
The Alpha’s Daughter

* Nelika *

"Are you ready for school sweetheart?"

My mother smiled at me while looking at the red and white checkered skirt that I am wearing, it is paired with a white long sleeve top and a necktie similar to my skirt. I hate wearing my skirt, but I can't do anything about it. The excitement I felt in going back to school for the first time after a long vacation is gone when I put on the skirt. My lips pouted and I pulled the skirt up.

"Mom, can I removed this and wear those pants instead."

The smile on my mother's face faded and she shook her head. "No! It's the rules of the school sweetie we must follow. And you only wear skirts when going to school so what's the matter?"

"But isn't Daddy make the rules?"

Her hand took the brush on top of the small table in my room. "Yes, Daddy makes the rules for the pack, however for the children in school, it is the school principal. You are a girl my love and skirts are for girls so you cannot wear those pants all the time."

I stomp my foot in black shiny shoes with plain white socks. My hair is now longer than last year and my mother refuses to give me a haircut. It makes me feel hot sometimes that is why I always carry a rubber band to tie it when I play with friends at school.

"How long before I go to high school mom?" I ask once again, one of my friends told me that we don't have to wear uniforms in high school so I can finally throw this silly skirts. I hate looking like the girls in the class, I don't even like talking to them.

"One more year sweetheart, take your time. Don't be in such a hurry to grow up, enjoy playing with friends at school OK?"

She bend down and kiss my cheeks. Just like the usual, my father is not around to send me to school in the morning as he goes to work early. I could only see him in the evening when its time for dinner. My father is always busy working to keep the pack safe and our family business growing. Today is Friday and it makes me feel excited that tomorrow I don't have to go to school that is something I can look forward to.

"Alright mom, I'm going now."

I told her before she could say another word which I'm tired of hearing. "Take care of yourself Nelika and don't hang out with the boys too much! I am not talking to your father about that but if you keep it up, we will have a problem!"

I heard her shouting before I reach the doorknob of the main door. Beta Loki is already waiting for me near the gates. The warrior guard opened the gates when he saw me running.

"Good morning Nelika!"

I smiled at him and nodded. "Good morning Mister Knobbs!"

Beta Loki approach us with the white Jaguar that he uses to drive me to school. "Hop in Nelika, you will be late for school."

I remove the backpack from my back and opened the door beside him. Unlike my friends who have a driver and prefer to sit at the back, I prefer to sit with Beta Loki in the front. he is also one of my trainers at the training hall. He first taught me self defense even as a child which my father strongly agrees.

My mother hates the idea but I can clearly remember what my father told her. "She is my daughter my love, as the daughter of an Alpha she needs to learn at an early age. This is good for her, it is so that the people and the other wolves cannot bully her. Remember Alpha Xander of the West and how young he is when he started joining the warriors of the pack. He even spars with the Royal pack warriors at the age of nine, the Alpha King is so amazed by how young he is!"

It is often that I heard my father talk about the other Alpha, no one earned my father's respect aside from the Alpha King and the Alpha of the West. The Alpha King is my uncle and he is fond of me too. I wonder how is Luna Ashley doing, I heard she's pregnant and it's twins.

"We're finally here!"

Beta Loki snap at my face when he notices that my mind is elsewhere. "Oh! Thank you Beta Loki."

He park on the side of the road where the other cars are also waiting for the students to get down from their vehicle. The tall and wide gates are open and I can hear the loud noise of my schoolmates teasing and laughing at each other inside the campus.

"You're welcome Nelika, be good in school, and don't bully your classmates."

I smile at him sarcastically.

"Of course not, you have to worry if they bully me."

Beta Loki smiled when I removed my seat belt and took my backpack. "No one bullies the daughter of an Alpha Nelika, not unless they are an enemy of the pack."

I smiled at him and push the door open then step out and close it back again. He didn't drive away, I can feel his eyes watching me as I walk towards the gate of the school. The security guard standing at the gates notice me and smiled, he knows who I am since the first year I attended school.

"Good morning young miss."

"Good morning Mister Oswald, you can call me Nelika by the way. I don't like the sound of young miss in my ears."

I pretended to remove some dirt in my ears and that made him laugh. "Nelika it is then."

He bows his head towards me and I just nodded before I turned away and left to follow the path to my classroom.

"Good morning Nelika!"

The voice coming from one of my classmates rang through my ears. I turned around and saw Walter coming toward me. "Good morning Walter!"

His chinky eyes turned into slits when he laugh while looking at my uniform up and down. "Forgive me but I think you always look awkward in a skirt Nelika."

I rolled my eyes upward and punch him in the shoulders not so lightly that it made him winch in pain. Walter is a softy he even acts more girlish than me. "Stop complimenting on my uniform and let us go."

"Ouch, you don't have to be so mean. I think my shoulders have fallen off."

I laugh and caress his shoulder. "I'm sorry my dear, I never thought that you are as fragile as a baby."

"You bet I am and your hands could get me bruise in no time. I don't think you can get a boyfriend with that attitude of yours, you are so rough!"

He pretended to get hurt and follow me. "Really?"

I stop and look at his shoulder which is covered by his plain white long sleeve top. His necktie hanging loose around his neck and the trousers that fitted his round body.

"Oh my God!"

I exclaimed dramatically and his eyes widened in surprise. "Why? what is it now Nelika?"

I cover my mouth and laugh. "What have you eaten during the weekend?"

His eyes turned into slits and his lips pouted. "Stop now or I am not talking to you anymore."

He sounded serious when I am about to tell him how he look twice since the last time I saw him. I know he loves to eat despite his chubby appearance. "You know my parents told me not to worry about my weight since I will lose all my baby fats when my wolf form develops."

I nodded my head as the tone of his voice return to normal, forgetting how hard I have hit him on the shoulders. I look at my hand and smile, did I became stronger than last time? I remember my father saying that I inherited his traits as an Alpha and I will never be weak. I am stronger than the other wolves because I am special and I might lead the Cold Mountain pack one day.

"Your right, that will be next year if we are not late bloomers."

His footsteps became lighter and the smile on his face widens. "I think we are special Nelika, you being the daughter of the Alpha and I being the son of your father's lead warriors. I cannot wait for that time to come.”

"Me too!"

I smiled widely as I thought of not wearing those silly skirts anymore. I push the door of our classroom open when we arrive at the front of our class. We sat next to each other in class so we often hang out and Walter loves to invite some of the boys to join us during lunch breaks too. Something that I don't mind since they behave well in front of me.