
my love(taehyung x y/n)

xkookiex · Celebrities
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11 Chs

chapter 4

y/n pov

I woke to the sound of my brother, charlie, making breakfast.

charlie: hey

me: hey

charlie: you sound tired

me: duh

he rolled his eyes at me, then we heard our other brother, sebastian, making his way to the kitchen.

me: hey

charlie: hey bro

sebastian: hey, how did you guys know I was coming here?

me: you have loud ass steps

charlie: yeah

sebasian: no I don't

me: you do

sebastian: I swear if you don't stop I'm telling tae that you like him

me: oh fuck no

sebastian: ok fine chill sis

me: don't tell me what to do

charlie: damn

we had our breakfast then got in our car and were on our way to school.

-25 minutes later-

once I got inside the school I saw tae being pinned to the wall by sobbin and felix, I made my way towards them.

me: keep your fucking hands off him

felix: well make us

tae: stay out of this

me: tae just let me deal with it

I saw a shocked yet proud look on his face once we took felix and sobbin down.

tae: wow your self defense skills are good

me: thanks

then namjoon came.

me: hey god of destruction

namjoon: why do you call me that?

me: you break everything

tae: she's got a point

namjoon: seriously?

me: can we change the subject now?

tae: yeah

namjoon: ok so how is your relationship statues?

tae: shut the fuck up

me: yeah what he said

namjoon: I was just kidding

me: you better

tae: damn