
my love(taehyung x y/n)

xkookiex · Celebrities
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11 Chs

chapter 3

Taehyung pov

We were back home in our car, namjoon was sitting next to me and asked me an unexpected question.

namjoon: can I ask you a question?

me: yeah

namjoon: do you like y/n

me: no

namjoon: stop lying

me: ok fine, I do like her

jungkook: I knew it

me: how did you guys know?

jin: well first off you protect her

jimin: you also care about her

me: I guess you're right

yoongi: how long have you had a crush on her?

me: 2 years now

yoongi: damn tae, when are you gonna confess?

me: I don't know I'm just waiting for the right time

-20 minutes later-

We finally made it home, I couldn't stop thinking about what the others said, maybe I did make it clear that I liked her, I was lost in my thoughts when suddenly I heard a knock on my door, it was jin.

me: hey jin

jin: hey tae

me: why are you sill awake

jin: I wasn't tired

me: ok

Then we heard a knock it was j hope.

jin: hey

me: hey

j hope: hey guys

me: can I tell you guys something?

j hope: yeah

me: well as you know I like y/n

jin: yeah, come on tae just say it

j hope: yeah just say it

me: ok, so I don't only like her

I paused

me: I love her

j hope: wow tae that was a serious confession to make

me: I know

jin: we get you just need to get it off your chest

me: yeah

We kept chatting for a while and then jin and j hope left to go back to their room. and I went to sleep.