
My Little Pony: Platinum Shadow

Platinum Shadow is a MLP Fan Fiction starring OC's as main characters and returning FiM Characters, including Villains like Lord Tirek and Daybreaker. The story takes place years after the end of Season 9. The story follows a young stallion unicorn named Platinum Shadow due to the colors of his dark coat and silver mane that has traveled all over Equestria and beyond in search of his "Deadbeat Father" that abandoned him and his dying crippled mother. Throughout his journeys he's made countless friends From Alphas (Original Characters) to Yaks and known as the "Blank Unicorn" as he does not have a Cutie Mark (Or does he? =.= ). His journey ends in Ponyville that is now known and expanded as the "Home of Friendship", however unknown to him, his journey might be over, but this is where his story truly begins...

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Episode 40: Sisterhooves Seminal/Barber – “A” For Strings

Scene 40.0: Ponyville Hospital, 7:35 PM, Day 70 of 365


Shadow has been resting at the hospital for a week, blindfolded by day as his eyes are still hurting that he developed a severe case of photophobia and it will take some time for his eyes to return back to normal. Since they didn't get to spend any time since the whole trial, Sweetie Belle and her new little sister, Sweetie-Bot are caring for Shadow. Even though Sweetie-Bot is an advance robot and super smart, she is still a foal that is mentally underdeveloped as she is curious of seeing Shadow holding a book with thick stock paper for pages as Shadow's hoof is caressing the bumps on it slowly.



What is it you are doing, Aniki?



(Amused Chuckle, Smiling)

I'm reading.



With your hoof?



This is Braille. It is a system of raised dots that can be read with the hooves or claws by creatures who are blind or who have low vision. Teachers, parents and others who are not visually impaired ordinarily read braille with their eyes.



How is that?



It consists of arrangements of dots which make up letters of the alphabet, numbers, and punctuation marks. The basic Braille symbol, called the Braille cell, consists of six dots arranged in the formation of a rectangle, three dots high and two across. Other symbols consist of only some of these six dots. Like Morse Code, but for those who can't use their eyes completely.



(Interested, Amazed Yet Emotionless Voice)



Nurse Redheart:

(Enters Room, Brings Food)

How's my favorite patient doing?



He's still asleep right now.


Nurse Redheart:


I meant you, silly. And your roommate was discharged yesterday when you were taking a shower.



No wonder everything was so quiet since last night.


Sweetie Belle:


You didn't noticed!?



My eyes are literally sensors similar to that of a Mantis Shrimp. I am blind in more ways than one if I over-stress my eyes.



Are all Chaos Creatures have the same abilities like you?



No, Discord doesn't have my eye-type and that's because he's a Draconequus. Each race has its own perks. Ponies have large physical abilities and large magical pools. Dragons are practically immortal with similar large magical pools like us Chaos Ponies. Draconequui have practically unlimited magic and have the power to warp reality. Changelings have the ability to harness the power of other creatures except other Chaos Creatures, not just taking their looks. Yaks are just as strong as Chaos Dragons except they can't fly, but they can use magic through their horns. Kirins can wield other elements other than fire and have the power of Foresight. I can go on and on, but it will take all day and you have school tomorrow.



There is no school for the next following days.



Today isn't Friday.


Sweetie Belle:

We are taking the entire week to prepare for the Sisterhooves Social and it's the first year for the girls.



Is that the reason they haven't visited me as of late? They are practicing for the Social?


Sweetie Belle:

That and they all feel guilty that you ended up here during the trial.



(Sad Sigh)

Figures. When is the Social?


Nurse Redheart:

Don't worry your pretty little head, Shadow. You'll be out the day before it.



Thank you, Nurse Redheart.


Nurse Redheart:

Visiting hours are almost up. Say good night to your sisters and eat your dinner.



I'll talk to you girls tomorrow. Please tell everyone that I'm not mad and I would like to talk to them again.


Sweetie Belle:

We will Shadow.


As Shadow is left alone in his room, Nurse Redheart turns off the lights before leaving to allow him to eat his food in peace as his eyes are too sensitive to light at the moment because of his photophobia. As he eats, he is a little sad that the foals hasn't visited him and it comes to a surprise to him as he hasn't felt like this in a very long time. It must be the psychological turning point that once you suffer a traumatic experience like falling into the hospital for the first time in their lives and no one showing up to give their support to the one suffering; and since he bonded with the foals, he feels lonely in a way he hasn't felt in a long time. Shadow has traveled the world on his own after parting ways with Emma, he never felt lonely until now and he is starting to hate this feeling with a passion. As they walk back home, Sweetie-Bot is curious on Shadow's behavior and wonders if he will be alright.


Sweetie Belle:

You are worried about Shadow, Sweetie?



I am. I don't understand his emotions.


