
My Love since Forever

They have known each other for so long, Lin did not know when her feelings for Chen has changed and why, but all of a sudden, she felt shy towards him but at the same time, she wanted to stay close. Chen was the school idol, not only was he handsome but was top of his class as well, but he only has his eyes set for one girl, Lin, who happens to be his sisters' best friend. "Lin, since you don't have a date for prom, why don't you just ask my brother?" Quin was her best friend ever since they were little, the two were inseparable. Little Sis:[Now is your time brother, be here tomorrow at seven in the evening, Lin has no date for prom] My Brother:[I will be there.] ------------------------------------- "Thank you for coming today Chen, if it were not for you, it would have been troublesome for me." Lin said while letting out a sigh, she never wanted this night to end. "If anyone tries to bother you, just tell them that you already have a boyfriend." Chen said, although his tone was rather calm, but his heart was about to jump out of his chest, it's now or never. "Hahahaha, yeah right, an imaginary boyfriend would be so convincing." Lin looked at the boy and saw how serious his face was. "It doesn't have to be invisible, just tell them it's me." Chen looked at the girls' reaction, "Well until such time you find someone you really like Lin" he immediately blurted out. Lin's heart was doing a summersault, it's now or never Lin, "O.....kay then" she whispered.

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Fua Lin was not even looking at him, was there something wrong, Gao Chen thought really hard, could it be because she misunderstood that he liked someone else, is this why she would not even look at him or say more than one-liner to him?

Somehow this annoyed Gao Chen, he just wanted to ease her burden a little bit but the stubborn girl won't even talk to him nor look at him, so to clear the misunderstanding he decided to do a bold move "Give me your phone." Gao Chen suddenly asked dryly.

"Why do you need my phone for?" Fua Lin asked, arching her brows, but refused to look at him still, she was still confused as to why he was treating her well even if he already has someone he likes, she was happy every time they talked over the phone, but it suddenly dawned to her that she might not be the only he was talking too as well, she could have sworn she forgot about this issue with all that has happened, but this boy just keeps hanging around her.

"Just give it to me, since you refuse to talk to me in person then perhaps you can talk to me over the phone then." he blurted out.

"I don't have it." she simply said, but the next moment she heard her ringtone, this brat is calling her now. Gao Chen suddenly looked back inside the room, aha, her phone was just lying on the bed, so with his long legs he strode towards the direction of her phone. She suddenly realized how he saved Gao Chens' name on her phone, she then ran towards the same direction, but she was too late, the boy already got hold of her phone and was looking at it in utter disbelief and happiness?

Gao Chen was looking intently at the phones in his hand, one was calling "My Sweetheart" while the other says "My Love" calling, woah, he did not expect this at all, he thought it was just one-sided but it seems Fua Lin share the same feelings as him, his heart was about to jump out of his chest, like he ran a marathon, like his soul left him and came back bringing a ray of sunshine, he was beyond happy at this revelation. Then before he can say something, the phone was snatched from his hands, "Give me that, you can't just take my phone, you brute!" Fua Lin said, but her face was already red, could he have seen his name on my phone, why did I have to save his name that way, she slapped herself in her head a hundred times over.

And before she knew it, her phone rang again, it was still Gao Chen calling, before she successfully ended the call, her wrist was pulled so she can face him, he was smiling at her and showed her his phone, it is calling "My Sweetheart" and her phone was ringing at the same time "My Love" calling. She was stunned to the core, was she imagining things, Gao Chen saved her number as "My Sweetheart", does that mean, she looked at him wide-eyed, her cheeks began to turn velvet red, does this mean,....she just can't continue with her train of thoughts, this was just too surreal.

Gao Chen did not wait for her to speak, this is the chance that he has been waiting for, to confess his feelings to this girl, "I hope this clears all the misunderstanding you have." he then silently got the food tray from the table and guided the still dazed girl to sit in the sofa. "No matter how tired you feel, you still need to eat. You need to take of yourself for you take care of grandma." because everything has already been revealed, there is no point of him holding back with showing how much he cared for Fua Lin.

"Do you need me to feed you sweetheart?" he said softly and this got the girls' attention. It seemed that everything that happened was real, so he was not talking with someone other than her, he was his sweetheart all along, this made her heart flutter, and she felt a bit dizzy, what was their relationship now? She also felt a little embarrassed that the boy also discovered her feelings for him, everything is just happening way too fast for her.

"It's okay, I can..do it myself" she said shyly and stuttered lightly, then grab the spoon for him, but his hand clasped hers, "I know this is not the right time, but I simply want you to know how I feel." then he let go of her hand and urged her to take a spoonfull of noodles. "This is good." she smiled warmly at him while taking another spoonfull. They were both top of their classes, so Gao Chen thought no words were needed since their feelings for each other seemed mutual.