
My life in the martial arts world is too lewd

It has been a year since Li Qinghou traveled to this world, and he has been a disciple of Zixia Sect for almost a year. Li Qinghou's soul traveled through time and was born in Niujia Village at the foot of Wanxia Mountain. His parents are both dead, he has a sister and a house, and his sister is a good sister. This is a story about the corruption of a small cult with 12-13 members. A daily life of corruption. This is a novel that includes all kinds of genres, but if you don't like NTR and you have a habit of putting yourself in MC's place, don't read this novel. (Of course, all the characters in the story are happy) Also, my English is terrible, but even 10 people enjoy this novel, I am happy... NTR starts from chapter 54... (cover is senior sister zhu xincai) ---tag--- R18 - NTR -- netorase -- netorare -- netori - loli - shota - Milf - harem - Mature - Smut - orgy - swinging - corruption - Bestiality - Threesome - hardcore -SM - incest - etc.

ALEXDJ · Eastern
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153 Chs

real climax

The people outside yelled for a while and then left. Long Yun licked Zhao Liu's cock clean, then put the woman next to him on Zhao Liu. She put on her clothes and quickly left Zhao Liu's room.

Long Yun happened to see Mei Hanyun sneaking towards the dungeon, so she thought that since she was no longer a chaste woman and had been creampied by her servant, she might as well learn the double cultivation technique from Black Wind.

Long Yun followed Mei Hanyun quietly. When Mei Hanyun entered the dungeon, Long Yun waited for a while and quietly opened the cell door and entered the dungeon, hiding to observe Mei Hanyun.

This sight scared Long Yun, because Mei Hanyun let Hei Feng go.

Black Wind rode Mei Hanyun's plump and round snowy butt like a mare, fucking her while letting Mei Hanyun crawl in the dungeon.

Mei Hanyun climbed two steps and then stopped and trembled. She was obviously very happy. Moreover, she let go of her voice and screamed without any scruples, allowing the black wind to fuck her even harder.

"I asked you to seduce your son for incest, are you incestuous?" Heifeng said.

"It's messed up...I have already been an incestuous female beast with my son! My son fucks me even more..." Mei Hanyun shouted.

"Fuck! Next time, call your son over and let him watch me fuck you, and then show me the incest! Guo Feng's son is also called over. I want you to seduce him!" Black Wind said again.

"I'm embarrassed to snatch Yun Niang's son~~~That kid is too honest. Even if I seduce him, he probably won't dare to fuck my aunt~~~"

Long Yun was shocked. When she heard that Mei Hanyun wanted to seduce Guo Shi and fuck her, Long Yun actually felt a sense of crisis, feeling that her son was about to be snatched away by Mei Hanyun.

Heifeng added: "Then find a way to bring Long Yun to me. You two righteous heroines, you are cool and arrogant, and she is bright and cheerful, you are both my goals to conquer."

Mei Hanyun said: "Don't worry, it won't be long before Yun Niang can't help but be hungry and thirsty and come to fuck you."

Long Yun sneered. Although she had decided to learn dual cultivation with Heifeng, she would not be as addicted as Mei Hanyun.

It seemed that Mei Hanyun was not planning to execute Hei Feng, so Long Yun thought of an excellent way to kill Hei Feng.

It can make Black Wind die happily.

In the dead of night, Long Yun came to the dungeon alone.

Heifeng was very surprised to see Long Yun. Then she said with a lewd smile: "Dragon Lady can't help but want to learn dual cultivation?"

After Mei Hanyun was relieved, he locked Heifeng up with stainless steel chains.

Long Yun was wearing a tight-fitting black night clothes, and her temperament was bright and sunny, but she had a bit of a mature and stable man. Coupled with her tall and graceful figure and exquisite face, she is particularly addictive.

It is this kind of masculine temperament that makes countless heroes obsessed with Long Yun.

Of course, most heroes in the world are also lustful, and they are obsessed with any heroine on the most beautiful list.

If you lick one person, you are a dog; if you lick ten, you are a lion. Men who have been around in the world know this truth very well.

Long Yun sneered, and unwaveringly took off her clothes one by one, coquettishly and slowly under Heifeng's gaze, and finally became naked.

Even though Hei Feng is a veteran among prostitutes and thieves, Hei Feng was extremely excited when he saw the famous heroine "Female Zhuge" and the wife of Guo Feng taking off her clothes in front of him, exposing her naked body.

As expected, people cannot be judged by their appearance!

Long Yun would still have such a lustful side without being trained by a lewd thief!

Even "Female Zhuge" has such a lascivious nature, and other heroines who look innocent and unconventional may be even more lascivious secretly.

Especially when he saw the extremely thick and messy pubic hair on Long Yun's crotch, Heifeng couldn't help but marvel. Sure enough, you couldn't tell it from his face and temperament!

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect that the famous female Zhuge would take the initiative to strip naked in front of lewd thieves! I didn't expect that female Zhuge would have such a lustful and coquettish side. The hair on her jade holes is many times thicker than that of ordinary women."

Black Wind looked at the naked righteous heroine in front of him with fascination.

Long Yun's face was rosy and beautiful because of excitement and shame.

She held her big breasts and shook them as she had done before when masturbating in the room, twisted her round and plump white buttocks, and pushed her lustful-looking black-haired pussy forward, deliberately approaching Black Wind.

"Am I really sexy?" Long Yun twisted for a while, tried her best to push her hips forward and get closer to Heifeng, and spread her hairy vulva with both hands, revealing a pink and white round flesh hole between the black hair.