Sweetie Belle:


Don't rely on your robotic analysis. If you do that, you will never understand anycreature. Try listening to your heart. Emotions can never be understood because they were never meant to be rational in a specific way. Sometimes it does makes sense but only when you know how they are. You were just born almost a week ago, so there are a lot of things you won't get right away. But if you rely on your robotic self, you will never truly understand anything. Parts of Rarity, Shadow & me are part of you and we had to go through a lot of trial and tribulations that helped us to grow up into better ponies. Right now you are a diamond in the rough and I know that one day you'll grow up to be a beautiful cut diamond.



(Curious Stare)

I do not understand.


Sweetie Belle:

You will one day.



Adults are so complicated. I wish not to become one.


Sweetie Belle:




I fail to see the humor.


Sweetie Belle:

Me and the girls wished on a magical flower to make us into grownups and we regretted it in the end. Something tells me you will go through a phase like we did one day.



The probabilities for that are none.


Sweetie Belle:

Like Shadow always say: "Never Say Never, Because The Sisters Of Fate Will See That As A Challenge And Jump You When You Least Expect It".


Confused on what Sweetie Belle is trying to tell her, Sweetie-Bot replays the conversation from her hard-drive and yet she still can't understand any of it. Sweetie-Bot thinks to herself to ask Rose and Wendy tomorrow after her systems recharge: AKA Sleep Mode.


Scene 40.1: Ponyville, CMC Treehouse, 8:19 AM, Day 71 of 365


While preparing for the Social, Sweetie-Bot is still confused on everything, even the rules of the Social itself as she is reading 7 books at the same time in order to keep up with everycreature, since she has started school on the same grade as the Foals which is second grade. Even though Sweetie-Bot is a "Pony-Bot", Wendy can sense her emotions and Rose can see that Sweetie-Bot's Magical Aura is in disarray.



Ya alright, Sugarcube? You seem stressed.



Yeah. Your emotions are all over the place that even Regalia's chaotic emotions makes sense and that's saying something.



All of this is so confusing.



Jersey Mac said that your SSD Processor was designed to be on the same level as everycreature, so you can grow up like a normal pony.



But I am not a normal pony. I am a Pony-Bot.



Aniki is creating a Vita Seed. It's a Magical Item that can turn artificial creatures like you into real life creatures.



I can be a Real Pony?




Yeah! But Aniki said that making a Vita Seed takes a full year, so you need to wait until it is done.



Where is it being made?




I don't know.



Aniki didn't tell us where before he ended up in the hospital. But he has told us is that you need to prove yourself worthy or the Vita Seed won't work. So I suggest you leave an impression on everycreature at the Social.



You believe that will work?


Rose, Wendy:




My first impression with everycreature was the best! Except Aniki. I really left a bad first impression on him, but we managed to start over.



Same here! But it was fun getting on his bad side. Please don't do that to him, Sweetie-Bot. He's been through a lot.



So how should I impress everycreature?



The Social, of course! We go through challenging trials to see who are the best sister duos! Me and Apple Bloom are going to be in it!



Me and Scootaloo too! And I know you and Sweetie Belle will be in it too! If you win it, it could get your rep up pretty high!



Yeah! Even Princess Celestia and Luna participated in it once.



(Curious, Tilt Head)

Did they win?


Rose, Wendy:




Did I miss something?



No, no! When they participated, they were at each other's throats by the time they got there, Celestia threw Cherry Pies at Luna, Luna paying a Hypnotist to turn her into a chicken every single time she hears the word "Go", switching sisters with Rarity and Sweetie Belle to do the 6 legged race, the Princesses' Pet Possum and Phoenix becoming Giants and running rampant all over the place after eating some magic berries. But in the end they were able to settle their differences and calm down their pets by having the Hypnotist put them to sleep.



That really happened?



Ask Sweetie Belle and Rarity since they were there and had front row seats throughout the whole thing!



They were at the theater? I thought you said they were at the Social?



Nonononono! That was a figure of speech. What Wendy means is that they were with the Princesses when it happened because they were still tied together since the 6 legged race never got started because of their giant pets.



I see. So that event left an impression on everycreature there?


Rose, Wendy:


You could say that!



But it was very awkward one!



Yeah! I wish I was born early on so I could have seen it!


Sweetie-Bot hears the girls speak those words and starts thinking on how to replicate those events. Since she still doesn't know all of the details, Sweetie-Bot follows the girls advice and asks both Rarity and Sweetie Belle on all of the details on the day both Celestia and Luna took part in the Sisterhooves Social (Read IDW Comic "My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #38" For All Of The Details). After hearing all of the details, for the next following days until the Social in order to recreate what happened, but while trying to do so, Sweetie-Bot notices that recreating it would be impossible with what she gathered. So she decided to overhaul and reinvent the process in order to make the same impression but with a new twist. Jersey Mac does his best to meet up with Sweetie-Bot, but every time he looks for her, she isn't with Wendy or Rose which starts to worry him since he knows that Sweetie-Bot is too innocent and still unaware of the dangers of the world.


