
Episode 29: (Scootaloo Arc) Unexpected Origins

Stardust remembers the last time she was with her mother. Her mother gave her the biggest surprise of her life: Taking her to meet the Wonderbolts as she managed to get backstage passes which she won on a raffle. Stardust was excited as she always wanted to meet them, especially the Captain of the Wonderbolts himself and her idol at the time, Steel Fire. As they are walking along in all of her excitement, her mother abruptly pushes her away. Not know what just happened, Stardust open her eyes and sees her mother being impaled by a number of black tentacles coming out of the surrounding shadows as she screams in sorrow. Before the tentacles could end the filly, Steel Fire jumps in, fights them off and saves Stardust from them; but her mother couldn't be saved as she implores both Steel Fire and Stormy Flare to look after Stardust and beware of the "Hag of Raddos". After she starts living with them, at first Stardust was getting used to it, but as time went on, she started developing a rivalry with her now foster father. One day it got so heated she told him off that he isn't her father which strained their relationship deeply as she learned on why the quote: "This Is Why You Don't Meet Your Heroes!" exists. Deep down Stardust always knew that she was in the wrong and she should apologize to him soon.


Scene 29.0: Equestria, Outskirts Of Ponyville, 12:32 PM, 40 Moons Ago


Cosmic Legacy and Tia follows Stardust Memory and Steel Fire directly, with Tia coated in her magic to fly down (Just like Starlight does when she needs to fly around) and arrives as Stardust regains consciousness and to her horror, sees her Foster Father in pain with blade fragments of the tentacles meant for her, sticking out of his body just like her real mother before him as she rushes to him fearing for his well-being. She holds him around her hooves as she cries for him; Cosmic wanted to help them, but is stopped by Tia shaking her head as she tells her there is nothing they can do.


Stardust Memory:


Hold on, Papa! You are going to be alright!


Steel Fire:

(Weakened, Sad Smile)

How long has it been since you call me that? Looks like history repeats…First your mother…now me. Looks like we found out who was responsible for that.


Stardust Memory:

But you aren't going to die! YOU CAN'T DIE!!! What will happen to Mama and Spiffy if you are gone!? What will I do without you putting me in my place for being irresponsible? I…I want you to live long enough to do the things I could never do with my real parents! I want you to be around when I find a special somepony. I want to laugh to see you disapprove of him only for you to become friends. I want you to walk me down the aisle when I get married. I want you to be around for you to meet my foals. I WANT YOU AROUND BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!! I DON'T WANT YOU TO DIE YET!!!


Steel Fire:

(Weak Smile)

You really are one selfish girl.


Stardust Memory:

(Sad Smile)

And whose fault was that? You raised me, remember?


Steel Fire, Stardust Memory:



Stardust Memory:

(Laughter Turns To Uncontrollable Sobbing)

I'm…Sorry…I'm So…So Sorry I Told You That Horrible Thing!!! So Please!!!


Steel Fire:

Stop being such a Star-Dud. I didn't raise my Shining Wonderbolt Star to be such a Wimp.


Stardust Memory:



Steel Fire:


Take care…of both your mother…and your sister for me…I'll tell your mother…a lot of stories about you when I meet her…and they will be…the ones you hate…me telling your friends…Remember that I…love you like my…own and try…to be…responsible…and take…accountability for…your...…


Stardust's eyes widen in disbelief as her foster father dies around her hooves. Distraught and in shock, Stardust calls out to him in despair, sobbing uncontrollably and deep hoping this was a prank or a dream or anything but reality. In her sorrow, Stardust remembers everything they went through: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly as she now wishes it could have lasted longer as she regrets not spending more time with him like she wanted and should have. Even though they started off on the wrong hoof, Cosmic walks to Stardust in order to help her; suddenly she notices that the tentacle fragments starts to wiggle around that as she warns Stardust about it, only for her to be impaled and to make matters worse, the black fragments burrows itself deep into Stardust's Body as she starts to scream in pure agony. From a distance, a middle age mare with pale green mane, green eyes and an orange coat rushes to where she heard the scream. Tia tries to help Stardust using her healing magic, but Cosmic stops her by standing in her way.



Please Cosmic! We need to help Stardust!!


Cosmic Legacy:

Not yet! That was no ordinary Necro Tentacle Fragments. That Was A Necro Seed. That Necromancer wants to kill Stardust from the inside out. If you get close to her, the Necro Seed will force Stardust to tear you apart.



