
My Little Pony: Platinum Shadow

Platinum Shadow is a MLP Fan Fiction starring OC's as main characters and returning FiM Characters, including Villains like Lord Tirek and Daybreaker. The story takes place years after the end of Season 9. The story follows a young stallion unicorn named Platinum Shadow due to the colors of his dark coat and silver mane that has traveled all over Equestria and beyond in search of his "Deadbeat Father" that abandoned him and his dying crippled mother. Throughout his journeys he's made countless friends From Alphas (Original Characters) to Yaks and known as the "Blank Unicorn" as he does not have a Cutie Mark (Or does he? =.= ). His journey ends in Ponyville that is now known and expanded as the "Home of Friendship", however unknown to him, his journey might be over, but this is where his story truly begins...

StarscreamSigma · Anime & Comics
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Episode 28: (Scootaloo Arc) Unexpected Assistance

In strange world similar to the one Sunset Shimmer used to live but a lot more futuristic, a human Lysithea is attending a masquerade party as she looks at the moon on a balcony with sadness in her catlike eyes. She is startled by a tall man wearing a dark royal armor, wearing a stylish mask and a waist-length cape. His green eyes, dark skin and platinum hair is what made him attractive to her and his mannerism sealed the deal for her as he places a ring on her finger without noticing; when she did, she was overjoyed and they kissed as they embrace their future union. This Man is Alternate Platinum Shadow. Suddenly she awaken in the middle of a battlefield piloting a Mecha that resembles Kōzuki Karen's Guren MK-II (Code Geass) meanwhile her beloved is piloting a Mecha resembling the Wing Gundam Snow White Prelude (New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop) as they are fighting Dark Queen Chrysalis who is waging a war on the world from her aerial fortress. Shadow and Lysithea are the world's best pilots as Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Applejack's Squadrons are protecting Equestria from the invasion of the Dark Queen. Suddenly, both of their Mecha are hit with an electrified net which disables them. But since Shadow is piloting a Mecha resembling the Snow White Gundam, the electrified net had little effect on it as he powered through out of it and took Lysithea's Mecha to safety as she is weakened because of the pain from the attack, forcing Shadow to go after Chrysalis alone. She falls into despair when Shadow sacrifices himself as soon as he enters Chrysalis' Aerial Fortress and Self-Destructs near the core, ending the Dark Queen and her entire Dark Empire as Lysithea screams in sorrow. She wakes up in her room somewhere in Ponyville in her pony form with both cold sweats, tears in her eyes and bloodshot with all of her crying in her sleep. She continues to sob hard while covering her face as she blames herself for the Death of Alternate Platinum Shadow.


Scene 28.0: Ponyville, Scootaloo-Lofty-Holiday's Home, 9:27 PM, Day 39 of 365


It's been a week since Scootaloo, Shadow and Wendy returned to Ponyville, but they returned by train from the Crystal Empire instead of using Q's Fast Travel Feathers because Shadow is emotionally destroyed along with Wendy after the death of their family member. Ever since they got back, Shadow and Wendy have been locked up in their respective rooms and haven't left ever since. Shadow's room at Twilight's Castle is shrouded by a visible ominous black aura that is scaring everycreature that passes by his room as the chaos magic within him is getting the better of him; meanwhile Wendy's room at Scootaloo-Lofty-Holiday's Home, is shrouded by ice as her Windigo Magic within her is getting the better of her as well as Scootaloo, Auntie Lofty and Auntie Holiday are worried for her. Everycreature has tried to cheer them up, but Shadow and Wendy's reactions were highly negative. Many examples show Luster trying to talk to Shadow as casually as always and tell him all the good things that has happened since they met, but Shadow's aura darkened. Meanwhile Regalia tried her hoof to cheer up Wendy which Rose knew it would be a big mistake and she was right as Wendy's door completely turned into a sturdy wall of ice, making it impossible go through the door and this broke Regalia as she fell into a depressive state. Lucky Star tries to make her happy with pictures of Wendy being more happy and lively which makes her happy in turn for a while. Seeing that this is getting out of control as she looks at this from a distance, Lysithea has had enough as all of the Alternate Versions of Shadow she has Met and Loved would never behave like this; she has gone through that herself, but refuses to allow Any Version of Shadow even this one to fall into the darkness she herself has fallen many times before until being rescued by All of the Alternate Shadows. Later that night when Scootaloo went to bed, she falls asleep as she desperately tries to think of a way to help both Shadow and Wendy. In the Dream World, she finds herself in an odd location that she doesn't recognize, but actually likes it. The location is an Arcade located in a Mall that belongs in the Human World and she sees the Lysithea playing Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo and she's playing as her favorite all time character: Zangief as she manages to Double Perfect Victory on Gouki (Akuma) who is the Secret Final Boss of the game if you manage to reach Vega (M. Bison). You must play through the one player mode with any character and beat every opponent without using any continues, in less than 1,500 seconds of total game time, or by having a score of over 1,200,000, or by holding an attack button for 2 seconds during the victory quote screen after winning 12 consecutive matches. If these conditions are met, Akuma will knock out M. Bison at the start of the final match and challenge you instead. Lysithea's Final Score is displayed as 2,437,298 as she gives a sigh of annoyance.