Scene 40.2: Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres, 8:19 AM, Day 77 of 365


The day before, the foals visit Shadow at the hospital and all of them are saddened to see him like this. Before they say anything, Shadow beats them to the punch and tells them that he forgives them. As soon they hear that, they rush and hugs him as they laugh in joy with slight tears in their eyes. Shadow manages to leave the hospital and arrives at Sweet Apple Acres along with his friends to see the girls enjoy the Social. Krystal wanted to take part in it with him, but Shadow was still recovering from his weakened state that he is forced to wear prescription sunglasses as his eyes are still sensitive to bright light as his photophobia has gotten better. Regalia and Lucky Star are also saddened by this as they both wanted to join the Social as Shadow being their Big Brother. Shadow is happy to see Rose with Apple Bloom and Wendy with Scootaloo, but wonders why Sweetie Belle is there all alone without Sweetie-Bot nearby that just like Jersey Mac, Shadow begins to worry for the same reasons as the young colt. As Shadow was about to go looking for her with his friends, Sweetie-Bot arrives at Sweetie Belle's side as everycreature's worries disappear. The Social started and went as normal with a Singing Contest who is won by Sweetie Belle and Sweetie-Bot as their angelic voices won everycreature over; followed by the Jump Rope Contest and is won by Scootaloo and Wendy as their dynamic coordination and agility helped them win flawlessly; next is the Juggling Contest won by Apple Bloom and Rose as they always do this during doing their chores and after just for fun; then the 6 Legged Race with the girls not even making top 10 racers; and they also participated in recreational activities like the Pie Throw For Charity, the Hypnotist and the Petting Zoo as Jersey Mac has been excitedly cheering for Sweetie-Bot throughout the whole thing which annoyed both Apple Bloom and Rose since they are his immediate family. During this break before the final game, Shadow approaches the girls to congratulate and talk to them as he is proud of them for doing their best at the Social.




You girls are doing great! I'm proud of how much you all have grown!


Rose, Wendy:

Thanks, Aniki!



I really wish I was at full strength. I could have participated on this.


Rose, Wendy:




Since the Social is a yearly event, I would have started with Krystal this year and the following years I would have chosen the other girls close to me like Regalia and Lucky Star.


Lucky Star:

(Emotionless, Blushing)



Regalia Painite:


Oh, Shadow-Sama!


Rose, Wendy:

(Annoyed Glare, Thinking)

Oh, Give Me A Break, You Royal Pain In The Flank!



I'm happy to see you enjoying yourself, Sweetie.



(Smiling, Tamed Emotions)

I have been enjoying myself. I hope I can make a good impression on everycreature.



What are you talking about? Everycreature in Ponyville already have a great impression of you.



(Confused, Starting To Worry)

Since when?



From what I heard, you left a very big impression on the trial almost 2 weeks ago and most of it was a very positive one.



Is that so?



Yeah. You don't have to prove yourself by winning a blue ribbon here at the Social. Everycreature here already likes you.



(Deeply Worried, Stuttering, Trying To Stay Calm & Failing)

W-W-What d-d-d-do they say ab-ab-about meee?



(Worried, Raises Eyebrow In Concern, Scary Stern Stare)

Well, they are saying that you are really cute and that you will look as beautiful as your sisters when you become a full grown mare one day.







Are you alright, Sweetie? Did you come down with a virus already?




I'm fine, Aniki. I just overheated a little. It is nothing to worry about.



Ujum…Is there something you are not telling me, Sweetie?



(Nervous Smile)




(Sad Sigh)

Riiight…Alright…I trust you. But don't overdo it.


As Shadow goes to talk with Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, the frightened Sweetie-Bot grabs both Rose and Wendy in a panic and takes them to an isolated location. Both of the fillies look at their cybernetic friend with a curious stare as they are about to ask her what was wrong, but she instantly stops them the moment they were going to ask.







Hold On There, Sweetie-Bot! What do you mean you screwed up?



I can tell that your emotions are way high. Please calm down and tell us what's wrong. Take deep breaths—



(Annoyed Stare)

She's a Pony-Bot. She doesn't have lungs, Stardust Platinum.



(Annoyed, Tomboy Demeanor)

Don't remember givin' ya permission ta use me real name, Shinigami.




Wanna Tussle, Crybaby?




Anytime, Gothic Lolita!




I brought you here to help me, not for you to bicker with each other.



(Sad Sigh)

Sorry, Sugarcube. We didn't know you had it that bad.



(Annoyed Pout)

I did! I could sense how distraught she is, but you had to make jokes!