Then how are we going to save her!?


Cosmic Legacy:

The only one that can save Stardust now…Is Stardust Herself!



What do you mean by that!?


Cosmic Legacy:

(Confident Smile)

Don't underestimate the Descendants of the Element of Life!




Element…of Life? Are Cosmic and Stardust…Bearers of the Elements of Harmony like Luna and Me?


Cosmic Legacy:

(Serious Expression)

Stardust! You must listen to me! You are being taken over! Focus all of your energy into your element in order to expunge the Necro Seed out of your body!


Stardust Memory:

(Agonizing Pain)



Cosmic Legacy:

Listen! Your sister was taken by the hag that killed your dad! If you die here, your little sister will follow! You have to live! You are the only one that can save her! You Need To Focus And Do It For Both Your Dad And Your Sister!!!


After hearing Cosmic's words, Stardust focuses on her element as it starts to glow brightly and manages to expunge the Necro Seed from her body as the expunged liquid shapes itself in the form of a ball and it starts changing to the point it looks like a little filly. The amount of power Stardust used to expunge the Necro Seed out of her body completely drained her that she faints from exhaustion. The middle age mare arrives at the scene: it was a younger version of Goldie Delicious from that time.


Goldie Delicious:


Sweet Apple Sauce! What happened here!?


Cosmic Legacy:

Please! You need to help us! Is there a town nearby?


Goldie Delicious:

Sadly Ponyville is a little too far from here, but my cabin is nearby. We can help your friends there.


Cosmic Legacy:

Thank you. Tia? You help her with Stardust. I'll cleanse and bury her dad nearby.



Are you sure?


Cosmic Legacy:

(Confident Smile)

I have been training all my life for this. I'll be fine. Also…

(Looks At Stardust & Little Filly In Sadness)

…Make sure Stardust doesn't know that little filly is the Necro Seed. I don't think she noticed that the seed took on this form, so please don't let her know. If I was in her horseshoes…I think I might do something heinous to her for what happened to my dad.



I hate to say this, but I agree with your assessment.


Goldie gives directions and a map to Cosmic on where to find her cabin as Tia uses her magic to make a small carriage to move the unconscious Stardust meanwhile she carries the New Born Necro Seed Filly on her back. Cosmic grabs some items from her bag and starts to cleanse Steel Fire's Body from Trotter's Necromancy Magic so she doesn't turn him into an Undead Necron.




Scene 29.1: Ponyville, Scootaloo-Lofty-Holiday's Home, 9:40 AM, Day 40 of 365


Wendy looks at Shadow and he's not acting like his usual self as he looks more somber and darker than normal which is very odd to see.






(Avoiding Eye-Contact)

Worry about me later. Right now we need you to know the truth about your mom.



Shadow has dealt with this all his life. He'll be alright.

(Worried Stare At Shadow)



I always look at the "Platinum" Lining in the "Shadow" that is my life.


See what I did there?



(Sad Chuckle, Thinking)

That pun was so bad it actually hurt.



(Annoyed, Face-Hoof)

Bad puns aside. After your mom cleansed and buried Steel Fire, she went straight to Goldie's Cabin…


...but when she got there…




Scene 29.2: Equestria, Outskirts Of Ponyville: Goldie Delicious' Cabin, 1:04 PM


Cosmic flies through the skies looking for Goldie's Cabin on the direction she was given, she manages to finds it but not because of the map Goldie gave her, but by the loud noises happening that can be heard from all over the forest. At first she thought the evil old mare placed a link spell with the Necro Seed to find them when the filly is born, but when she got there, she sees Stardust fighting the little filly as Tia and Goldie are imploring them to stop. Seeing that Tia is in sorrow, Cosmic jumps in and pushes both Stardust and the filly away with a strong gust of wind as she lands between them in a superhero landing style which annoys both of them.


Stardust Memory:

(Furious, Hurt)

Out of the way, Cosmic!


??? (Filly):

(Furious, Hurt)

Yeah! I'm going to teach that punk a lesson!


Stardust Memory:



??? (Filly):



Cosmic Legacy:

I leave you all for almost an hour and this happens?




Sorry! But I also took my eyes off them for a moment and this happened.


Cosmic Legacy:

(Worried, Thinking)

OH, CRAP!!! I'm really, really, reeeaaally hoping that the reason they aren't at each other's throat is because Stardust figured out that this little filly is the Necro Seed responsible for her dad's death.