This game has swindled me! I was supposed to get 2.5 Million as my final score! As my Beloved would always tell me: "Better Luck Next Time, My Princess Knight."



Who are you and where are we?



The Dream World. But if you desire a more precised answer…you are in one of my favorite dating spots me and my beloved would always venture to. But I am not here for myself. I am here for a mutual dilemma.



Let me guess: Shadow and Wendy.



Indeed. I am here to provide you a very much accurate tell of Stardust Memory and Cosmic Legacy's Story on their meeting, their journey to rescue Spitfire and how they defeated Trotter Poisonia. But only on what you know so far because Shadow do not wish to know more than what he does now. So I need you to tell me what you know so far.



Alright, that's fair since Shadow is still fighting the idea of knowing everything right now.


Scootaloo tells Lysithea all she heard from both Apple Bloom and Cosmic themselves in hopes that the Mysterious Mare In Red can condense it into a more understandable story even though it is a convoluted and incomplete one. After hearing all of it, Lysithea changes the scenery around them and shows Scootaloo the whole story revolving around Cosmic and not Stardust or anypony else. She even went as far as to show her Cosmic's life before and after meeting Stardust, and falling in love with Weiss. Scootaloo couldn't believe Cosmic's entire story that she not only has great respect for her, but to Stardust as well and much to her surprise, but Cosmic and Stardust's Personalities has been passed down to both Wendy and Shadow respectively and after seeing all of this has now taught her how to deal with them.




They are awesome!




I believe you mean "Were", My dear. But you are correct. Cosmic and Stardust were always close to Shadow. They taught him more about his legacy far more than he could learn on his own. Nevertheless his father figures taught him how to be an honorable and chivalrous man.






(Nervous Demeanor & Smile)

STALLION!!! I meant to say Stallion!

(Nervous Overblown Ojousama Laughter)



(Doubtful Stare)

Riiight…Is that really you…Luna?



(Annoyed Scoff)

How Rude! I will admit we have our similarities, but I am not her!



You can't fool me, "Princess". I know that body language of yours anywhere! I thought you and Shadow hated each other! Why are you—?




I Keep Telling You I Am Not That Lunatic!



(Appears Behind Lysithea, Furious)





HUH!?!?!? 2 LUNAS!?!?!?



(Glares At Lysithea)

Wrong, Young Scootaloo. There is only one and that is I! I cannot believe you thought this hoodlum was actually me.



(Glares At Luna)

It takes one to know one…Nightmare Moon.






I DARE BECAUSE I CAN!!! Or are you denying you never were Nightmare Moon at all!?



I was, but that is who I am now!



That does not change the reality you were her at one point in time.



I should throw you in a dungeon for that offensive remark!



Come On! Go Ahead!! I Dare You!!!



Do Not Test My Patience, Invader!




Invader!? Call me that again and I will you regret it, Has-Been!




Wearing that type of clothing makes you into a Pervert!



Wearing no clothes whatsoever makes even more Perverted!