Just breaking the ice, Wendy. Didn't mean it to go this far.



(Sighs, Refined Casual Demeanor)

Let's do this again. What is wrong, Sweetie-Bot?



Well…remember when you told me of when Celestia and Luna participated in the Social? Well…I wanted to impress everycreature by recreating those events.



That's a little silly. No one can redo all of that.



She's a Pony-Bot and from what Jersey Mac likes to brag, Sweetie-Bot is very calculating, she can do everything we do better.




I wish he would stop elevating me like that.


Rose, Wendy:


The reason he's like that with you is because he has a crush on you.



(Out Loud)

Anyhoo…what exactly did you do?



Well…I tried looking for the Magical Berries, A Phoenix and A Possum, but encountered some unfortunate variables.



(Whispers To Wendy)

That means it didn't go well.



(Whispers To Rose, Annoyed)

I know that! Now shush!



Since there was already a Hypnotist at the Social, I didn't need to look for one. Finding a Possum was easy, but I would always get attacked by them as I tried to get one of them.



Let me guess: you found a family of possums and they attacked you because you tried to take one of them away. Possums are very overprotective of their babies.



Yes, I know that now. The Berries were nowhere to be found either on the Everfree Forest or any of the shops in Ponyville.



Those berries are usually found outside of Ponyville at specific Curio Shops. The Curio Shops around town don't stock on those because of the history of Ponyville. Either it's our sisters fault or Princess Twilight and her Friends buying some things they shouldn't.



No wonder I couldn't find any! I tried asking Q for help, but he would always fly away from me.



Maybe he figured out what you trying to do.



Maybe, but if that was it, Aniki would have stopped you days ago if that was the case.



That makes sense.



But you didn't get any of it. Why are you panicking then?



If I couldn't replicate it, I thought I could just simulate it.



(Worried, Scared)

I don't like the sound of that.




Let me guess: you got 2 giant monsters to take the place of the Phoenix and Possum?



(Looks Away In Shame)

Not quite.



I know I'm going to regret asking but…what creature you got for this simulation?










Looks like you will find out soon enough.


The girls rushes to Sweet Apple Acres as they see a Bugbear and a Roc causing a lot of ruckus and they weren't alone as they brought their pack with them as they apparently are ransacking everything there. The girls are shocked, saddened and infuriated upon seeing Shadow unable to fight back due to him still weak even after leaving the hospital that their rage was pouring out of their very being that it takes the form of a vindictive aura as it gains the shape of their origins: Rose – Grape Purple Grim Reaper, Wendy – Ice Blue Windigo, Sweetie-Bot – Electric Green Unicorn. Unlike everycreature around them, the Bugbears and Rocs could sense and see the aura the girls are giving off that they all runaway in fear. Fluttershy flies after them as the girls rush to help Shadow, but Diamond Tiara beats them to it.


Wendy, Sweetie-Bot, Rose:


Aniki! Are you alright!?



This wasn't what you wanted, was it Sweetie?




You…you knew? Why didn't you stop me if you knew?



Q told me everything about it and I learned that sometimes you just have to let things run its course so you can teach others the consequences of their actions, so long as no one gets hurt in the process.



But you could have gotten hurt. Everycreature could have gotten hurt.



(Confident Yet Cocky Smile)

Look around. Did the Rocs or Bugbears attack anyone here?


Wendy, Sweetie-Bot, Rose:

(Look Around, Surprised)




Yeah. I asked Fluttershy to help with that. Sure, everyone was against it, but we were able to reach an understanding.




You swindled them?










(Annoyed Stare)

Would you girls let me finish?


Wendy, Sweetie-Bot, Rose:





(Clears Throat)

As I was saying – the agreement we reached was that the Bugbears and Rocs will get a month's worth of food for their winter supply in exchange for scaring everycreature and only go after the food. Looks like they were the ones that got scared. You unleashed your inner rage, didn't you?


Wendy, Sweetie-Bot, Rose:





Huh! If my eyes weren't hurting, I would have loved to see what it looked like.


Wendy, Sweetie-Bot, Rose:

No, I don't think you will.



Ujum. Well I hope this taught you something, Sweetie.



Yes. Clout-Chasing can end with others getting hurt or worse. You should just be patient and prove your worth naturally to the world rather than to force it that could result in tragedy.



Well said, Sweetie-Bot. I'm happy to see that you are being taught the right values by your friends and family.


Everycreature bows down as Princess Twilight Sparkle appears and walks towards Wendy, Sweetie-Bot and Rose. The girls are in awe upon seeing the princess up close for the first time in their lives as they are taken aback by her regal beauty and mystique.



Enjoyed the show so far, Princess?


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

It was lovely, but you could have been a little more niche with the whole Bugbear/Roc situation.