(Out Loud)

Why are you two fighting?


Stardust Memory:

This punk kicked me while I was KO-ed!


??? (Filly):

You kicked me first, Obaachan!


Stardust Memory:




(Holding Down Stardust)

AAAHHH!!! Stardust!!! Calm down!!! Please!!!


Cosmic Legacy:

(Relieved Sigh, Thinking)

Phew! Looks like Stardust doesn't know this little filly is the Necro Seed that killed her dad and they are bickering on kicking each other while being on the same bed.


Aw! I bet they looked really cute together and I missed it.


Goldie Delicious:

Excuse me. But what Obaachan means? It that a new newfangled words you youngsters use nowadays?


Cosmic Legacy:

(Laughing, Out Loud)

Oh, no! That's a word from the very far east of Equestria. It means "Grandma".


Stardust Memory:

SHUT YOUR TRAP UP!!! Anyways, I don't have time to deal with this brat! I have to go and save Spitfire.

(Collapse In Pain)




Not like this you can't! You are not fully healed from last time and your uniform is damaged from earlier.


Stardust Memory:

I promised dad to look after both my mom and my sister…and every moment I stay here…my sister is in danger of something horrible happening to her.


Cosmic Legacy:

(Annoyed Sigh)

Well…you are going to need my help. After all, even though you are the True Heir of the Element of Life, I don't think you know the secrets of it like I do, since I trained to know it all since I was a filly.


Stardust Memory:

Who are you? For real?


Cosmic Legacy:

Since you have the Element and the way you managed to access its power, that makes me your distant cousin.


Stardust Memory:

Really? Where are you from if that is true?


Cosmic Legacy:

I'm from a Village named "Shard", a splintered cell full of refugees from the Crystal Empire when Sombra took it over.


Stardust Memory:


You are…A Crystal Pony? But your Coat and Mane are not as shiny as the stories say.


Cosmic Legacy:


I'm wearing a special coat/mane gel to hide my crystal shine from everycreature.


Stardust Memory:

(Excited, Overjoyed)

So what my real mom told me was true…the Crystal Empire is returning in a few years from now. I can finally make her and my family's dream come true!


Cosmic Legacy:

That's why I am here. My grandpa's artifact started ringing like crazy. That artifact was given to him by our ancestor who was the Element of Life before you. She also left behind some scrolls with a number of prophecies like "The Return of Nightmare Moon", "The War of the Changelings", "The Revival of Tirek", "The Birth of the Youngest Tyrant" and "The Return of the Crystal Empire".


Stardust Memory:

(Shocked, Excited)



Cosmic Legacy:


Yes, but…


Stardust Memory:


What's with the long face? Don't you want the home of our ancestors to return to Equestria?


Cosmic Legacy:

I do but…that also means Sombra will be coming back too.


Stardust Memory:

Then teach me how to master the Element. I will use it to face Sombra and retake the Crystal Empire from him.


Cosmic Legacy:


Are you a dumb-flank!? If our Ancestor, who was not only the Element of Life, but also a Powerful Alicorn never stood up against Sombra, what makes you, who are like me, a Pegasus, think have a chance against him while our Ancestor couldn't?


Stardust Memory:

If I manage to save Spitfire and avenge my dad, then I will prove that I can take on Sombra when the time comes.


Cosmic Legacy:

I'll admit that rescuing your sister is the responsible thing to do, but if you try to avenge your father in the way I know you want to do…just know that there will be consequences if you take matters into your own hooves like that; and those consequences are pretty devastating to everypony…even you.


Stardust Memory:


Your father didn't die around your hooves like mine did today!


Cosmic Legacy:

(Torn, About To Cry, Staying Strong, Furious, Calm Demeanor)

I know that you are hurting and I know that we just met. So I will let that comment slide for now, but if you think you are the only one that suffered something like this, you are very wrong.

(Deep Breath, Deep Sigh, Fully Calm)

Anyhoo! Let me finish healing you by teaching you how to use your element. I will also fix your uniform and fit it for battle against that Necromancer.


Stardust Memory:

Do you know who she is and why she attacked us?


Cosmic Legacy:

No, I never met her, but I do know what she is and why she attacked you, not us.


Stardust Memory:

Tell me everything you know.





