
My Longevity Simulation

This is just me using AI to translate and saving it here to read later for personal use

Kamog · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 66

At that time, the first batch of cultivators who entered the ruins of the Cloud Water Heavenly Palace were more than a hundred.

Most of them were at the Qi Refining and Foundation Establishment stages.

They thought it was just an ordinary ruin, but they didn't expect that the Cloud Water Heavenly Palace was full of anomalies. These cultivators were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties.

In the end, only less than one-tenth of them came out alive.

Among them, there was a person named Sikong Yi.

This person was only at the late stage of Qi Refining, and looked ordinary.

Everyone thought he was lucky to survive.

No one expected that it was this inconspicuous Sikong Yi who returned to the Ten Thousand Immortal Island and handed over the "Cloud Water Map", completing the reward task with a high contribution value of 100,000 points.

Sikong Yi received the reward and then left the Congyun Sea through a super long-distance teleportation formation, disappearing from everyone's sight.

Since then, Sikong Yi has never appeared again.

"Search, anomalies, sect ruins related information." Li Fan slowly recalled his experiences from his previous life, and said to the Heavenly Mystery Mirror at the same time.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of information popped up.

But most of them could only see the first few sentences. To get the complete information, they had to pay a certain amount of contribution points.

Li Fan was not stingy, and immediately spent 100 points of contribution to buy the most popular "Sect Ruins Survival Guide".

The author of this guide was named Qi Yuanzhou, who was also a loose cultivator.

He explored and wandered among various ruins for many years, and cultivated to the Golden Core realm before joining the Ten Thousand Immortal Alliance.

Being able to escape from the perilous sect ruins every time, Qi Yuanzhou naturally had his own advantages.

His summarized "Sect Ruins Survival Guide" was also sought after by many cultivators and regarded as a guidepost.

The Cloud Water Heavenly Palace ruins were treacherous and dangerous. Li Fan had foresight, but he didn't dare to take it lightly.

He read it carefully.

The ancient catastrophe came, countless sects were destroyed, and only broken walls remained in the world.

Some of these ruins had been explored by cultivators over the years, and they were clean and left nothing valuable.

And some were too dangerous and huge to be explored yet. Nowadays, there are still many cultivators who venture into them every year, either for cultivation techniques or for seeking breakthrough opportunities.

And some were those sects that had been hidden by cave worlds and formations all the time. These sects were completely undeveloped virgin lands, which could be said to be full of opportunities. Once they appeared in the world, they would surely attract nearby cultivators to swarm in.

The various experiences in the "Sect Ruins Survival Guide" were aimed at the latter two types.

The guide mentioned that in today's cultivation world, all valuable and worth exploring sects can be divided into two categories.

One is without anomalies.

The other is with anomalies.

If there is no anomaly, then you just need to be careful of formation traps, and there is generally no particularly huge danger.

But if there is anomaly, you have to be careful and cautious.

The so-called anomaly refers to all kinds of strange phenomena that exist in the ruins that cannot be measured by common sense.

Anomaly seems to not belong to this world, and often has its own unique rules.

Anomaly rules also have strengths and weaknesses.

In the cultivation world, it is customary to grade the strength of anomaly rules.

According to their ability to affect the highest realm of cultivators, they are also divided into Qi Refining level anomaly, Foundation Establishment level anomaly, Golden Core level anomaly, etc.

Cultivators who are in the range covered by anomaly must follow the rules of anomaly if their cultivation is lower than its rule strength.

Once violated, they will inevitably die hard.

If their cultivation is higher than the anomaly rule strength, they may not be affected by anomaly and avoid death.

But no matter how high your cultivation is, you cannot change anomaly.

Even a Nascent Soul stage powerhouse cannot change a Qi Refining level anomaly rule.

It is even more impossible to save cultivators who violate anomaly rules from anomaly.   

Anomaly will be triggered once living beings enter its range.

Only when the number of deaths reaches a certain number, or when the rules of anomaly are cracked, can the cultivators who enter it leave.

The guide gave an example.

One hundred and fifty years ago, an unnamed island near the mainland in the west of Congyun Sea suddenly appeared a cave mansion.

As soon as it appeared in the world, there was a glow from it, illuminating the sky for hundreds of miles.

Many cultivators were attracted by the treasure light and entered to explore.

After a search, the cultivators found that this cave mansion was built by a Nascent Soul stage loose cultivator, Hongzhi Shangren, before his death in the ancient times.

The cave mansion contained more than ten cultivation techniques, and there were countless magic weapons.

These cultivators were overjoyed and began to snatch them.

At this moment, a horrible thing happened.

All those cultivators who showed smiles because they grabbed cultivation techniques or magic weapons, their heads flew up inexplicably.

The smiles on their faces were completely frozen.

In an instant, half of the cultivators on the scene died.

And the remaining cultivators were also scared to death, thinking that there was some restriction on those cultivation techniques and magic weapons.

They didn't dare to touch the treasures on the ground and ran out of the cave mansion.

After the news spread, there were naturally some cultivators who didn't believe in evil and came to test.

After they took the treasures for a long time and didn't trigger any restrictions, they also showed smiles of contempt or joy.

Then they were beheaded and their heads fell to the ground.

Only one cultivator who was born with facial paralysis was spared.

But he was also scared by this horrifying scene and ran away with a magic weapon in his hand.

Another batch of people's deaths shocked all the surrounding cultivators who were jealous.

And that lucky cultivator who escaped a calamity and got the treasure from the cave mansion naturally attracted everyone's attention.

But no matter how they questioned, that facial paralysis cultivator also said that he didn't know how he survived.

Later, there was a clever man who thought for a long time and revealed the mystery.

This cave mansion forbids laughter.

No matter what the reason, as soon as you show a smile, you will lose your head.

Although this sounds absurd, after that clever man walked into the cave mansion with a calm expression and took out a cultivation technique safely and soundly, all the cultivators believed it.

So they followed suit and took out all the treasures in the cave mansion.


What happened in Hongzhi Shangren's cave mansion was the most typical and simplest anomaly, which only contained one rule.

In fact, those sect ruins often have multiple rules that are complex.

Anomaly is naturally extremely dangerous. If you don't understand its rules, you will die if you are careless.

But after mastering the rules of anomaly, the risk of anomaly is almost zero.

Qi Yuanzhou summarized dozens of experiences based on his personal experiences of surviving from anomaly several times.

The first one: stay calm at all times.

Under anomaly cover, anything incredible can happen.

The second one: don't act rashly.

If you don't understand the rules of anomaly, the faster you move, the faster you die.