If we held back a little more than we did, the girls would have noticed that this was a ploy. Just because they are fillies, they are pretty perceptive just like their big sisters – Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

On what they wrote in their letters, I would have to agree with them and you after seeing it for myself.


Wendy, Sweetie-Bot, Rose:

(Amazed, Excited, Surprised)



Princess Twilight Sparkle:


Yes, I do. As I said, your big sisters told me all about you in their letters ever since Rose started living here in Ponyville almost 2 months ago. I wanted to meet you, but my duties as princess has kept me way from enjoying some free time. Fortunately today was one of my few days I can enjoy spending time with my friends and family. I'm glad to see that even though you three are still young, you are learning about the world and still maintaining your innocence as you do. I look forward into getting to know more about you from this point on.


Wendy, Sweetie-Bot, Rose:

(Excited Cheer)




Might as well repair this whole mess.


Diamond Tiara:


Oh, No You Don't! You are still recovering! You say that you were pretending to be hurt, but after I grabbed you, I could tell you were really hurt! So don't give that you are alright! You are staying put while we clean up the place!



(Carefree Smile & Laughter)

I appreciate it. Thank you, Dia.


Diamond Tiara:

(Annoyed, Blushing, Tsundere Demeanor)

That's "Nurse" Dia to you, Baka!


Everycreature laughs at the scene, but Shadow's close friends just found out that both He and Diamond Tiara are a couple and are secretly dating just like Spike and Sweetie Belle did before. They only hope it doesn't take 3 years before they come out and tell everycreature that they are an item. After some time in restoring the area as much as they could, the Social resumes where they last left off with both the Bugbears and Rocs watching calmly and stuffing their faces after Fluttershy soothed them out of their fear as they all enjoy the final event of the Social: The Obstacle Course Race. It was a close race, but the winners are the team of Scootaloo/Wendy meanwhile Apple Bloom/Rose Team are Second Place and Team Sweetie Belle/Sweetie-Bot are Third Place because Sweetie-Bot is not used to this type of game; but even though she and Sweetie Belle didn't win, at least she had fun as she considers this the best day of her life.


Scene 40.3: Ponyville, Twilight's Castle, 9:59 PM


Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle arrive at the castle after making sure their little sisters are asleep before getting there. They sit at the Cutie Map Room where all of the Heroes of Equestria as well as Shadow and his friends while they all have a serious look on their faces as they wonder why all of them are there.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Thank you all for coming.



Is everything alright, Twi? Somethin' must've happened for you to call all o' us.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Shadow came to me with something that his teacher, Lady Shadow conveyed him and Blaze when Sweetie Belle's Trial came to an end almost 2 weeks ago. I had Sunset's SMILE Agents to verify it and came back positive.




WAIT! What are you saying, Twilight!?



Lady Shadow told us that a War is coming and this War will reshape the world in ways we might not recognize it once it happens.



When I went to Lord Thanatos' Domain in order to get Rose so she could save Apple Bloom, Limbo warned me that a War will take place soon on Equestria. Lord Thanatos never denied any of Limbo's monologue about it.



So what can we do to stop it?



We can't. Once a Prophesy has been divined, nothing can't stop it. We can delay it, but it won't make a difference. All we can really do is to prepare for it and my teachers gave me a hint on how to prepare.



How so, Darling?



Build Alliances. Obvious Allies and Unorthodox Ones too.


Star Swirl:

How unorthodox?



As unorthodox as having Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow.







I think you ending up at the hospital affected your brain. You are talking crazy.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Upon talking it over with Sunset, we have to explore all of the options that are laid before us. We cannot turn a blind eye to something or somecreature that can prove to be a valuable assistance to keep Equestria safe.



Safe!? Trusting those ruffians is anything but safe, darling!



A wise general once said – "Keep Your Friends Close; Keep Your Enemies Closer". But we don't need to bring all 3 of them out at once. We need to do this strategically. We need to get the most easily influenced first, then we can have said target convince the other two to follow our lead.


Starlight Glimmer:

I doubt this will work. Chrysalis is consumed by Hate, Cozy Glow is consumed by Envy and Tirek is consumed by Greed. How can you control them?



These Vices can be tamed. Hate can be tamed with Love. Greed can be tamed with Generosity and Envy can be tamed with Friendship.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

(Proud Smile)

Well put, Platinum Shadow.



(Worried, Face-Hoof)

Whoa, Nelly. I can't believe we are actually going to do this.



Judging on what Shadow just said, you already have somecreature in mind and that somecreature is the one you consider your greatest failure.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Platinum Shadow. Are you sure you can do this? Are you sure you can succeed where I have failed?



No, I can't do this…



(Shocked, Furious)



Princess Twilight Sparkle:

(Disappointed Stare)

Then I cannot allow you to do this.



You didn't let me finish.






