
My Love since Forever

They have known each other for so long, Lin did not know when her feelings for Chen has changed and why, but all of a sudden, she felt shy towards him but at the same time, she wanted to stay close. Chen was the school idol, not only was he handsome but was top of his class as well, but he only has his eyes set for one girl, Lin, who happens to be his sisters' best friend. "Lin, since you don't have a date for prom, why don't you just ask my brother?" Quin was her best friend ever since they were little, the two were inseparable. Little Sis:[Now is your time brother, be here tomorrow at seven in the evening, Lin has no date for prom] My Brother:[I will be there.] ------------------------------------- "Thank you for coming today Chen, if it were not for you, it would have been troublesome for me." Lin said while letting out a sigh, she never wanted this night to end. "If anyone tries to bother you, just tell them that you already have a boyfriend." Chen said, although his tone was rather calm, but his heart was about to jump out of his chest, it's now or never. "Hahahaha, yeah right, an imaginary boyfriend would be so convincing." Lin looked at the boy and saw how serious his face was. "It doesn't have to be invisible, just tell them it's me." Chen looked at the girls' reaction, "Well until such time you find someone you really like Lin" he immediately blurted out. Lin's heart was doing a summersault, it's now or never Lin, "O.....kay then" she whispered.

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23 Chs

Felt Warm

Soon he saw Fua Lin, with blood all over her uniform, sitting and crying silently while staring blankly at her hands, how his heart ached, so he did not waste time and went to her as fast as his legs would allow. Fua Lin finally noticed someone standing in front of her, so when she looked up and saw it was Gao Chen, she immediately stood up but did not know what to do next, she can no longer hold the tears as it streamed uncontrollably on her cheeks.

Gao Chen then closed the distance and hugged Fua Lin tightly, as he patted her back to comfort the shaking girl. She just cried her heart out, she did not know when she became this comfortable with Gao Chen, but it seems that he was really someone that she could rely on, so she did not hold back.

"Everything will be alright sweetheart.....it will be alright, I'm here..."Gao Chen continued to comfort Fua Lin, he did not even noticed that he called her dotingly, it just came out naturally, while the girl slowly calmed herself down.

"My grandma has been in the operation room since six in the evening, it has been almost two hours Gao Chen, what if something went wrong." Fua Lin said as she was still held by Gao Chen in his arms.

"Don't overthink, maybe they are just making sure that nothing would go wrong." he said as he continued to pat her back. Just as she was about to say something again, the door of the operating room opened, and her grandma was still lying in the stretcher pale-looking, but the doctor that came out with her said that the operation was successful.

"The operation was successful although she lost a lot of blood, the patient has the will the survive. We will have to put her in ICU first, and if there are no other complications in the next twenty-four hours, then we will send her to a regular room."

"Thank you very much, doctor." Gao Rui said, as he let out a sigh of relief, Fua Zhao, left both Fua Lin and Grandma in his care, good thing nothing really bad happened, but what just happened? He will need to talk to Fua Lin afterwards before calling his good friend.

After Fua Lins' grandmother was settled in the ICU, she finally felt a little relieved, she will never let her mother get close to her and her grandmother ever again, she swears to it.

"Thank you for your help today Uncle Gao." she respectfully said to Gao Rui.

"We are a family Fua Lin, your father left you and your grandmother in my care. I'm sorry that I have not done a good job lately."

"It is okay Unce Gao, we are truly blessed to have you watch over us."

"For now, go home and change your clothes. Gao Chen, take her home first and take her to our home so she can spend the night there." Gao Rui ordered and gave his son the key to his car.

"But Uncle Gao, I want to stay here and watch over grandma." Fua Lin insisted.

"Xiao Lin, tomorrow grandma will be transferred to a regular room, then you can stay over, okay?" Gao Rui said and patted Fua Lins' head.

Gao Chen looked at his father, "Take care of Fua Lin son." then he turned around and went to where the ICU rooms were.

Inside the car...

"What do you want to eat? I will cook it for you once we get home." Gao Chen tried to distract her from what just happened this afternoon.

"You know how to cook?" it worked, Fua Lin looked up, while she tried to wipe the blood from her hands with a wet wipe.

"You bet, just tell me what you want and I will make it for you." then he noticed the girl harshly rubbing the wet wipe on her hand to remove the blood, so he enclosed both her hands in his.

"Stop that, you will hurt yourself. Take a shower immediately after getting home, then take some clothes since you will be staying with us for the next few days." then he squeezed her hands a little when she did not say anything.

Fua Lin was at a lost for words, she was just traumatized seeing the blood from her grandmother, and staying outside the operating room for painstakingly two hours, but it's strange that she felt warm knowing that Gao Chen is beside her. Not long after they arrived home, and the first thing that Fua Lin saw was the blood in their living room, she hastily walked over and tried to clean the mess, because she was still in a daze, she did not notice how her eyes reddened and her whole body shaking as she almost fell over. It seems that Fua Lin has reached the limit of her body, she suddenly felt weak in the knees and she felt dizzy as well, if not for Gao Chen, she would have fallen face first on the floor.