
My Little Stars

Shade Rosebound was born a daemos but was raised on Earth as a human. Shade grew up next door to Ava and her dads. Shade and Ava were like siblings. After Shades' mother Fayola died, Devon and Andrew adopted shade, so now Ava and Shade were sisters. Shade and Ava had to go their separate ways for college. Since Ava finished college first she bought an apartment. When Shade finished college she moved in with Ava. They were doing fine until 5 daemos showed up at their apartment.

FoxLover0615 · Others
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2 Chs


Shade Rosebound

Age: 23 years old

Lives with Ava

A daemos

Knows they have magic

Has a different source of magic

Has a changeling (main form a puppy)

Wears glasses

Has contacts

Works on projects in their room

MID (My inner demons)

Doesn't know everything about daemos


This was created by my friend BoundByRoses I don't own ANY PART OF IT