No, I Can't Do This…Not On My Own That Is. The only way for these three to be reformed, I need the help of my friends to do so. I'm good, but even I can't handle one of the Terrible Trio on my own in my current condition.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:


So which one will you choose? I already know, but I want you to enlighten everycreature here on why you will do so.




Thank you, Princess. Tirek is Greedy, Chrysalis is Spiteful and Cozy Glow is a Green-Eyed Monster. Each and one of them is a difficulty mode of a game. Chrysalis is Very Hard Mode, Tirek is Hard Mode and Cozy Glow is…


Rainbow Dash:



Shadow scoffs amusedly as he tell them who is he choosing first, why and how he & his friends will deal with his choice. Unknown to them, they are being spied on by one of Blight Terror's Changelings masquerading as a Royal Guard and transmitting all that is being discussed as Blight Terror and his Cadre are looking and listening to everything they are talking about.


Scene 40.4: Arctic North, Blight Terror's Castle, 1:00 AM, Day 78 of 365


After spying on the secret meeting at Twilight's Castle in Ponyville, most creatures that are part of Blight Terror's Cadre are present and they all witnessed everything that was discussed for the entirety of the 3-hour meeting with 2 of them very concerned on what has been discussed: A large bulky figure and tall slender figure standing next to each other – Tirek and Chrysalis. There are also 3 Human-Looking Figures there.



So that was the reason you left Cozy Glow behind? How did you know?


Blight Terror:

He might never admit to it, but Platinum Shadow does behave like his father sometimes, not just his mother like everyone who knew her would say. You inherit both of your parents way of doing things, not just one specifically. Children are the fusion of both parents, so it is only natural for that to be the case. Predicting his every move is not that difficult especially that I know Jack-Of-All-Trades and Stardust Memory's way of thinking. Both Stardust Memory and Jack-Of-All-Trades are too forgiving when it comes to foals. Platinum Shadow is no different.



It didn't seem like it on how he treated that Homunculus and Half-Breed when they first met.


Blight Terror:

Like Parent, Like Child. When Stardust Memory met Cosmic Legacy, they started out at each other's throats. When Stardust Memory met her clone, Starry Night, the same ensued. As for Jack-Of-All-Trades…it is all a matter of perspective.


Lady Imago:

So what now?


Blight Terror:

Jack just finished the New Black Heart Crystal Prototype. We will start using it on specific targets to see how well they can function. If it performs within expectations, we can start mass production effective immediately.


Lady Imago:

Who will distribute them?


??? (Bossy Female):

That will be us.


??? (Ditsy Female):

It's been 1,000 Moons. I highly doubt anyone will recognize us.


??? (Angry Female):

If they do, we can just take them out.


Blight Terror:

The Crystals you are wearing are from the Shadow of the world you were in. They are fragments of his Element of Life. The reason you can use them is because he entrusted it to you three.


??? (Bossy Female):

(Hold Pale Green Pendant Tightly, Shaking In Sadness, Hiding Sadness Behind Fury)

Speak that way about him again and you can forget we are working together, creep!


??? (Angry Female):

(Hold Pale Green Pendant Tightly, Shaking In Sadness, Hiding Sadness Behind Fury)

I'll do one better by beating you to death!


??? (Ditsy Female):

(Hold Pale Green Pendant Tightly, Shaking In Sadness)

Don't talk about him like you knew him!


Blight Terror:

My apologies, but I do need to speak of him to some extent for you to understand this. It is important.


??? (Bossy, Angry, Ditsy):

(Furious Stare)



Blight Terror:

As I was saying…Even though he never got anywhere near Canterlot High, Your Shadow managed to inherit the Element of Life somehow which in turn granted him the same gifts as the Shadow of this world. The reason your Shadow could not activate the power of the element was because of 1 of 2 reasons – Either he was unaware that he possessed an Element of Harmony or…he committed the ultimate sin that his Element refuses to forgive.


??? (Ditsy Female):

(Distraught, Sobbing)

SHUT UP!!! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!! Shadow…My Shadow…My Cool, Awesome and Heroic Shadow would never take a life!


??? (Angry Female):


I have every right to beat you to a pulp for saying that!!!


??? (Bossy Female):

(Look Away In Sorrow)

But…it makes sense if you think about it…


??? (Ditsy Female):




??? (Angry Female):

(Shocked, Furious)



??? (Bossy Female):

Think about it…he was a police officer. And in that world, he was 3 to 5 years older than our human forms. Maybe—


??? (Ditsy Female):

(Hard Slap At Bossy Female, Furious)

I have forgiven you all this time because we are sisters. But…

(Evil Glare At Bossy Female)

…I will never forgive you for calling Shadow a "Murderer".


??? (Bossy Female):

(Shocked, Holds Hurt Cheek)



??? (Angry Female):

(Surprised, Worried)

Whoa! Calm down! I know how you feel, but don't go crazy on us!


