
Chapter 1049 The Betrayal Transmitter

Chapter 1049 The Betrayal Transmitter

"Being able to spend two hundred thousand contribution points to buy her statue, it seems that Jia Yiyuan has also been saved by this [Savior Fairy]."

"And his strength is not bad, very confident in himself. Not afraid of any tricks on the statue..."

"Too bad he encountered me."

Li Fan noticed that the methods he used to leave the statue were gradually being eradicated, and the sensing image was also becoming blurry.

But these methods were just superficial.

The true connection between him and the statue was through the source power essence of the faceless true immortal.

That was a power that transcended the mundane world, and Li Fan was not afraid of anyone being able to remove it.

Although the image was a bit blurry, Li Fan could still vaguely see the situation on the side of the statue.

Just saw Jia Yiyuan arrive at a cave in Jiushan Prefecture and sit cross-legged in the secret room.

Serious expression, chanting something in his mouth.

Then an invisible ripple appeared out of thin air, tearing open a rift in space, and Jia Yiyuan strode into it.

The sense of perception became even weaker in an instant.

Only faintly visible shadows and intermittent voices came.

"Senior Zhou's identity has been exposed somehow, go and investigate."

"That shop, there must be something strange about it."

"Recently, Senior Zhou has saved dozens of people again. I didn't expect that after so many years, the Wanxian Alliance still hasn't given up on hunting us down."

"Innocent disaster? What's the use of saying this now? Anyway, we are now at war with the Wanxian Alliance, to the death!"

The tone was filled with deep hatred, causing a wave of agreement.

"To disregard our lives like weeds, casually clearing us out. They don't care at all... Those people don't deserve the title of 'transmitter'!"

"Yes! Only people like Senior Zhou are true transmitters!"


"Transmitter, Zhou?" The information from the statue side surprised Li Fan.

In the information given by Moru Bin at the beginning, among the transmitters who controlled the Wanxian Alliance, there didn't seem to be such a prominent figure.

"It's no wonder Senior Zhou chose to leave the Council of Transmitters voluntarily because of their disregard for their actions."

"Ah, actually, if he hadn't left the Alliance back then, maybe he could have argued and changed the order to massacre the Alliance."

Many voices were discussing one after another, and Li Fan was eavesdropping and understanding the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that five hundred years ago, this transmitter named Zhou, because of disagreements with the transmitters in the Alliance, chose to leave the Council of Transmitters voluntarily.

Although she had left the highest level of the Alliance's power, she was still a transmitter after all.

Still in control of unimaginable resources.

The place where these survivors took refuge was Senior Zhou's private world.

"No wonder the Wanxian Alliance is hunting them so severely, almost turning over every inch of land, but still hasn't found any trace of those survivors."

"A transmitter's private world, even if you want to investigate, it's beyond reach."

Li Fan thought for a moment and did not choose to alert them directly.

Although he had found clues to the survivors, dealing with the existence of a transmitter made Li Fan more cautious.

After suffering a loss with Moru Bin, Li Fan deeply understood that anyone who had survived for thousands of years in the Xuanhuang Realm was not easy to deal with.

Let alone an existence like a transmitter standing at the pinnacle of the Alliance's power.

"However, if she really is as she has shown..."

"Then our positions may be in agreement. Can try to contact her privately first."

Based on the results of the investigation over the past five years, Li Fan was almost certain that Moru Bin had escaped with the Tianxuan Mirror.

Not only because of the extremely bloody revenge of the Wanxian Alliance, but also because of the many problems the Tianxuan Mirror had faced over these five years.

Initially, there was an inexplicable malfunction in the trading module, resulting in abnormal transaction amounts for millions of cultivators.

The cultivators demanded justice, but the Alliance directly announced the closure of the trading module of the Tianxuan Mirror.

In recent times, there have been rumors in the mortal world. It was said that the living space of the cultivators in the Tianxuan Mirror was about to be canceled.

This caused panic among the Wanxian Alliance cultivators, and they frantically snatched up the vacant caves in various prefectures.

The prices of the caves in the ordinary prefectures almost doubled within three months, even in remote corners like the Congyun Sea.

Not to mention the central four prefectures.

Although the official denial by the Alliance was quick, a similar announcement had been made when the trading function of the Tianxuan Mirror was closed in the past.

This caused the rumors to seem more like a confirmation.

The prices of the caves continued to skyrocket, seemingly without an end in sight.

"The avatar of the Tianxuan Mirror once said that after he escaped, he would leave behind a clone that could replace the original to complete most of the work."

"Now it seems that it still cannot compare to a true immortal artifact. Over time, various problems will arise."

Li Fan pondered to himself.

"Or, did something happen to the original Tianxuan Mirror? And thus affected the clone?"

Soon, Li Fan rejected this speculation.

Because the disk of ultimate disintegration in his sea of consciousness had not been affected in any way.

"Moru Bin and the Tianxuan Mirror seemed to have evaporated from the Xuanhuang Realm in the past five years, leaving no trace behind."

"Not only me, but the Wanxian Alliance is also searching for their whereabouts."

"But still no trace."

Li Fan couldn't help but feel a bit puzzled.

He even doubted whether they had already left the Xuanhuang Realm.

"Their goal is to find the Xuantian King."

"If they are already in the Xuantian King's hiding place, then it all makes sense."

"For so many years, the Xuantian King has not been discovered. If he is still alive, he must be in an extremely hidden place."

The crystal stone in Li Fan's mind swiftly rotated, integrating various clues collected over the past five years, trying to find some clues.

"If there's existence, there must be a trace left. I don't believe that you can hide forever."

"But if not..."

A hint of killing intent flashed in Li Fan's eyes.

The shadow of the Book of Ordeals slowly appeared in the void in front of him as he thought about it.

Beyond the countless changing silhouettes, there were tiny rainbow-colored orbs floating.

Within the orbs, there seemed to be an unknown yellow substance slowly flowing.

The Book of Ordeals seemed to sense the danger, and its flipping and changing speed had reached its peak.

"Young friend, let's talk it out. How come you have murderous thoughts again."

A paper person suddenly drifted out of the Book of Ordeals, looking very cautious as it glanced at the rainbow-colored orbs, and slowly persuaded.

Li Fan smiled faintly and ignored it.

The paper person sighed and showed a bitter expression, as if it had already become accustomed to it.

(This chapter is complete).