
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urban
Not enough ratings
253 Chs


"Come on Luis, don't be such a big baby."Lucy said.

"Okay, okay, I'll go, right after I have killed someone."

She twisted his hand and he yelped in pain as she led him to her friends then he shyly said hi as he wasn't used to being around women he wasn't going to kill.

Mooning over him, the girls also said hi.

Calming herself from the skies, Phoebe asked,"So what may we do for you?"

"I just wanted to introduce my boyfriend to you, since we were making things official."

"But what happened to Mark? I liked him."Debby said.

All of them gasped and Phoebe said,"Debby, quiet, remember he died?"

"Oh yeah, his ex girlfriend shot him."She replied.

They gasped again then Danielle said,"Quiet! You're reminding her! Sorry Lucy baby, Debby isn't the smartest of the Four fairies."

"Hey!"Debby said.

"Oh, it's okay."Lucy said.

"You know what, now you're dating again, you could join us, five does start with an F."

Luis already didn't like them, but he could tell Lucy felt inferior to them, why?

Lucy was about to speak when Luis said,"Lucy, I just remembered the kids, we have to leave."

' And he's responsible too?! ' All the fairies thought.

Lucy was confused as he led her out of there.

She asked him what was going on then he asked,"Don't you know serpents in makeup when you see them?"


"Those women are dangerous, they're just trying to hurt you."

"And how would you know?"

"Lucy, I've been trained on how to tell between imposters and real partners for years, I know what I'm talking about."

Lucy was about to speak again when Phoebe came forward and said,"I'm sorry if we offended you, why don't I make it up to you, we'll go for a drink, tonight with our guys and make a toast."

Luis was skeptical but Lucy agreed, he took her away from there and asked angrily,"What are you doing? I already told you..."

"...what you see in them, but now let me show you what I see in them and if you can show me any plausible reason not to trust them, I'll cut all times with them then and there, deal?"

"Lucy, we can't..."


"...fine, but just for a few minutes."

"A few minutes will be much more than enough time for you to find their secrets..."She said, playing with his tie and booping his nose.

He smiled as she took him back to Phoebe then said,"We'll be there, but where are we going?"

"Oh I know just the place..."Phoebe said...


I ran up the stairs and through the hallway, I was late for my lecture, so late I wasn't able to wear clothes from Mystique or Sprint...heck, I was barely able to wear clothes at all.

In a pajama shirt, unmatched socks and sleeping slippers I ran out of my dorm room, leaving the carefree Roderick to his guitar.

I got into the lecture hall thirteen minutes late with the doors wide opened.

I tried to sneak in but Mr Hanson caught me, standing right at my seat.

I didn't understand why he was on me, at least I came to the hall, there were several people who hadn't even bothered, or had now realized they were in college.

He then said,"Mr Lester your marks in your examination were not of great value compared to your performance predating the death of your brother, and your times of arrival and even time spent on campus aren't very encouraging, Thomas, you better sit up."

He left everyone looking at me and at my weird patchwork of an outfit and my cheeks were burning.

I wanted to blame him for being out to get me when many others did worse than me on the exam, I wanted to blame him for actually hating his job, but I then remembered, he was actually right, I used to get much better grades before Mark died, when he used to tutor and encourage me and my performance actually may have been the only thing that kept Me Hanson from taking his grandparents' inheritance and leaving this hard staying, low paying job.

I sighed then slumped my head on my desk.

During the lecture, I decided to start from scratch and go over everything I missed, so I first went to Mr Hanson after the lecture and asked if he could privately tutor me.

His exact words were,"My time is of a scarcity too great for me to spend it lecturing one student who has the full capacity to teach himself."

And when I offered him twice his salary, he then said,"You think money is my motive for being here? If I needed or even wanted it, I wouldn't have spent my time teaching, but starting my own school, find what I really want and I'll gladly tutor you and manage my time accordingly."

' What you really want?! How am I supposed to know that?! ' I groaned.

When I got back to my dorm room, I met Roderick, still at the same place, with the same instrument.

I then said,"You know, if you actually spent less time playing to your numerous girlfriends and more time actually using and polishing your talents, I think you could make something out of your guitar playing...and make it more appealing to the ears."

"Hasn't someone had some wisdom imparted into him, what happened?"

I groaned and slumped on my bed then said,"This happened."

Seeing my latest scores on my exams, he began to whistle and took a puff from his cigar then said,"You have definitely lost motivation."

My face in my pillow, I yelled,"Yes!"

He looked at me, then began playing while whistling, but never had I actually heard him sing before, maybe all the smoke and caffeine had rusted his voice box.