Blight Terror:

Enough! What I said was a possibility. If it makes you feel better I do NOT believe he was capable of killing anyone. But unfortunately, Accidental Death is still Death. The Elements of Life do not condone anything that goes against its will, even if it's a technicality. But if you want my honest opinion, I also believe that he was unaware of the power he possessed. But I digress. The Element of Life you have in your possession is fragmented into 3 pieces – One for each of you.


??? (Ditsy Female):

(Distraught, Sobbing, Hold Pale Green Pendant Tightly, Shaking In Sadness)

This was his way of apologizing for not noticing our feelings and marrying Sunset.


Blight Terror:

So it's the former. He wasn't aware of what he had and cut it into 3 pieces for you. By doing that, he divided the power of the Element which was a good idea. A full formed element from another world cannot coexist in another as the balance of Harmony would shift to Disharmony in a few day minimum. If the Element of Life from that world and this one were to make contact, all reality would collapse. Since its in fragments, that devastation has been avoided. However…the fragmented element can grant you the same powers and abilities this world's Shadow possesses, but at a limited capacity. One of those is why you still look like your other world selves. "Human" Form if I remember correctly.


??? (Bossy Female):

Why exactly is it we look like this and didn't go back to our original form when we returned to Equestria?


Blight Terror:

You were banished by Star Swirl and the Pillars, so you aren't allowed back until you are summoned back by either them or someone else. The Element Fragments creates a magical barrier around you and letting you come back to Equestria so long as your connection to Shadow is a faithful one. Without it, you couldn't be here unless you were summoned.


??? (Bossy Female):

If that's true then how can we move around Equestria without sticking out like a Sore Thumb?


Blight Terror:

Your Equestrian Forms also stick out like a "Sore Thumb" not just your Human Form. Fortunately since Shadow is a Pony, the Element Fragments you have will give you Pony Forms of your own. All you have to do is hold on to your pendants and envision to be ponies.


The girls step into the light revealing to be The Dazzlings: Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk as they hold their pale green pendants that resembles Shadow's Element of Life, but smaller. They close their eyes and remembers hanging around the Human Platinum Shadow in that other world: Sonata eating her heart out at the Tacos he made her, Aria laughing at him for beating him in Poker as she was cheating with cards hidden in her pockets along with a secret love letter for him; as for Adagio was a more personal memory…




Scene 40.5: Human World, Public Park, 9:54 PM, 10 Years Ago


Adagio is curled up in a ball sitting on a park bench with her clothes almost completely ripped and torn, bruises all over her body, missing one of her boots and a few bandages on her while wearing a large police jacket covering herself as it seems she was saved from an assault. A large black man with platinum hair and emerald green eyes wearing a SWAT Body Armor brings her coffee and sits by her side with a cup of his own as she tries to void looking at him.



You are lucky I was passing by. A little later and I don't want to imagine how it could have ended.



(Depressed, Avoiding Looking At Officer)




I knew you and your sisters made a lot of enemies and the way you parade yourselves, I knew sooner or later this was going to happen. If it was Sonata, I shudder to think how deep the trauma would have gotten to her especially on how innocent she is. You and Aria? You two are a lot stronger because you two are pretty mature for your age.



Aria acts tough and all but if this would have happened to her…she would be the one traumatized far worse than Sonata ever would. Her tough act is just to hide her insecurities. Sonata sounds like an idiot, acts like an idiot and can easily befriend anyone for being an idiot; but don't let that fool you…she really is an idiot.



(Sad Smile)

You say that, but I guess you are happy that they are safe and they weren't here to suffer the same way. I just got word from them. They are rushing to get here now as we speak. They sounded very worried.



They better not get the RV totaled. It's not only our transportation, it's our home too.



After what just happened…I don't think it's safe for you and your sisters to be on your own.



Sure! Lock us up like you always do, Human Scum!



You three were breaking the law all those times. This time it's different. I'm worried about you three. After what happened tonight…I'm worried for you and your sisters and I don't want you getting hurt again. So what I propose is that you live at my apartment complex. The landlord is an acquaintance of mine, so I know he can give you a good deal. Actually, Sunset lives there too since her job as a Defense Attorney is getting a little hard to handle.



(Furious, Throws Coffee Cup Away, Stands Up From Bench)










(Human) Platinum Shadow:

(Stands Up, Sad Yet Serious Stare)

If you really hate me that much…then why are you crying as you are telling me off?



(Shocked, Notices Her Own Tears)



(Human) Platinum Shadow:

(Walks Towards Adagio)

I think I know why you hate me.



(Scared, Backing Off Slowly)

Stay back…Don't come near me…


(Human) Platinum Shadow:

When you were being taken advantaged of, you were expecting me to jump in time to save you like a Knight-In-Shining-Armor.