(Ashamed, Discreetly Walking Away, Thinking)

I better wake up before they suck me into all of this. Still…

(Looks At Lysithea & Luna)

…Why is it I'm seeing double when I look at both of them? They look exactly the same I literally confused Lysithea with Luna. Who is she and how did Shadow meet her?


Scene 28.1: Ponyville, Twilight's Castle, 7:18 AM, Day 40 of 365


After waking up in her room, Scootaloo takes a quick shower and fixes herself up and rushes to the castle to drag Shadow to her house. Upon arriving at the castle, Scootaloo kicks down Shadow's door, jumps on his bed and instead of attacking him, she just pulls his bed sheets and lies next to him with her eyes closed and with a happy smile on her face as she fakes going to sleep and Shadow glares at her annoyingly. Before he could tell her to buzz off in that moment, she gives him a childish kiss A La Bugs Bunny and returns to her fake sleep and continues smiling.



Your Mom and Aunt were the coolest mares that ever lived, Shadow.



What are you getting at?



(Sad Expression)

Lysithea visited me last night and helped me make sense of everything Apple Bloom and Cosmic told me…And I want to tell you so you can understand it better…and…if you understand it better…you can help me tell it to Wendy if I fumble. I…I can't help her without you…You are, aside from me, the only family she has left.



(Defeated Sigh)

Go ahead.


Scootaloo smiles and tells Shadow everything as Lysithea watches them from a distance using her clairvoyance magic as she is happy that things are moving along smoothly for now. Shadow is in awe now that some details on his mother and aunt now makes sense as he is reinvigorated upon hearing all of it and somewhere in his heart he wants to know the whole story, but not yet. Shadow cleans himself up and follows Scootaloo back to her house.


Scene 28.2: Ponyville, Scootaloo-Lofty-Holiday's Home, 8:12 AM



Well, here we are. Let's go to Wendy.



Yeah…we need to go up to her window for that.



Why not go through her room's front door?



She froze it solid after Regalia tried to convince her to leave the room.



How could she fail? Regalia is a smart little filly.



(Annoyed, Looks Away, Whispering)

Keep telling yourself that.



What was that you said?



Nothing. Let's just start climbing and hope she doesn't freeze the window solid too.





Shadow and Scootaloo start climbing the side of her house as they try to reach Wendy's room via her window. Once they reach it, they sneak a peak inside if she is paying attention to the window if anycreature tries to get in through there. Luckily they see that she appears to be asleep, so they quietly sneak in, but much to their surprise they both step in a trap Wendy set up and their bodies are both frozen up to their necks as Wendy wakes up while wearing an eye-mask.



You just can't just leave me alone, huh Regalia?



What is it with all of you having a grudge against Regalia?



(Takes Off Eye-Mask, Shocked)

ANIKI!!! ANEKI!!! I'M SO SORRY!!! That trap was meant for Regalia and maybe Lucky, but not you!



I ask again: What do you have against Regalia?




I keep telling you that she's weird!



Sure I'll be the first to admit she has a unique quirk, but that doesn't make her a bad girl.



(Angry Stare)





Not to interrupt you but…

(Freezing, Furious)



Wendy quickly thaws out not only Scootaloo and Shadow, but her entire room as well. 30 Minutes later, Scootaloo is covered up with blankets provided by Auntie Holiday and a bowl of soup from Auntie Lofty as she caught a cold from being frozen like that.


Auntie Holiday:


Looks like this will be a normal everyday thing for us. It's quite exciting!


Auntie Lofty:


You are right and I thought being sent to Cybertron and fighting Murderking with the help of Arcee and Greenlight was the last time we were going to have this type of excitement.




You went to Cybertron? Home of the Autobots and Decepticons who are fighting a Civil War?


Wait! You Fought Murderking and Survived!?


Auntie Holiday:

It was real easy with just a couple of balls of yarn, a little high speed spin and a pair of scissors.



I…can't…believe it…I fought Starscream's when he possessed one of Lady Ava's replica body of himself. Beating him was easy because he had an overblown ego.



(Nasal Voice)

Achoo! Rainbow Dash teamed up with Starscream when Sombra took over the minds of Twilight and the others. The Seekers chose Rainbow Dash over Starscream as the hero after they managed to stop and capture some of those controlled by Sombra.



