
My life in the world of Invincible

MC got reincarnated in a cultivation world with some high quality perks +++++++++ Testing my skills in writing. Critic to your hearts content. I welcome it {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} ∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆ Disclaimer: So this is a thing I guess. Though I thought the designation 'FANFIC' says it all. I mean, It is a FANFIC. OH WELL ==The image used is not owned by me==

DaoistAwesome · Book&Literature
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13 Chs


The group finally arrives at the royal city. Chen feirong fulfilled her promise and took Klaus and Chen ling to the best restaurant in royal city and even offered to pay the bills. Before she left, she asked Klaus and Chen ling to visit the cosmic star academy.

Because of Chen ling's blood accumulation scripture, he ate allot. So, when Klaus was done, he left for a courtyard arranged by Chen feirong for their stay.

Huang xiaolong came into the restaurant and found Chen ling drinking.

"Hello brother ling, can I share a table with you?"

"sure" replied Chen ling without paying it any mind

"Brother ling, you are very strong, and from what I can tell so is brother Klaus, for you two to have attained such a level at such a young age, your master should be very proud" said huang xiaolong, hoping to gleam some information as to who their master is. From his point of view Klaus and Chen Ling must come from a prominent family that he doesn't know. Information is a valuable commodity to have especially for the new Sovereign of the asura gate

"Me and Klaus having a master. Pfff hahaha, me sure, but Klaus no, he doesn't have"

"Oh really" said huang xialong thinking that only chen ling has a master and Klaus must be some young master

"If you don't mind me asking who is your master" Huang xiaolong inquired

"Your name is huang xiaolong right?" asked Chen ling not answering his question


"Are you from the huang family in canglan county?"

"Yes, I come from Canglan county"

"Small world, I almost became your adopted brother"

Huang xiaolong's mind raced then he remembered

"Are you that Chen ling, the one from the orphanage?'"

"Yes, I am, I am surprised you remembered so quickly"

"How could I not, because of you brother wulin and the rest got punished severely"

"hehehe, that happened, well if you ever meet Huang Qide again, tell him that I apologize for leaving like that, but it is was not my fate to be his son. Oh, I must take my leave"

Chen ling got up and left Huang xiaolong in the restaurant.

When Huang xiaolong went home to the tianxuan mansion, there was a banquet held by his family to celebrate his safe return and his success in passing the class advancement text which was the eradication of bandits. When the banquet was finished and everyone went to their rooms to rest, Huang xiaolong and two subordinates of the asura gate, Marshal Haotian, and Fei hou sat in the main hall. He inquired about the situation in the city during the past month that he was away. They gave a detailed report of the happenings in the city. The highlight of the report being a sect called the big sword sect having a ceremony to elect the new sect leader".

"Who is Big Sword Sect's next Sect Leader?" he asked

"It's Liu Wei's Junior Brother named Lin Zhiren, a peak late-Tenth Order. However, Lin Zhiren's talent is quite good, and it is estimated that within ten years' time, he will probably breakthrough to Xiantian realm." Fei Hou replied.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, and then he requested Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou to watch the Big Sword Sect's movement closely.

"I also want you to investigate two individuals, their names are Chen ling and Klaus. Do it discretely, though they are ten years old I believe one of them is a xiantian realm expert."

"what!" they both shouted

"Yes, I would like to know who their master is, Chen ling especially. From what I was told by my grandfather, he has a grade ten martial soul. For him to advance so much in so little time I would like to know the reason"

That is just how difficult it is to break into the xiantian realm. When one begins cultivation, they start by opening the meridians and tempering the body at the huotian realm. When the meridian representing the huotian realm is opened, the cultivator gets one hundred years added to their lifespan. After they have reached the tenth stage of the huotian realm and their qi sea is formed, then they can break through to the xiantian realm where their martial spirit becomes a solid entity. For most however, to enter the xiantian realm can take up to sixty years. Huang Xiaolong being in the seventh order huotian realm at ten years old was already exceptional. Chen ling being a ten years old xiantian realm expert is unheard of, almost to the point of crazy.

"Please rest assured, Sovereign." Both of them replied respectfully.

Before all that transpired, Chen ling arrived home when

"Oh Chen, your back, come here will you, this is something that you will need to hear" said Klaus.

Infront of him is the girl and the boy sitting respectfully. They had already rested and been fed when Klaus came back. Chen ling came, took a chair and sat down.

"xiexue and fangbo, pay very close attention to what I am about to say and you are to keep it secret"

They both nodded.

"Chen what are requirements to be a cultivator?"

"A martial spirit, but not just any martial spirit, the higher the grade of your martial spirit the better. This is because it will allow you to take in the qi of the world into your body much more easily compared to lower-level martial spirit?" replied Chen ling

"Where do you hold all the world energy you take in?" Klaus asked again

"In the meridians, this will allow you to temper your bones, organs and body before you form your qi sea, ehm, Klaus, what is the use of all these questions, everyone knows this?" replied and asked chen ling

"But does everyone have meridians in their body?"

"ehm, yes"

"So that is to say if a person without a martial spirit open up their meridians as well, won't they become a cultivator"

The siblings open their so wide it looked like small balls

"Lord Klaus, is, is that true" xiexue ask while trembling

"But, but even if you do that what about next stages, like the solidifying of your spirit" inquired Chen ling

"When it gets to that stage, we will come up with something. In a world that there is devil qi, ice qi, flame qi, water qi, stone qi and many others, don't you think that for there to exist a group of people who cannot use any of them is absurd. What I am going to do is create a new cultivation path, one that even people without martial spirits can use," said Klaus. One of the reasons he chose a cultivation world is because by his understanding most of them are identical, they all practice using qi.