I told you to stay back!


(Human) Platinum Shadow:

You said it yourself – I'm Only Human. I can't be there all of the time whenever anyone needs me.



Take another step and I—

(Cornered On A Wall, Gasp In Fear)


(Human) Platinum Shadow:

(Blocks Adagio's Escape, Looks Down At Adagio Sternly)

You are nothing but a Hinedere. A Boss Girl who have cynical world views, cold-hearted and highly arrogant. You get easily annoyed by other people, including your sisters. You honestly thought you were untouchable because of your attitude and beauty? That no matter what you do, someone like me would show up and save you out of blind chivalry? That arrogance is why you were attacked like this. If Aria is really as weak as you say she is, she would suffer even worse because I might not be around when it happens. Heavens forbid for Sonata. Out of all of you, she's the one who I worry the most. You and Aria should clean up your act before you get a repeat performance.



(Thinking, Shocked, Saddened, Scared, Furious, Discreetly Hard-Gripping Left Side Of Chest [Heart])

How dare he! No one…No one has ever looked down at me like this or talked down to me this harshly before! Not even my enemies like Sunset Shimmer or Star Swirl The Bearded nor my sisters! No one has ever glared at me with eyes like his! I should despise that look more than anything, but why!? Why is my heart…beating so fast it hurts!? Why…!? Why I can't find a way to hate him for this!? Why…!? Why do I…!? Am…Am I…!?


Adagio is taken aback upon seeing (Human) Shadow's glowing emerald green eyes as she is captivated by their unusual glow that she thought she was back in Equestria for a moment. But she also notices sadness in his stern gaze that her right hand was moving on its own as it wants to touch Shadow's face, but he walks away, not noticing Adagio's hand about to touch him. As she sees his back as he walks away, something in her heart is screaming to not let him go that she jump on him, hugs him hard and starts sobbing as both Aria and Sonata arrive to see that. The two of them get emotional as well, hugs him and start to cry as well. All he could do is comfort them is to hug them gently.




That memory helps all three Sirens take on Earth Pony Form as their deepest wish is to get close to Shadow no matter what. They know they can't do so in their true Siren Selves as they will standout too much by doing so, fearing that they will be banished again and never see Shadow ever again. Blight Terror notices this and smiles in a sinister way as he can see the terror within them of losing Shadow again.


Blight Terror:

Well done. A little reminder – since you are wearing fragments of the Element of Life, neither of you cannot wear the Black Heart Crystals without suffering major backlash.



(Furious Glare)

We don't want it! Shadow would hate us if we rely on that garbage.



(Furious Glare)

Keep that to yourself unless you don't want me to force it down your throat!



All we need is Shadow and what Shadow has and will give us. We don't need anything from you!


Blight Terror:

As you wish. But remember this – you can't reach him without my help. As you noticed, neither of you were aware that you had fragments of that world's Element of Life nor you knew how it worked until I told you. Equestria has changed in ways you won't recognize. There are similarities to the world you were in, but it is much more peaceful. However! Just because Equestria is "Peaceful" that does not equate for evil being purged from this world. It's just harder to see or find.



Like Trotter Poisonia and Xuĕ?


Blight Terror:

Among many others. They aren't the only ones. Shadow will be facing off against all of them soon enough. From Past, Present…

(Looks Behind His Throne)

…And Future.


Blight Terror looks at what appears to be an Alicorn that looks like Flurry Heart, but her entire Aura is oozing with Chaos Magic and she has heterochromia eyes with one being Pink with Pure White Sclera and the other being Ruby Red with Yellow Sclera. Everycreature is in shock to meet this Alicorn from the Future…


Bright Terror:

(Sinister Smile)

Welcome to my Cadre…Princess Melodious Somber.


To Be Continued…

It Took Long Because It's Over 7,000 Words, But I Wanted To Make It Clear That The Sirens Will Be Featured More As Well As The Terrible Trio Of Tirek, Chrysalis And Cozy Glow. I Also Introduce A New Alicorn Villain From The Future: Princess Melodious Somber (OC). I Will Keep Her Backstory Secret Until Chapter 2 Which Will Focus On The Mane 6. Chapter 1 Will End Around Day 90 Which Will Be Possibly After This Next Arc (Cozy Glow Arc) Or The Following One After. No Spoilers, So Don't Ask, But It Will Involve Princess Melodious Somber As The Main Antagonist To End The Chapter With If The Cozy Glow Arc Isn't The Last One. If It Is, Then She Will Be The First Major Villain For Chapter 2. Thank You For Your Patience You Awesome People! Stay Wild & Wily, Everyone! <3 <3 <3

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro


After The Episode Preview Experiment On Dragon Ball Oneiron And Looking At The Numbers Of Doing So, I Will No Longer Be Doing It Anymore. Thank You Again For Your Time.

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