Sombra? He was there?



Achoo! Yeah…What do you mean Starscream possessed a replica body of himself?



You don't know? Starscream's original body was destroyed by the Reformatted Megatron, Galvatron. After that, his Spark became like a wandering ghost that can possess the bodies of other Cybertronians.


Scootaloo, Auntie Holiday, Auntie Lofty:







Auntie Lofty:

And what do you mean by "Reformatted", dear?



It's the Cybertronian term for "Reincarnation". But unlike here in Equestria where Reincarnation takes centuries, in Cybertron sometimes it is instant or takes a few days like what happened to Soundwave when he was destroyed then reformatted to become Soundblaster.



No wonder he was adamant that his name is no longer Soundwave every time he and his Recordicons visited Equestria and his colors were different. Back then was purple, blue and white, but now he's black, red and white. Achoo! They are friends with Fluttershy, Vinyl and Octavia. Rumble and the other Recordicons really likes being around Fluttershy and Soundblaster at times hangs around with Vinyl and Via.



For some reason I'm not surprised. Next thing you are going to tell me Knock-Out and Rarity love to hang out too. Wildwheel shows up at Sweet Apple Acres to meetup Applejack. The Dinobots and Aerialbots hang around Uncle Spike, Big Sis Smolder and the Wonderbolts. Oh, and don't forget Rodimus, Gauge, Arcee, Greenlight and other Autobots shows up here too.


Scootaloo, Auntie Lofty, Auntie Holiday:

How did you know?




I was being Sarcastic. Also…Who authorized that? Optimus? Because I highly doubt Megatron back then would have given his consent.



They both gave their consent to Twilight, but Megatron never came back to Equestria after we were transported to Cybertron during the Decepticon Invasion that lead to Sombra trying to take over their world. Speaking of strong bodies…ACHOO!!! I'm really jealous of your resistance to getting a cold.



First Off: I'm a Chaos Pony. My Body can survive Extreme Temperatures. Two: I lived on Shard since I was born up until I left when my mom passed away, so I managed to build a resistance to the cold to the point I can't go a day without taking an icy cold shower; even if it's winter. Three: In The Chaotic Void, my teachers always tell me…Only Fools Catch A Cold. They are not wrong.



Annoyed by that remark, Scootaloo dumps the bowl of hot soup on top of Shadow's head.



I'm lucky I can stand the heat too, but even that's the case, I can still feel the pain from either ice or fire. But since I was born and raised in a land of ice, I prefer the cold over the heat so don't do that again.




Stop being a jerk and I won't do it again.




I'll try.



I'm so confused right now…Autobots? Decepticons? Cybertron? Huh!?


Auntie Holiday:

We can tell you all about it—



Not yet. She needs to hear what me and Shadow has to tell her first. That's why we got frozen in the first place even though we weren't expecting it.



Seriously! Let me ask again: What you do have against Regalia?


Auntie Holiday:

I was wondering the same thing.


Auntie Lofty:

Yeah. Regalia reminds me of not only of Diamond Tiara, but when I look at her, she also reminds me a little of Holiday.


Auntie Holiday:

(Happy Smile)

She also reminds me a little bit of you, Lofty.



Now that I think about it…Regalia does things I only thought my aunts only do.




But that amalgamation is too weird. I like Auntie Holiday, Auntie Lofty and Diamond Tiara as they are, but all of that in one pony…it's really weird.



(Annoyed Sigh)

Out of curiosity, were you going to freeze Lucky too?



I would have thawed her out as soon as possible and asked her to take Regalia away, especially she's a strong filly. I like her more than Regalia.




I hope Regalia doesn't find that out. I worry that Lucky would lose Regalia as a friend if that happens and Lucky already is lonely enough.



What is it you want to tell me?



The story on how your mom lived and how she fell in love with your dad. I know the whole story and since you miss her, I want to tell you everything about her so you don't feel sad anymore; and whenever you want to hear it again, I'll tell it to you when you ask it of me.



