

Two weeks later,while in school that day I was about to get lunch from the cafeteria with my best friend Bunmi,well we grew closer by the end of last two weeks,she also became my seat partner,at least I have a best fiend now. On our way to the cafeteria we met a boy on house ware we already knew he was a new intake,all of a sudden Bunmi was so excited but I wasn't because I didn't find anything about him to be happy or excited about. "Wow!so we have a new intake I hope he his in our class cause I would like to be his friend, damn he is so cute isn't he"Bunmi asked with an happy face looking directly at me, get off it girl haven't you seen so many cute guys before why are u being so excited over such little things well to me he is not my type of guy. Bunmi glared at me in terrifying way which made me look away. What do you know about guys not being your type when you have refused to open your heart to any other guy after your ex,that guy doesn't deserve love in his life am telling you Bunmi said, Bunmi better stop trying to mock me indirectly,yes i felt in love with the wrong guy,what did I just say babe all guys are the same,play with your emotions then back out I won't repeat such a mistake again,love na scam. Even though I was feeling so hurt remembering all this but it all in the past,She realized that I was becoming upset talking about my ex so she decided to change the topic and we ate our lunch in peace. Later that day the new student came into our class and introduced himself as Somto well we were in maths class so the teacher asked him to have his seat on any empty chair well all eyes were on him especially all the girls in my class,suddenly Bunmi whispered into my ear I knew he would be in our class I can't wait for this class to come to an end. At last the class ended Bunmi hurriedly went to meet him after waiting so patiently,girls were mostly around him asking him different question I said in my mind I will never do this in life.

Later that day while I was resting my head on the table I heard a voice saying please can I borrow your maths note I looked up just to find out that it was the new student Somto,I replied in a rude manner saying,why do u need my note can't you go meet others or am I the only one that have a maths note ehh,you saw me sleeping but your common sense of reasoning didn't tell you to ask someone else,Rachael ahh na he only want your note is not like you were in a deep sleep self Bunmi interrupted,Somto could not stand the insult Rachael give him so he left with anger clearly written on his face. I continued with my drama this time refering to Bunmi,I was not talking to you ooo big mouth if you did not want me to insult him you could have asked him want he wanted before disturbing me then I carried my bags and left the schools,people who saw what happened kept on criticizing me but I didn't care I just headed home.