
An Exciting Weekend

* Nelika *

My footsteps are as light as a feather when I ran down the stairs and greeted everyone on the table. I could hear the rattling of spoons and forks from the kitchen, perhaps it's what woke me up on this beautiful morning. I slept well and I would have stayed longer in bed if it were not for the weekend training today.

"Good morning everybody!"

My mother smiles as she look at me on my training suit ready for the day. Today is Saturday and I don't have to go to school. My father glances at me from sitting on his chair and sipping at his coffee. I move forward to kiss my mother on the cheeks and then my father who raise and eye brow.

"You wake up late sweetheart, and I thought you are excited for the training today."

I grinned at him showing a deep dimple in my left cheek. "Sorry Dad, I was tired at school yesterday and slept too much."

I glance around looking for my Aunt Ayah. She said she will come for breakfast today so we could go together for training. Aside from Loki, I have my Aunt who is very supportive of me. My mother notice the gesture and wave her hand on my face.

"Ayah, will be late sweetie. She told me to let you go with Beta Loki today."

"Oh! I thought she's coming."

I am expecting her but sometimes my Aunt has a lot of things on her hand. She did not elaborate much on things that she does as she always says that I am too young to understand.

"Are you having pancakes with scrambled eggs Nelika dear?"

The warm voice coming from our help Laura made me look at the empty plate in front of me. I smiled and nodded to her. "Yes Laura, please. Thank you."

She winked at me and went to the kitchen to get my request. My mother took the warm glass of milk and put it near my plate. "You eat well sweetie, I know you love to do this stuff every weekend but you must be strong so that you can keep up with the warriors."

My father smile at me and tap my shoulders. "You make me proud Nelika, I always know you are special. We can't wait to see your full wolf form soon this is a great help for the day you begin to shift."

The weighed of his hand on my shoulder became heavy as I can feel the pressure in my mind, to give him more satisfaction in my role as his daughter. My father is the strongest Alpha in all four regions, that is what I believe. Even the Alpha King could not rival with him. Our pack is feared by the rogues and we have been at peace ever since I could remember.

"Of course Dad! By the way my friend Walter wants to join me for training this morning Dad."

"Good idea, Walter is doing well. I am glad you are friends with the warrior's children Nelika, having a good relationship with them means a better future for the pack. Think that when the parents perished their children will replace them, so you and Walter should learn while you are young."

"Oh, you will not perish dad. You will live for a long long time."

My mother smiled, I meet my father's eyes, and my heart feel proud to be praised by him. He rarely does it.

"This is to make you ready with everything Nelika."

His eyes held mine as he stated.

"Here are your favorites Nelika!"

Laura brought my food and place it on my plate. Breaking the serious moment with my father. "Thank you, Laura."

"You're welcome, Princess."

I almost vomit the milk which I had just drunk when I heard Laura's pet name for me, Princess. I don't like it, but I couldn't protest since my father is sitting at the table. However, a few seconds passed by and he stand up from his chair. "I must leave early for a meeting in the City, take care of the training Nelika I will make sure to join the warriors tomorrow."

My smile turned wider, hearing him already trusting me with such matter makes me feel glad. "Sure thing Dad."

He bent down to kiss my mother on the lips. "Take care love."

Their gazes locked and my father murmured. "Always, I love you both."

Then he move towards me and kiss my forehead before leaving the dining room. My mother look at the clothes I'm wearing. "The weather is getting cold sweetie aren't you going to wear something thicker?"

I shook my head and begin eating the pancakes before answering her. "No Mom, it will be hot later on when we start the training. So this is fine."

I shrugged my shoulders when my mother wrinkled her nose.

"Do not talk when your mouth is full sweetheart a lady should not act like that."

My eyes widened. "Well good thing, I am not a lady mom."


Her voice rose which made Laura come back to the table to check what is happening. I gulp down the food in my mouth.

"I, I'm sorry mom I didn't mean to make it sound rude."

I was stunned by myself as to how quickly my tongue answered her. My irritable feeling when she said the word lady. I don't like it when I feel like I have to act accordingly because I'm a girl, however, I was surprised that it made my mother angry too.

"Nelika, do not forget that you are an Alpha's daughter and it is not an excuse to do as you please. You have to be careful with your manners, I am telling you now because a few years from now you will be a fine young woman and then you will meet the perfect man for you, your mate, the wolf that you will marry. What would he say if he saw you acting like one of the boys at the table?"

My eyes widened in surprise, those things are too far from now. I am only turning thirteen next year! And to think my mother wants me to enjoy being young. I shut my mouth while looking at her. I know that if I say a word she will have more to say back and that will hurt my ears.

The sound of the car honking from outside told me that Beta Loki is already here.

"Sorry mom, I think I have to go Beta Loki and Walter are already waiting for me."

She looks at the door and nodded. "Make sure to take care of yourself Nelika. Boys will be boys and girls should be aware of their actions. A lady is defined by how she handles herself in every situation, you are my daughter. I love you and I will support whatever choices you make but make sure that you are happy and your father is proud of you."


I groaned but not too obvious as I do not want to make her upset. My father will scold me for answering her a few seconds ago, I regret that. I have never talked to her back no matter how annoying her words are. But today it happened so fast.

"I love you too mom. Bye, goodbye, Laura. Thanks for the delicious breakfast."

Laura furrowed her brows, I know she and my mother are teaming up all the time. If I am not in a hurry she will have something to say to me too.

"Take care Nelika."

She uttered when I opened the door and leave. I saw the white jaguar outside the gates and thought maybe Beta Loki have picked up Walter already before coming back to get me. Unlike usual, I woke up late today.

"Good morning Miss Nelika!"

The warrior guard greets me. "Good morning Mister knobbs, how are you?"

"Fine young miss, how about you?"

The smile on my lips faded. Did he hear about my mother raising her voice towards me this morning? I shook my head before I answer him. " I am well Mister knobbs, thank you for asking bye."

I step out of the gate and meet Walter who got out of the car to open the door beside Beta Loki for me.

"Get in Nelika! I couldn't wait to join the training today."

He exclaimed with his lips in a wide smile. "Oh! You are looking good!

I complimented him when I get inside the car, he went in on the passenger's side at the back. "Good morning Beta Loki!"

"Good morning Miss Nelika! I hope you had a full breakfast.”

I nodded my head recalling the incident with my mother. "Yes, I had a wonderful breakfast."

"Sounds great!"

He started the car and I stay silent while Walter keep talking behind us. His baby cologne lingered inside the car, which made me wonder if he baths with it today. I watch him in the rearview mirror and smiled.