Long Yun's lewdness made Hei Feng very surprised and pleasantly surprised. He said: "It's really sexy, Dragon Girl is even more sexy than Plum Girl!"

Long Yun chuckled, noncommittal.

She continued to open Taoyuan's honey hole to reveal the squirming pink flesh, and asked with a smile: "My cunt...does it look good? Isn't the cunt of an upright chivalrous woman very different from that of ordinary women?"

The lewd action of exposing her vagina in front of a man other than her husband, and opening her vagina to reveal the flesh inside, which even her husband had not seen, made Long Yun feel a strong sense of stimulation, and her towering chest heaved violently with excitement.

Heifeng knew that once a serious woman started to get horny, she was no weaker than a prostitute in a brothel, so he smiled lewdly and said: "Of course Dragon Girl's pussy is beautiful! Dragon Girl has many admirers in the world, if they can have a chance When she sees Dragon Lady's pussy, she will definitely be ecstatic! What a pity, Dragon Lady would rather open her beautiful black haired pussy and show it to lewd thieves than show it to those righteous knights. How is it different from an ordinary woman's pussy... Hehe, of course the Righteous Heroine's pussy looks more beautiful, smells more sexy and fragrant! "

"Hahaha..." Dragon Girl let out a burst of laughter, teasing the tender flesh in her hole with her fingers, "My opponent, the Righteous Heroine's cunt must be more beautiful and more voluptuous!"

Long Yun grabbed Hei Feng's hand and put it on her hairy vagina, smiling and saying, "Not only does it smell more sexy, but it's also tighter inside. Can you try it by touching it?"

Black Wind immediately used his special skill to soothe Long Yun's vagina. Long Yun arched her body and held Hei Feng's hand, her whole body trembling with pleasure, because she was in the dungeon, and she could finally scream loudly without any scruples.

"Ah~~~That's it...just pick my cunt like this..."

Heifeng said: "Dragon Girl's pussy is really tight. It seems that Guo Daxia is reluctant to use it. I'm sad that Dragon Girl would become so slutty."

Long Yun also grabbed Hei Feng's hardened cock and started to lift it up. She chuckled and said, "I'll give you a chance to cuckold Guo Daxia. Do you want it?"

"I'll die under peonies, and I'll be cool even if I'm a ghost. Of course I want to!"

Long Yun squatted down, grabbed Hei Feng's cock and licked it, while licking it, he said: "I want to learn dual cultivation skills, and also learn the art of picking and nourishing... You have done so many evil things, don't say you don't know how to pick. The art of mending?"

Heifeng enjoyed the dick-sucking service of "Female Zhuge" and asked: "You are a righteous heroine, why do you learn the art of collecting tonic? This is a real evil magic, which can squeeze the person who is harvested into a mummy. Even I Haven't used it a few times."

Long Yun had never licked her husband's cock, but she didn't know why she especially liked licking other men's cocks.

There was also an expression of enjoyment on her face, as she licked and sucked Heifeng's big glans deliciously, pulling many sticky threads between her lips and the glans.

Long Yun deliberately spit out some body fluids and looked down at her lips and dick connected through the body fluids - very lustful and very pleasing to her - I, the righteous heroine, the famous "Female Zhuge", admired by countless heroes. The beautiful lady is licking the thief's cock deliciously.

Long Yun stayed for a while, enjoying the excitement of lewdness, and then said: "Of course the purpose of learning the tonic technique is to use it on perverted thieves like you! I said I'd let you die happily, so I'll let you die... On my body! If you can fuck a righteous heroine like me to death, you are a thief."

Hei Feng felt like he was going crazy when he thought of the miserable plight of those who had been harvested. Although those people did feel good when they died, the circumstances of their deaths were miserable.

"You should just kill me with one palm." Heifeng said with a bitter smile.

Long Yun stood up, straightened her waist and pressed it against Heifeng's naked lower body. She supported Heifeng's cock and pointed it at her own vagina, which was so hot that it was dripping.

"I'm not willing to let you die too quickly... at least... mmmm... insert it... it's so exciting... at least enjoy this cock a few more times. When I'm tired of playing with it, I'll Cut off your dick piece by piece and make soup for my husband..."

"What a vicious woman! Is this a righteous heroine!?" Hei Feng was so frightened that his whole body went cold. Sure enough, when someone is being attacked by a sword, it is better to bow his head honestly, "I accept it, and I will teach you the art of collecting tonic!"

"Teach me first...oh oh...it's really big...a big cock is really more comfortable...teach me the dual cultivation skills first..."

Hei Feng straightened his back and started to teach Long Yun the dual cultivation technique.

Long Yun's study was not as smooth as that of Mei Hanyun, because after Long Yun had studied for a while, she had to enjoy the orgasm with all her heart.

Long Yun eagerly squeezed out Heifeng's semen again and again, sometimes using her vulva to receive the semen, and sometimes squatting down to receive the semen with her mouth.

Fortunately, Hei Feng was strong enough and had been struggling with Long Yun for nearly two hours before he finished teaching the dual cultivation skills.

Long Yun lay sprawled on the filthy floor of the dungeon. Because her spirit fell into intense pleasure, her once bright and bright eyes turned dull, with a satisfied smile on her delicate and dignified face.

The lips were opened unconsciously, and thick semen flowed from the corners of the mouth.

There was filth between the open thighs, and the thick black pubic hair was wet with the liquid and semen foam, turning into strands.

The vagina was slightly open, but could not be completely closed, and semen was still slowly flowing out of the hole.

Long Yun was really happy. It turned out that this was the fun of men and women, and it turned out that this was the real climax.