Your mom told everything she knew on why Trotter attacked Stardust without revealing that the little filly she was fighting against was actually the Necro Seed that was used to kill Steel Fire. She also refitted Stardust with armor on her damaged Wonderbolt Uniform on her. She looked like a Warrior from a storybook with a full hoof armor on her front left hoof, knee-guards on her hind-hooves; horseshoes that look like that of the princesses. Stardust looked really cool! She looked like a tragic heroine of action like Daring Doo, but Darker!







(Proud Yet Sad Smile)

Your mom was awesome too, Wendy. Without her, My Mom wouldn't survived fighting Trotter which means…I wouldn't be here right now.







Don't make that face, kiddo. Your mom was as much as a hero as everycreature else, including my mom. Just keep listening to Scoots for now.







After getting everything ready and teaching Stardust the basics on how to use the Element of Life, they are stopped by Tia who wanted to join them since she felt guilty for not protecting Spitfire and the mysterious filly jumped as she wanted to join them too. But Stardust didn't want her to because at first thought that the filly was related to Goldie, but Goldie told her she wasn't and after what your mom told her, she told Stardust that she's a little filly she found hurt earlier that day.



She lied?



It's more of a half-truth. She told the truth, but not the whole truth by leaving most of the details out. If she did, things would have turned out differently and when I say that, I do so pessimistically.



If that's true then what exactly did they tell Stardust about this little filly?



She told her she had amnesia and everypony collaborated with her in order to protect her from Stardust's Wrath. Feeling sorry for her, Stardust named her "Starry Night" because of her sparkly silver mane and shining black coat. Her sparkly-eyes is what made her chose the name too.




Big Sis Starry!?




What did you called her?



(Saddened Smile)

She…would always show up in my dreams and always tell me really nice stories about her little brother. She has always been so nice to me, but I stopped seeing her when Mama got really sick.



Stories…? About me?



(Sad Nod)

I didn't knew she was talking about you, Aniki. I can't believe she was your sister.



I didn't knew she even existed until last month when I fought Trotter. But we can talk about that some other time. We are here tell you about your mom.



Alright. So how were they going to start searching for Spitfire? Trotter just attacked Mama and the others and didn't say anything, not even Aunt Xuĕ and those Windigos with her.



Aunt Sparkly taught my mom that if you have a strong connection with someone, the Element of Life can find them anywhere in the world. It even can grant the user the ability to teleport to them even if you aren't a Unicorn or Alicorn. But she neglected to tell her that part in order to stop my mom from going to her own suicide fighting Trotter, Xuĕ and her Windigos.



That make sense. So where were Trotter and Aunt Xuĕ were hiding?



(Serious Expression)

The World That Never Was.







It's a dimension where creatures that were hollowed-out goes and calls home. It's mostly used by those who have become one with the darkness. The closest portal to go there is located in the ruins of a fallen kingdom beyond the Everfree Forest. The name of that kingdom was named "Ferghana De Lumina", but the Ancients call it now: "La Ruina". To get there, all of them needed to go through the Castle of the Two Sisters since Ferghana De Lumina is located west of the abandoned castle leading to the Undiscovered West through a secret passage located hidden deep in the castle. Once out the passage, you will be on the Undiscovered West.



Yeah. Ferghana De Lumina used to be a beautiful kingdom once belonging to Celestia and Luna's Family, but one day a great calamity happened that destroyed the kingdom that they had to move elsewhere. From what I've heard, their parents rebuilt the kingdom in a different location, then they moved back nearby when the built their home. But let's continue. After they started their journey to save Spitfire, they arrived at the Castle of the Two Sisters only to find out that the castle was anything but a derelict…




Scene 29.3: Everfree Forest, Castle of the Two Sisters, 8:38 PM


Phase 1:

The Lingering Immortal


Upon arriving at the castle, Cosmic, Tia and Goldie are begrudgingly following behind Stardust and Starry who have been bickering and at each other's throats since they left Goldie's Cabin which really annoys everypony. However they start to get scared as they start to hear ghostly whispers echoing as a storm is starting to roar its thunder and lightning.


Starry Night:

(Scared, Trying To Act Brave)

What was that?


Stardust Memory:

(Scared, Trying To Act Brave)

Oh, That? Must have been the wind. Why?

(Evil Sneer, Taunting Attitude)

Is the little baby needs her mommy?


Starry Night:


Aren't late for your bedtime, O~Baa~Chan!?


Stardust Memory:


Diaper Wearing Brat!


Starry Night:

Bottom Feeder!


