
My love, only for you

This story revolves around a polite, kind and loving 18 year old girl named Lee Jinjing and a 20 year old Sheng Liang Jinjing is born in a fairly rich household to loving parents. An only child, even then she is well raised and disciplined. Puts family first. Good at everything she does. She is a father’s girl. On the other hand the male lead belongs to an extremely rich family with a huge empire extended to many domains. As the heir to the Sheng empire, Sheng Liang is confident, strong and aloof. Well trained and educated. Born to lead and conquer. Set along this wonderful journey of youthful romance with heartbreak, longing and snu snu ☺️ The cover page is not mine. Taken from Pinterest. All the credit goes to the creator of the cover page

adzu · Urban
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172 Chs

Win her over

Luwei found the expression on Liang's face to be hilarious. For the first time in so many years, he did not detest this man, rather pitied him. Luwei could see the love for Jinjing in Liang's eyes. On account of that, he decided to help the two patch up.

Wanting to prove her man's innocence and show off the depth of their love, Samantha said to Luwei "baby…. Let me…" He simply nodded in agreement, an affectionate smile on his handsome face.

Taking over, Samantha explained everything.

"Mr. Sheng! Jinnie is a very dear friend of ours. Even though Luwei loved her immensely before, but she did not reciprocate." Lovingly, her arms encircled Luwei's shoulder.

she continued "Due to his persistence, she decided to befriend him. My man stayed by her side hoping to gain her love but she did not budge. Because she could never let go off her first love…. which I guess is you." She paused briefly to look at his face full of guilt.

All this while, Luwei was gently stroking her back and held a soft gaze for her.

Samantha turned to lock her eyes with Luwei's. Tenderly cupping his face, she said, still looking at him "in fact she was the one to bring us together and I am eternally thankful to her for helping me win such a remarkable man's heart." Saying so, she swiftly pecked on Luwei's lips, shunning all her inhibitions.

Liang was looking at the couple but not really seeing. He was lost in his thoughts. On one hand he was elated that, all along Jinjing loved only him but, on the other he was upset with himself for not taking a strong stand in the past. Due to his carelessness, they lost five years of being together.

He shut his eyes and relived all the lovely memories. Their closeness, their want for each other and their endless love made him smile. He tried to imagine, had they not separated, how intense would their affection be today. He was utterly dismayed.

Taking a deep breath, he rubbed his face with his now cold hands and opened his eyes. Liang saw that the couple was staring at him. He alternated his gaze between the two.

Sensing his predicament, Luwei spoke up "she is in city B, at her parent's." motivating him he said "go win her over…. All the best."

Liang steadily stood up and with new found admiration for Luwei, extended his hand forward for a friendly handshake. Luwei stood up as well. Taking Liang's hand he squeezed it hard. Not expecting it, Liang grimaced. Looking at his questioning gaze Luwei said "this was for adding laxative to my drink." Liang realized what he was talking about.

Luwei let out a hearty laugh before loosening his grip. He firmly shook his hands, signaling his complete support.

"thank you…. And sorry for yesterday." Liang did not hesitate to apologize for his misunderstanding.

Nodding at Samantha, he speedily left the office.

All the way back to his hotel, Liang had a silly grin on his face. The formerly gloomy scenery looked absolutely picturesque now. The moment he entered his room he called in for some food. The appetite he had lost, returned enlarged. Right now, he could eat an entire elephant.

Waiting for the food, Liang quickly packed up all his stuff and instructed assistant Lu to book the earliest flight back home. When the food was finally served, he gorged on it as if, he was starved for years.

With the change of plans, Liang would now fly out of city S later that night.

An extra chapter compensating for yesterday.

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