And since me, Auntie Lofty and Auntie Holiday are here, we can memorize it and tell it to you if Scootaloo is busy or on a Friendship Mission.



(Surprised, Excited)

Really? You know all of it!?



(Warm Smile)

Yes…thanks to Lysithea…I know it all.



(Warm Smile, Nods)



(Warm Smile, Nods Back)

It all happened many Moons Ago, Your mom, Cosmic Legacy was born as part of the founder, The Alicorn Stardust Memory Family Bloodline as the Successor for the Element of Life in the Village of Shard. Every Mare in her family is raised to be worthy of being its successor by studying everything on the element.



Unlike me and my mom, your mom knew more about the element than we ever did. Once I find the time, I'll go back there and get the books related to my…our Family's Element.



Then…40 Moons Ago…Elder Miro's Time Keeper alerted him that the Element of Life was going to make a comeback into this reality and he rushed to your mom in order to venture into the outside world in order to get it…




Scene 28.3: Equestria, Cloudsdale, 11:23 AM, 40 Moons Ago


In order to not worry and sadden the ponies of her village, a Young 14-Year-Old Cosmic Legacy ventures into the outside world in the dead of night and head into Equestria in order to search for the Element of Life using a special artifact that resembles Dragon Ball's Dragon Radar as she flies on that direction. Her radar leads her to Cloudsdale where a competition for young fliers just completed and sees a Young Mare around her same age wearing a Wonderbolts Uniform walking with a Little Filly with a Bronze Medal around her neck. These 2 Ponies are Stardust Memory and Spitfire respectively as Stardust is laughing while Spitfire is rolling her eyes. What catches her attention is Stardust wearing the Element of Life around her neck.



I'm glad you find that funny, Sis. But I don't want to be that filly right now. Her parents were cheering for her like she won, but she only was awarded a participation ticket.


Stardust Memory:

(Smug Yet Sinister Smile)

I don't know, Spiffy. Maybe one day I might show up and do the same exact thing.




Please, Don't! I'll make you regret it if you do, Sis. AND STOP CALLING ME SPIFFY!!!


Stardust Memory:

(Amused Shrug)

Alrighty then, but don't come crying to me one day when your friends come up with a far worse nickname for you. Being a Wonderbolt is traditional to get a nickname on your first day and most of the times, the nicknames there are far worse than the ones you have now.



Please! I bet I will get an awesome nickname that will be legendary.


Stardust Memory:

Oh, it will be legendary alright, but all for the wrong reasons.



What's your nickname in the Wonderbolts, Sis?


Stardust Memory:

(Ashamed, Annoyed, Sighs, Pouting)





What!? But you are one of the best fliers in all of Equestria and they are calling you a "Dud"!?


Stardust Memory:

Let's just say on my first day as a Wonderbolt, I Zigged When I Should Have Zagged, but that's besides the point. That's why I am telling to enjoy calling yourself "Spiffy" while you can, because Celestia Forbid, when you become a Wonderbolt, you might end up with a nickname worse than the one you have now.


Cosmic Legacy:



Stardust Memory:

(Annoyed, Raises Eyebrow)

And you are?


Cosmic Legacy:

(Cocky Attitude, Smug Smile)

If You Want My Name…You Get It Dirty!






Stardust Memory:

(Annoyed, Jealous)

Why You…

(Annoyed Smile)

…That was a really cool intro right there, I will have to use that one day too. But…


…No one shows me up to my little sister and gets away with it!


Cosmic Legacy:


Oh, I'm so scared.


I could care less. Give me the Element of Life and we can forget we ever met.


Stardust Memory:

(Holds Element of Life)

How do you know about my Mother's Memento?


Cosmic Legacy:


Your Mother's…!? Who are you?


Stardust Memory:

(Cocky Attitude, Smug Smile)

If You Want My Name…You Get It Dirty!


Cosmic Legacy:


How Dare You!!! That's My Catchphrase!!!


Stardust Memory:

Besides, I asked you first and you retorted this way.


Cosmic Legacy:

Don't you have manners? You are supposed to introduce yourself first before asking somepony else their name.


Stardust Memory:

(Proud Attitude)

I'm a Tomboy, so of course I have no manners.