Qi is qi. Be it dou qi, battle qi, even mana, they are all forms of energy with just a slight difference, the problem is when one is researched to the pinnacle it becomes the norm, like a rule in world that that is simply how it is.

'from what I know rules are not unbreakable, even those that look unbreakable are malleable, even universal rules 'thought Klaus.

"You can come out now, I know you are there," said Klaus

"I am surprised that you noticed me" a voice was heard as the space distorted for a while and a man was seen in the sky slowly descending. Chen ling and the siblings became alert, Chen ling immediately picked he great word, ready for a battle. When he landed, he looked at Chen ling and Klaus

"I couldn't believe it when I heard it, I had to verify for myself, a ten years old xiantian realm cultivator, and another that even my eyes cannot see through" said the man

"It's not good for an old man like you to eavesdrop" said klaus as he stood up

"it's not eavesdropping, is information gathering" he replied

"Old and shameless, for a saint realm expert like yourself isn't that a sad combination," said Klaus

"I am the left custodian of the Asura gate, Zhao Shu, tell me boy, what you just said, is it true. Can you make normal people into cultivators"?

"I think you heard enough old man"

"hmm, arrogant, tell me about the method now or suffer the consequences" said Zhao Shu as pressure fell on them, Chen ling immediately used blood accumulation, forcefully increasing his realm from first order xaintian to seventh order. Normally the techniques allows for a boost in one major realm, but because he has not yet mastered it he could only do a boost of five small realms.

A red aura surrounded him but just as he was about to move, he found out that he couldn't. This was the ability of a saint realm expert, space lock. They are able to manipulate space to confine someone.

"What type of technique is that, a jump by five small realms, I will have you spit out everything you know"

The siblings already fainted and Chen ling confined. Chen ling almost wanted to go against the rule that Klaus gave him of not showing his spirit when Klaus said

"Chen enough, you cannot fight him, he is a peak saint realm expert, stand down"

The he walked up to Zhao Shu

"oh! you can still move" said hao shu and he increased qi pressure and used space lock on Klaus.

Klaus paused. Because of he wished to be able to fuse with his battle from the get go, he found out that unlike others that start cultivation from the huotian realm, his own starting point was from the xiantian realm. In a backwater kingdom like the Luo kingdom xiantian realm expert could be counted on one hand so he never really practiced on improving his power, all he did was practice the mental technique, because even though he has an unlimited amount of knowledge at his disposal, he needed a mind that can comprehend it all. Since these two years Klaus can be considered a peak xiantian realm expert. However, because of his unique constitution people can't determine his power level.

If Klaus's opponent was a mid-order saint realm expert, then the space lock would not be a problem. Zhao Shu however is a peak order saint realm cultivator.

Klaus raised his right hand and a square cube with an intricate design appeared. He then sent it to the sky then a giant square like vortex was formed. In it looked like the vast expanse of space. The square cube is one of the weapons of the sage. Klaus had every weapon of every class from black desert made and kept in the inventory. The sage is a master of space and with the cube acting as a focus of the sage ability, Klaus took control of the space. The pressure and control that Zhao Shu had on the space was rendered useless.

"I think I would use you to display a little" said Klaus as he puled his sword and with fast speed came for Zhao Shu. Zhao Shu pulled his own sword channeling devil qi to it and blocked the attack. In less than a minute they had exchange about a thousand strikes.

'I can't even make out their moves' thought Chen ling feeling weak

Separating from each other Zhao Shu took something from his space ring and threw it towards Klaus. Klaus swung his sword creating a wall of wind which stopped the ball like object midair where it exploded. From it poison gas was released, immediate Klaus did another swing of his word that created a small tornado taking all the poison gas to the sky.

'This kid is really a master with the sword, where did such a monster come from' Zhao chu could only curse his luck this day. After a couple more exchanges, both of them separated.

Klaus had little cuts on his thigh and arms. He could feel devil qi in them but with his constitution being made of the black spirit's energy as well, it will simply dissolve and assimilate.

"Old man you are good with the sword, thanks to you I have woken up from my arrogance. But it is time to end this farce" with that said three more swords appeared on his waist and four on his back making a total of eight swords.

"What the hell" Zhao Shu could only curse.

Incorporating Yasuo's techniques and the techniques of the sura character from black desert Klaus moved quickly in a zig zag pattern arriving and slashing with two swords from his waist. Zhao Shu blocked it but as he did Klaus immediate sheath it and already pulled two swords from his back slashing again. Each strike was accompanied by what could only be describe by Zhao Shu as red wind which made cuts on his body. Blocking one after another Zhao Shu noticed that Klaus was getting faster

'What type of sword technique is this. Each time I block is like I am blocking more than ten strikes' panicked Zhao Shu. This continued until Klaus was too fast for him to block and he was slashed all over his body with his right arm and left leg cut off. Then Klaus sheath his swords which then vanished.

"ha, ha , who are you, what are you?" shouted Zhao Shu

"No need for all the shout, its so cliché, or do you want to die as you sound, pitiful and stupid?"

Zhao Shu looked at Klaus with hate. The square vortex in the sky closed and the cube returned to Klaus and disappeared.

'It seems I have to train from now on, not too much, just enough not to get cuts like these' he thought. This fight would have ended easily if he merged with sol or the black spirit, 'but what would be the fun in that.' Thought Klaus. But for him to be at a disadvantage in swords skills means only one thing

'I might have gotten Yasuo's skills but I don't have his experience, so I have to train from now on to better utilize my skills'

"Zhao Shu, take your appendages and leave, tell your asura gate, that this dept will be settled soon"

Zhao Shu looked at Klaus for a moment before taking his severed leg and arm and disappeared into the void