare for him to spend some quality time with his woman. So he decided to give them some space.

But before he could hung up on his friend, Kunal asked "What happened ? You sound distressed". Kunal and Abhi have been friends for many years now and it was a very strong bond and they shared some brotherhood with each other. They can understand each other even without expressing words.

Abhi said in his cold and indifferent way "Nothing much, Just so many things are happening all at a time. That's it".

Kunal pulled Sony into his arms but he continued his call with his friend. He asked "I heard you went to Company today."

Abhi just nodded and said a "Hmm" and Kunal asked "You must be tired because of that." Kunal know how much Abhi hates going to company so he consoled her.

Kunal asked "Where are you?" and Abhi replied "I am going out to get some beer".

Kunal asked "Beer at this hour?". Kunal know Abhi don't like alcohol and he can't handle it much, except for a few sips in some parties and gatherings when others make a toast with him. So he couldn't help but ask his friend for the reason.

Abhi briefed him about Harry's arrival and the other things and Kunal listened to him and just made a 'humm ' sound. After listening to everything he told, Kunal suggested "Take it slow man. I am worried about that kid."

Sony looked at him with confusion and he smiled at the woman in his embrace reassuringly.

Kunal asked "You should have asked Naveen to get the beer. You can't go out at this time".

Abhi suddenly remembered when Kunal brought Naveen's name. He changed the topic suddenly and said in an concerned away. "You can't let the paparazzi to get your's and Shriy's pictures".

Abhi nodded said to his friend "I already asked someone to get the beer and I am waiting in the car. As for Naveen help me look into his background."

Kunal was now curious when he heard his friend. Kunal said "Why ? we always know everything about him. We made a thorough investigation before appointing him."

Abhi didn't reply to his friend and said "Just send me the details to my office tomorrow and ask your woman to prepare for the party on 31st night."

Sorry friends. After Harry 2 its Harry and then cimes Mrs.Malhotra is furious .

Technical problem.

Gud ni8 guys.

sweetykimcreators' thoughts