(Ashamed, Face-Hoof)



Stardust Memory:


Alright, alright. Let's do this like Real Pegasi. I challenge you to a race. I have the keys to the Academy today, so before I tend to my duties—



(Ashamed, Saddened, Annoyed)

Cleanup Duties Again, Sis?


Stardust Memory:



(Clears Throat)

We can have a race at the Academy's Obstacle Course. When I win, you tell me all about you. If you win, which you won't, I will give you my Element. No Fuss, No Muss.


Cosmic Legacy:

Fine by me…

(Evil Smile, Sticks Tongue Out Mischievously)



Stardust Memory:




Cosmic Legacy:

(Smug Smile)

More than enough.





(Worried, Ashamed)

Wow…both my Mama and Shadow's Mama really had an attitude.



(Face-Hoof, Ashamed Groan)




Yeah, I couldn't believe it either. I also couldn't believe Spitfire was that adorable when she was a filly and with an attitude too. Which she didn't change that much if you ask me, except when she has to be in command of her team which you will hear how she got there.



I can't believe my mom was like this either. Also…Star-Dud? I'm offended that was her nickname.



Do you know what Spitfire is called now as a Wonderbolt?






(Whispers To Shadow)



(Ashamed, Shocked, Worried)

Eww…I bet right now she must be wishing that everyone calls her "Spiffy" instead of that. But if my mom was really like me in her youth, she would be laughing her head off and telling Aunt Spiffy: "I Told You This Was Going To Happen, But You Didn't Listen To Me!"



Maybe you should visit her one day and let her know that.



I'll do that, I promise.



What happened then?




Scene 28.4: Cloudsdale: Wonderbolt Academy, 11:55 AM


Upon arriving at the academy, Stardust, Spitfire and Cosmic are sneaking around like they were hiding from something or somepony as they reach to the locker room undetected. Or so they thought as they encounter an Imposing Pegasus Stallion with the same colors as Spitfire and wearing a Drill Sergeant outfit similar to what Spitfire wears in the present, steps out of his office which is next to the locker room.


??? (Drill Sergeant):

You are late, Stardust. You were supposed to be here an hour ago after cheering Spitfire on her competition. Why did you bring your sister and an outsider into the academy…on the weekend when nopony is around except for me and you after that mess you did yesterday?


Stardust Memory:

(Nervous Smile)

Hey, dad…I mean Sergeant Steel Fire…I wanted to show Spitfire around the academy and my good friends here. Her name is…umm…


Cosmic Legacy:

(Nervous Smile)

Cosmic Legacy, sir. I'm…Stardust's Pen-Pal from out of town and I decided to pay her a surprise visit today!


Steel Fire:

(Doubtful Stare)

Is that so?



(Nervous Smile)

They are speaking the truth, Papa. I was surprised to finally meet Cosmic.


Steel Fire:

(Annoyed Sigh)

You do this all the time, Stardust. One day you'll bite off more you can chew and it will all end badly for you. I know that I am not your real father, but me and Stormy want you to be happy and safe. That's why I am always hard on you. I don't want to see you in a full body wing-and-hoof cast drinkin' through a straw because of your "Stunt Tricks".


??? (Angelic Voice):

Is everything alright?


At that moment, a beautiful pink unicorn steps out of Steel Fire's office which catches all 3 of the Female Pegasi in shock seeing her walking around like it is nothing.


Steel Fire:

Forgive me, my dear. Girls? This is a representative from Canterlot. Her name is Tia and she wanted to discuss on the academy's invitation for the next generation this month.




Why yes! The Princess and everypony in Canterlot are big fans of the Wonderbolts, and want to see it prosper for a very long time to come.




How can you walk around here!? You are a Unicorn, you should have fell through the clouds already!



Oh, that! I cast a magic spell to be able to walk on clouds, while Pegasus Ponies naturally possess this ability. It's a really easy spell to do unlike growing wings.


Steel Fire:

I need to get back to work. I will turn a blind eye to this just for today, Stardust. But you need to look after your guest, your sister and Tia while I do my work. Make sure to not make a mess like yesterday. We don't have the budget to make that many repairs.


