
My Longevity Simulation

This is just me using AI to translate and saving it here to read later for personal use

Kamog · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 65: One Hundred Thousand Contribution Points

In his previous life, in order to obtain a spot in the Pure Body Spirit Pool on Liuli Island, Li Fan had spent most of his looted treasures through the method of laundering. In the end, he only converted 235 points of contribution.

However, the total value of 863 contribution points in this life made Li Fan understand why some cultivators secretly helped mortals sneak into the cultivation world. He, Li Fan, had only raided the homes of a few corrupt officials and profited over 800 points of contribution.

It was probably normal for those cultivators to gain over a thousand points in one go. After all, a Qi Refining technique alone was worth just over a thousand points. If they made such trips for over a decade, it could be considered a substantial income.

"Wealth stirs the heart indeed," Li Fan sighed and took out the Liuli Bead obtained from the giant Liuli Fish.

"The Linglong Liuli Bead is worth 850 points of contribution."

After some thought, this Linglong Liuli Bead was equivalent to a weakened version of the Liuli Pill. Although its efficacy was slightly inferior, it did not deplete with use.

It would be useful for his future cultivation, so Li Fan chose not to exchange it and kept it instead.

Looking at his total of 2831 contribution points, Li Fan shook his head. It still wasn't enough, too little!

The knowledge of rare heavenly treasures alone required over two thousand points.

When he was being chased by the Guardians of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, Li Fan realized that although he was currently in the late stage of Qi Refining, his actual combat power was quite low.

As the "Thousand Machine Jade Sphere" was his main cultivation method at the moment, it lacked effective offensive means. Apart from the Unfettered Slaughter he comprehended, he had no other means of defense against enemies.

Although the Unfettered Slaughter was formidable, it had a fatal flaw, that being it often required some time to take effect.

It was only suitable for ambushing in the dark and not for direct confrontation with others.

Once he got into a fight or was surrounded, Li Fan could only choose to escape.

But at present, he only knew the most basic Wind Control Art, and it was highly likely that he wouldn't be able to outrun others.

He couldn't win a fight, and he couldn't escape either.

Tragedy was inevitable.

So, Li Fan wanted everything in the Wanxian Mirror, be it various offensive techniques, escape arts, defensive techniques, or even various magical tools, formations, and elixirs.

But his contribution points were just too insufficient.

After pondering for a moment, he began to check the bounty tasks posted by other cultivators in the Wanxian Mirror.

When he assimilated with the Cong Yun Sea in his previous life, he saw many hidden secret treasures in the Cong Yun Sea. Some of these were accessible to him at his current level, such as the Linglong Liuli Bead. Many others were quite dangerous, beyond the reach of Foundation Establishment cultivators.

Rather than letting these secrets rot in the sea, it would be better to sell some of them early on and quickly turn them into his own strength.

His gaze quickly swept over them.

When he came across one of the tasks, Li Fan suddenly stopped.

With a thought, he checked the details of the task.

Elder Chen of the Pharmacy Hall needed a certain material for alchemy: Blue Blood Coral. He was offering a reward of 1000 contribution points to anyone who provided relevant information, and 3000 contribution points to anyone who directly provided the Blue Blood Coral.

Li Fan went through the other tasks again, and this was the one with the most substantial reward he knew of.

So, Li Fan took on this task.

"In the northwestern sea area of the Cong Yun Sea, around two hundred miles west of Crow Fog Island, I once saw this coral on the seabed."

"Unfortunately, there's a sea snake guarding the coral."

"I'm not sure about the specific strength of the sea snake, but just from a glance, I felt a deadly danger."


Li Fan fabricated a story and submitted the task.

He believed that with the efficiency of Wanxian Island, the authenticity of the information he provided would soon be confirmed. As expected, just half a day later, Li Fan received the task reward.

However, intriguingly, the bounty task for the Blue Blood Coral was not canceled as a result. It was still hanging there.

"It seems Elder Chen needs quite a lot of Blue Blood Coral. I wonder what elixir he's brewing that's worth spending 3000 contribution points on just one auxiliary material."

But Li Fan was merely curious.

It was said that Elder Chen was the chief elder of the Pharmacy Hall of Wanxian Island, a great cultivator in the Yuan Ying stage. Li Fan was still far from that level.

Suppressing the momentary curiosity, Li Fan focused his attention on the most prominent task among many bounties.

This was also the reason Li Fan was in a hurry to improve his strength.

Task: Bounty for the "Cloud Water Map Manuscript".

Reward: 100,000 contribution points.

Just two simple lines, without any further explanation.

But the figure of 100,000 contribution points made the mind of every cultivator who saw it tremble with excitement.

That was 100,000 contribution points!

Many cultivators of Wanxian Island might not be able to accumulate that much in their lifetime.

With these 100,000 contribution points, reaching the Yuan Ying stage might not be guaranteed, but reaching the Golden Core stage would definitely be achievable!

Countless cultivators read these two lines over and over again, imagining the glorious scenes after completing the task.

Unfortunately, the bounty task had been hanging there for over ten years, let alone being completed.

No one even knew what the "Cloud Water Map Manuscript" was.

And the issuer of the task was extremely mysterious, never showing up or providing any explanations.

As if to tell everyone that if you understand, you understand; if you don't, there's no point explaining.

In the Cong Yun Sea, currently, no one knew where the "Cloud Water Map Manuscript" was.

Except for Li Fan.

"The 'Cloud Water Map Manuscript,' in the Cloud Water Celestial Palace." Li Fan repeated it in his mind.

This "Cloud Water Map Manuscript," worth 100,000 contribution points, was in the Cloud Water Celestial Palace.

The Cloud Water Celestial Palace, or rather the remains of the Cloud Water Celestial Palace, was the place mentioned by Xiao Heng in the letter in the previous life, where he went to search for rare heavenly treasures.

The reason why no one

knew this secret was that the Cloud Water Celestial Palace had not yet appeared in this world.

In the previous life, Li Fan became interested in the Cloud Water Celestial Palace because of Xiao Heng's message, and then recorded this significant event in his mind, which would soon stir up the Cong Yun Sea.

The Cloud Water Celestial Palace, isolated overseas.

It was said to be the most powerful sect within the range of the Cong Yun Sea in ancient times.

When the calamity of heaven and earth arrived, the disciples of the Cloud Water Celestial Palace fought each other, and only one in a thousand survived.

The survivors decided to activate the Sect-Protecting Great Formation and secluded themselves from the world.

As a result, the Cloud Water Celestial Palace had been concealed by the formation and hidden in the sea area at the center of the Cong Yun Sea.

It wasn't until eleven years ago when the formation was broken and the Cloud Water Celestial Palace, hidden for thousands of years, reappeared in the world.

However, the Cloud Water Celestial Palace that chose to hide from the world could not escape its fate of destruction.

When the cultivators of the Cong Yun Sea entered it, they discovered that the Cloud Water Celestial Palace had long become a ruin filled with eerie remnants.