

At last school started,a new term in a new class, Rachael was so happy to start a new class that she have waited to be in. I was in ss1 and now ss3,wow!"time goes fast"I said.

On my way to school I couldn't hold my excitement, cause I have really missed my classmate even though I really did not have a close friend cause I was not the social type also don't like to talk much. I decided that I would become less quiet and more social,with this decision I hope my day would go well and very memorable. Unknowing to me,my day would not be as good as I planned it to be.

On getting to the gate I saw my vice principal who was with a cane flogging all the late comer,I became so frightened wondering how I arrived school so late even though I woke up so early to do everything but still came late. He requested me to stretch out my hands,I was so lost in thought that I didn't know it was my turn to be flogged then I heard a loud voice saying "I said stretch out your hands or are u deaf",said Mrs Sofia my principal,I immediately came back to my senses and replied,no ma then did was i was told only to received two hot wipes on my hands it was so painful that I almost wanted to let out tears but held it back. Getting to the school,assembly was all ready over so I went straight to my class,we had the classes like English and so on.

Break time reached,while we were having our lunch a gal walked into my class with the help of Mr Bolawon my math teacher who showed her the class to enter,she introduced herself as Bunmi,I thought I could be nice to offer her a seat but no my attitude won't l let me do that so I left her to cater for herself. Gosh how uncaring of me to do that,I thought to myself by the end of school I will approach her and maybe begin a conversation with her to God be the glory it went smooth as planned, at least I ended the day with a smile even though I didn't do what I planned to,which was so painful.