Stardust Memory:

Monkey Girl!!


Starry Night:



Stardust Memory, Starry Night:



As soon as they called each other that, instead of trying to tear each other apart they are shocked and look away from each other as their feelings are deeply hurt. Cosmic, Tia and Goldie want to talk to them, but they noticed that both Stardust and Starry are willing to talk as they turned towards each other with a sad look on their faces and trying to avoid eye-contact. But before they could say anything, the air around them got as cold as winter as they suddenly jumped away from there as large ice spikes came bursting from the ground trying to pierce them to death. At first they thought it was the Windigos have returned to finish them, but it turns out to be Specter in his powered up form. Seeing him like that, Tia at first thought it was the Pony of Shadows, but then realized it wasn't due to his colors being inverted and is using ice and wind magic for his attacks which further convinces her that this wasn't the Pony of Shadows. Stardust and Cosmic start to fight against the Ghostly Pony as they manage to injure him using the power of the element meanwhile Tia casts both a barrier spell around herself, Starry and Goldie and healing both Cosmic and Stardust at the same time; a feat that the disguised Alicorn Princess can do with ease. The fight is easy for the Pegasi as Specter can't hone in at them due to their speed and combination attacks. The fight ends as soon as Specter is weakened to the point he turns back to his normal pony-like form.


Stardust Memory:

Game Over, Windigo!



Windigo? Me? Ridiculous. I am not a creature of fiction. I am a being that is forever bound to this plane of existence, unable to move on the world beyond.


Stardust Memory:

So you are a Specter?



You may call me that. But I suggest you leave this place. You are trespassing on my domain and I am very territorial.



This castle doesn't belong to you! It belongs to me—I mean, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna!



Princess Celestia abandoned this castle when she was forced to banish her younger sister to the Moon and rebuilt her kingdom in Canterlot.


Stardust Memory:

I could care less about who own this place or not! I need to get through here in order to save my little sister!



A good number of you are Pegasi. You can carry the Earth Pony and Unicorn around the area.



But that will take the rest of the night! We need to get through the secret underground tunnel in order to reach the Undiscovered West.


Cosmic Legacy:

And if that Necromancer is who I think it is, it will be too late!



I am not interested in the affairs of the living. Just leave me be.


Stardust Memory:

You said you were bound forever to this plane of existence. Why is that?



I made a pact with a Powerful Alchemist around a 1,000 Moons Ago when I was still alive. He promised me immortality, but when my mortal coil had reached its limit in this world, my soul became what you see before you. Even the God of Death, Lord Thanatos has failed to collect me.


Stardust Memory:

So the immortality he gave you wasn't the one you were hoping for. Talk about getting swindled.



Not at all. He openly stated that this was a possible outcome if I went through with my desire, yet I did not took heed to his warnings and now I am paying the price for my ignorance.


Stardust Memory:

What if I can tell you I can help you get to the next life?



You jest. You are a Pegasus, not a Unicorn at best nor an Alicorn at worst. How can you assist me when not even Lord Thanatos who has appeared before me could?


Stardust Memory:

I am the Element of Life. I have the power to save lives and help the dead pass to the great beyond.



Element of Life? Are you somehow connected to the Elements of Harmony?


Stardust Memory:

Yes, I am. But I will only help you if you help us in saving my little sister.


Cosmic Legacy:

I can attest to that. I studied the Element of Life ever since I was a foal and I can assure you that Stardust can help you move on into the next life. But nothing in life or in your case, afterlife is free. The Price of Life is Death and the Price of Entering a certain domain of the Afterlife is your Deeds you have done in life. If your Evil Deeds are greater than your Good Deeds, you will be forever torment in Tartarus or worst, Hades. If your Good Deeds are greater than your Evil Deeds, you will be given 2 Options: Elysium or Reincarnation. Right now, the price for you to enter the afterlife is for you to help us save Spitfire.





Stardust Memory:




Very Well. I accept thy offer.


Stardust Memory:


Thank you!



Be Forewarned, Element of Life! I will hold you accountable if you do not keep your end of the bargain.


Stardust Memory:


Accountability Is My New Middle Name.



I seem to have gotten your attention and not in a positive way. I do not know what you have gone through, but you have my sympathies.


Stardust Memory:

Thank you.



Where are we headed?


Cosmic Legacy:

Ferghana De Lumina located in the Undiscovered West. There's a portal there that will lead us to The World That Never Was.



