
My love from another door

[dramatic teen romance. Warning!! too refreshing] "am Austin Filmore the first son of the owner of this school and the Filmore company." he said and looked at her. "okay" she said ' why is he talking to me?' she thought. "And you are?" he asked a bit frustrated. "kimberly smith" she said and he nodded. "why is your hair like that?" he asked wanting to open her hair to see her face when she hit his hand and everyone in the class gasped. "why did you do that?! show me your face Kimberly!!" he said frustrated and tried again but she dodged and hit his hand until he gave up."meet me on the roof at break" he whispered to her and she nodded and the teacher got in and taught and after a long long while it was break. Austin already left so Kim packed her stuff and took her lunch and put her headphones and headed to the roof. And of course they looked at the scary girl walking alone. she headed to stairs and went to the roof with her lunch and and a can in her other hand. she got to the roof and the twins left when they saw her and he was left with two of his friends, Dylan and Cole, who were supposedly also rich and beautiful. " I thought you wouldn't come" Austin said and his friends looked horrified by her. "austin?! is this her?" Cole asked and Austin nodded. "ok we'll be downstairs" Dylan said and they ran down the stairs. Kimberly looked at Austin and Austin did same. "show me your face now!!" he shouted and demanded and she shook her head "Do it or else I will get you expelled" he threatened. Kim remembered her mom's words 'dont get in trouble with anyone at the school because they are all rich and will ruin your life' she thought and then she sighed and put her lunch down. "okay but only to you" she said and parted her hair and showed her face. Austin's mouth dropped when he saw her face. hehe read to find out what she like!!

_amanda · Teen
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

hidden cottage

"W-what are you saying?" Kim said and hit Austin's chest and looked at the now darkened sky. They flew for a few hours and surprisingly they were not sleepy at all. Austin spent most of the time looking at Kim while Kim was lost in her own thoughts while looking outside.

"the jet will be landing in 3 minutes" the pilot announced and the two snapped back to reality. "we've arrived" Austin whispered in Kim's ear and and Kim nodded.

The jet landed and when the two got out a black Audi was waiting for them. A man in a black suit came out and bid and put their luggage in the back. Austin opened the door for Kim "my lady?" he said and Motioned her to get inside. They got inside and the driver started driving "ok now please tell me where we going!~" Kim begged and Austin looked at her "curious?" he teased and Kim slowly nodded "kiss" he said and pointed his cheek and Kim kissed his cheek "now tell" she demanded.

"uhm...it's hidden" he said and smirked "no neighbours or anything or anyone. Do you know what that means?" he asked and she shook her head "well my darling if no one is nearby, then no one can hear you scre...uhh...no one can watch us hehe" he said and laughed awkwardly while scratching the back of his head. 'what is wrong with me? why isn't it easy to even think about talking or doing dirty to her.*mental slap* get a hold of yourself Austin. She isn't like your past flings and this one should be for keeps' he mentally told himself.

"but..you didn't tell me what I wanted to hear" she said pouting slightly "driver how many more minutes till we arrive? because my girlfriend here will soon die of curiosity" he asked and looked at Kim "uhh...about 30 minutes or so" the driver informed and Kim sighed "its so dark outside and all I see are trees" she said and Kim pulled Kim in his embrace "rest a bit Kim I will wake you up when we arrive" he said and she nodded and hugged him tight.

They stayed like that until the car stopped "we've arrived" the driver said and Austin nodded. "kim wake up...we are here" he said and shook her and she woke up and looked at Austin and nodded and retreated from the hug and opened the door and got outside. She looked around, only to see a huge cottage hidden in the trees. It was huge, brown and fancy too.

"waa~ that's.. that's huge and... I love it!" she said and pulled Austin to the sliding door and he chuckled "am glad you like it" he said and opened the sliding door and Motioned her to come in and what she saw inside made her jaw drop to ground. A huge black sofa welcomed her and a big screen TV with a medium chimney underneath made the room cosy. The furniture was brown and a small square table was in the dining room.The stairs were dark brown and the ceiling was the same colour.

Kim suddenly shivered and Austin looked at her "its cold out here" she stated "mm, that's why I suggested cosy clothes" he said and opened Kim's suitcase and what he froze. Kim turned around to look at the boy who was quiet. "austin are al– ahhhhhh!" Kim's screamed upon seeing the lingerie and a box of condoms with a note saying 'just in case one thing leads to another'.

The two looked at the suitcase for a while until Austin took the box of condoms and looked at her "your mom is really wise" he said to tease her she hit his head lightly and Austin chuckled "and this... It is so very shmexy don't you think, darling?" he teased again as he took out the lingerie out of the bag "hey!! stop it! y-you pervert!" Kim said and took the two dirty things from him and put it back in the suitcase and took out a black sweater. "am not a pervert!...I just..just know what would look sexy on you know.." he said blushing while strangely pointing at her at the end of the sentence.

"whatever! Where is my room?" Kim said wearing her sweater and looked at Austin who was putting on a grey sweater. "your room? who said anything about getting your own room?" Austin said and took both suitcases and took them up the stairs and the confused Kim hastily followed him "huh? what do you mean by that?" she said as she followed him in the corridor up the stairs and Austin smiled and ignored her until they reached a huge white door with golden handles.

Austin pushed the door and a huge king sized bed came in Kim's view and a small round table with a vase of red roses and a huge mirror. A door that led to the bathroom was at the corner of the room "welcome to OUR room" he said and Kim's eyes widened as she looked at him "we are gong to s-sleep on the..the same bed?!" she asked he nodded.