Stardust Memory:

(Annoyed, Defeated Sigh)

Yes, sir.



Do not worry, sir. I can talk to the princess and ask her to finance for the repair.


Steel Fire:

I appreciate the thought, but no. Youth these days need to learn to be more responsible with their actions and face accountability if they screw up. If you talk to the princess to do that, this daughter of mine will think she can get away with her bad behavior by getting a bailout from the princess. Enjoy your afternoon, ladies.


As Steel Fire returns to his office, all 4 female ponies head to the locker room and then to the obstacle course, but Stardust is annoyed that she got another lecture from her foster father that she has a somber look on her face.



Are you alright?


Stardust Memory:


I'm fine. It's just that…Why does he cares so much? Spitfire is his real daughter, not me. I'm just a dirty orphan he and Stormy Flare found when I was with my real mom in her final moments from nearby the stadium he and the Wonderbolts performed their rally that day.



I can tell he really loves you like his own. If he didn't, you wouldn't be here with us.


Stardust Memory:

Yeah, yeah. I just wish he would just get off my case every once in a while. I bet I'll live a better life if he wasn't around to telling me how I should live my life.


Cosmic Legacy:

You really are a stuck-up brat, aren't you?


Stardust Memory:

Let's just race and get this over with.






Stardust Memory:

(Sad Smile, Pets Spitfire's Mane)

Don't worry, Spiffy. This is normal for us. You'll understand when you are older. But I really hope you don't end up like me and having fights with dad like we do on a daily basis.


As Stardust and Cosmic take their position to race each other, Tia acting as their judge yells: "On Your Mark…Get Set…Go" as she fires an explosive blast from her horn signaling the start of the race. As they fly around, both Stardust and Cosmic flying skills are evenly match that they both impress Tia and Spitfire, but they were cheering on Stardust to win as Steel Fire was watching the contest from his office and happy to see Stardust enjoying her competition with Cosmic. Suddenly out of nowhere, Xuĕ, a Handsome looking Windigo who is Wendy's Future Father, Weiss and a Brutish looking Windigo who is their brother, Wren attacks Stardust and Cosmic. Seeing this, Steel Fire rushes to save them but as he heads their way, he suddenly sees Trotter attacking Tia and Spitfire. Worried about Stardust, Steel Fire chooses to protect Spitfire since he knows Stardust can fend for herself and Spitfire is still a filly as he faces off against Trotter. Weiss and Wren fight Cosmic meanwhile Xuĕ attacks Stardust, everything was going smoothly for the Pegasi as they were flying circles around the Windigos until they hear Spitfire and Tia screaming for help. Stardust is in shock seeing her foster father struggling against this Mysterious Evil Looking Old Earth Pony Mare; what caught her attention was her black tentacles she is using to attack them which made her remember a deep trauma from her childhood: Stardust's Real Mother was struck by a black tentacle days before her death. Remembering this trauma, Stardust was enraged and attacked Trotter. While Cosmic is fighting the Windigos, she could hear Stardust screaming and insulting Trotter in a very foul way that Cosmic saw despair in the faces of Tia, Spitfire and even Steel Fire as the Hag of Raddos laugh heinously which prompted Stardust to attack Trotter recklessly with tears in her eyes. Cosmic wants to know what is happening, but the Windigos aren't letting up their attacks. After Cosmic manages to push the Windigos back, she quickly heads to help Stardust, but tragically Trotter is about to deal the Coup De Grace on her and Cosmic is too far away to stop it. Shockingly, Steel Fire jumps in and uses his own body to shield Stardust from the attack; but the force of the attack was too powerful, it pushes both Stardust and Steel Fire off Cloudsdale and down to Equestria, presumably falling to their deaths. Seeing this, Cosmic flies to help Tia and Spitfire, but Trotter grabs Spitfire and takes her hostage as they disappear in a large black flame with both Tia and Cosmic watching in despair.




Wendy looks at Shadow as he looks away from her with a sad look in his eyes as she wonders how did he felt finding out that Trotter murder not only his Foster Grandfather, but she might also be the one who murdered his Maternal Grandmother…


To Be Continued…

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

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