I never thought I would return to Ferghana De Lumina myself. What is that place? The World That Never Was?


Cosmic Legacy:

It's a world where Darkness Reign Supreme. Only those who have embraced the darkness, been hollowed out, evil beings and the Undead can exist there.



Can you survive if you go there yourselves? I can since I am considered Undead. But the lot of you seem to be Normal Equines.


Cosmic Legacy:

That's not a problem. Stardust here can cast an Energy Field around us in order to protect us from the negative effects of that world.



Very well. I will trust you with this situation…For Now.






Wow! Mama and Shadow's Mama are really strong if they beat Uncle Specter!




Yeah, they were.



My mom was already strong, but thanks to Aunt Sparkly telling her the basics of the Element of Life, she got even stronger. My mom couldn't have made it far in life without your mom's help.



You mean it?



(Warm Smile)

It's true. Even I am grateful to Aunt Sparkly since she taught me so much too. And before she left us, she taught me even more.



(Proud Yet Sad Smile)

Aniki…Thank you.



As they headed to Ferghana De Lumina in order to save Spitfire, Cosmic, Stardust, Specter and the others had many encounters with Xuĕ and her Windigos as soon as they got to the Undiscovered West. But with each battle they had, the resentment of the Windigos towards them got worse with every loss. However, as soon as they got near Ferghana De Lumina, Xuĕ decided to go all out against everypony. That was the most intense battle your mom and the others ever had…




Scene 29.Final: Undiscovered West, Gran Brow, 1:04 AM


Phase 2:

Battle At Gran Brow


Everypony is fighting an armada of Windigos in a battle to the death as Cosmic, Stardust and Specter are the only ones that can fly, are fighting in the air meanwhile Tia and Goldie are in the ground providing support to them; as for Starry is scared and wondering on what to do to help. Even though they are outnumbered, they aren't outgunned as they are able to defeat a large number of the Windigos with coordinated teamwork lead by Stardust as she is grateful to her Foster Father for teaching her the value of teamwork and able to coexist with her allies. Specter is amaze that the power that both Cosmic and Stardust have displayed up until now even though they are both Pegasi. Suddenly, Trotter appears there with Spitfire next to her inside a cage and in chains (Just like Wendy was in the present when Scootaloo saved her), this infuriates Stardust and rushes at the Hag of Raddos, only to be stopped by Wren as he attacks and mocks Stardust by calling her "Star-Dud" which is making her lose her cool. Starry notices this and decides to sneak around and save Spitfire on her own without letting anypony know. While Cosmic is battling Weiss, he is acting very suave like he is hitting on her, but the truth is he is trying to make her slip and drop her guard so he can take her out; but she isn't taking the bait as she flirts back in the same way and strategy every single time they battle.


Starry reaches Spitfire, but shushes her and tells her that she's there to save her (Just like Scootaloo did for Wendy), however Trotter notices and attacks Starry, but she also just notices that Starry is the Necro Seed she used to try to kill Stardust. Trotter tries to manipulate Starry by telling her the truth about her origins and mission as she is screaming, denying Trotter's Poisonous Words. Stardust sees this and rushes to save both Starry and Spitfire only for Wren to get in her way. Seeing that something is happening to Starry as her body is undergoing a strange metamorphosis, Stardust resort to a desperate assault to save her sister and the filly she finally has bonded with. In that desperation, Stardust inadvertently ended Wren using an intense blast from her element and rushes at Trotter, hitting her so hard that this infuriates the Hag of Raddos as she creates a powerful tornado of dark magic filled with sharp magical blades similar to the Grim Reapers' Soul Blades that is meant to end not only Stardust and her friends, but also her Windigo Slaves that caught them all by surprise as a number of them have been erased by the Necromancer's Dark Magic. Seeing the slaughter that Trotter is making, Cosmic jumps out of her way and shields Weiss from Trotter's indiscriminate assault on everycreature that her wing gets injured and the pain is so great she faints from it, forcing Weiss to take Cosmic to safety. Meanwhile Stardust is forced to save one filly in that entire mess and for some weird reason, she decides to save Starry over her own sister as Trotter leaves the area with Spitfire and an injured Xuĕ as Stardust is in shock on why did she save Starry instead of Spitfire. She has known Spitfire since she was born and only met Starry that very day as she looks at what is happening with a deep despair as Trotter takes Spitfire away…


To be Continued…

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

StarscreamSigmacreators' thoughts