
My life in the martial arts world is too lewd

It has been a year since Li Qinghou traveled to this world, and he has been a disciple of Zixia Sect for almost a year. Li Qinghou's soul traveled through time and was born in Niujia Village at the foot of Wanxia Mountain. His parents are both dead, he has a sister and a house, and his sister is a good sister. This is a story about the corruption of a small cult with 12-13 members. A daily life of corruption. This is a novel that includes all kinds of genres, but if you don't like NTR and you have a habit of putting yourself in MC's place, don't read this novel. (Of course, all the characters in the story are happy) Also, my English is terrible, but even 10 people enjoy this novel, I am happy... NTR starts from chapter 54... (cover is senior sister zhu xincai) ---tag--- R18 - NTR -- netorase -- netorare -- netori - loli - shota - Milf - harem - Mature - Smut - orgy - swinging - corruption - Bestiality - Threesome - hardcore -SM - incest - etc.

ALEXDJ · Eastern
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153 Chs

Knock people unconscious to rape them

For more than ten days after that, Mei Hanyun entered the dungeon several times a day to practice dual cultivation with Black Wind, mastering the dual cultivation techniques.

Although Heifeng is imprisoned, he is nourished every day.

Long Yun taught her son Guo Shi the exercises to treat premature ejaculation, and used the honey in her own vagina to prepare medicine for Guo Shi. Although it is somewhat effective, it will take a long time to be completely cured.

She had to masturbate every time she made medicine for her son, and the desire in Long Yun's body accumulated to a very strong level.

Although Long Yun repeatedly stole the ejaculated pants of her servant Zhao Liu to masturbate, and even once knocked Zhao Liu unconscious and secretly gave him oral sex, ate fresh semen and then masturbated, she did not get strong satisfaction.

Early this morning, Long Yun locked herself in the kitchen.

Although she was boiling medicine, she stripped herself naked, lewdly raised her fair and round buttocks and knelt on the dirty floor of the kitchen.

Long Yun held a clean bitter melon in her hand and inserted it into her mature vagina with thick pubic hair, bringing out a lot of semen.

Under the scraping of the bitter gourd, the tender flesh in Longyun's vagina was strongly soothed, and the outer labia were constantly rolled by the insertion of the bitter gourd.

Between Long Yun's open legs, there was a big ocean bowl on the ground. All the vaginal juice dripping from her vagina was collected in the ocean bowl, and then it was added to the medicinal soup for her son to drink.

It's so intense, so comfortable... It would be great if my husband's cock could be this powerful.

No, it's not that her husband's cock isn't powerful enough, but that she isn't lustful enough in front of her husband, and she doesn't fully enjoy the pleasure of lust as a woman. Long Yun thought to herself.

Crash - the wooden door of the kitchen was pushed open. Long Yun had already discovered that someone was peeping outside the door for a while, and the peeper was his son Guo Shi.

So when Guo Shi finally couldn't help but push the door in, Long Yun was not surprised, but still froze up as if he was frightened.

At this time, Long Yun, a well-known female Zhuge in the world, an intelligent and dignified wife, was kneeling naked on the kitchen floor, holding a bitter melon in one hand and inserting it into her vagina, and supporting the ground with the other. Her flushed face turned around with a frightened expression. Looking at his son who suddenly broke in.

And Guo Shi didn't know what to say when he exposed the scene of his mother's lewd masturbation in person.

"Mom, what are you doing!" Guo Shi closed the door and said to his mother in shock.

Long Yun's hand holding the bitter melon continued to rise and fall, driving the bitter melon in and out of her vagina, but she shook her head desperately and said: "Get out of here! Mom is... ahhhhh~~ I'm giving you medicine!" Your medicine needs mother's semen…"

"What? The medicine I drank contained my mother's semen!?" Guo Shi was really shocked.

"Ah... get out, don't look at mother..." Long Yun shouted again.

After all, Guo Shi was an honest boy. He had already exhausted his courage when he dared to break in suddenly and see his mother masturbating in front of her. Now, after being shouted at by his mother, he left in despair.

After her son left, Long Yun felt inexplicably lost, and the bitter gourd in her vagina felt uncomfortable.

The masturbation is over and the medicine is ready.

Long Yun put on her clothes and gave the medicine to her son.

When Guo Shi saw his mother wearing clothes, his eyes always blurred when he saw his mother naked. Therefore, Guo Shi did not dare to look directly at his mother, holding the medicine bowl with his head lowered and saying nothing.

After Guo Shi drank the medicine, he suddenly asked: "Mother's... thing was added to the medicine?"

Long Yun felt ashamed, but pretended to be calm and said: "Mother worked hard to make it, of course she added medicine. Don't think too much, mother just wanted to have a grandson as soon as possible."

Guo Shi couldn't help but secretly glance at his mother's private parts, and said gratefully: "Thank you for your hard work, mother. Today's medicine seems a bit sweet."

Long Yun said angrily: "Where are you looking! Don't think that you can just look at your mother after seeing her miserable appearance."

Guo Shi plucked up the courage and said, "Mom, that bitter melon is quite big. I want to see if you are injured down there."

After saying that, Guo Shi regretted that he was too bold. Long Yun also fell silent, feeling gradually excited.

But Long Yun still couldn't get over the hurdle in her heart, and she didn't want to take the initiative to expose her private parts in front of her son. Long Yun sneered and said: "I don't need you to care anymore, just treat your illness and have children."

After saying that, Long Yun stood up and left. Once outside, Long Yun couldn't help but want to masturbate and lick the man's semen.

So Long Yun quietly came to Zhao Liu's room, intending to check if there was any semen in his pants.

But he saw Zhao Liu and a young woman having an affair in bed.

The young woman should be a maid in the manor, and her appearance is not bad.

Long Yun was suddenly angry and felt that her things had been taken away by others. She had been refraining from having sex with Zhao Liu, but a maid could enjoy Zhao Liu's cock without any scruples. It was really annoying.

Long Yun used two blasts of energy from her fingers to knock Zhao Liu and the maid unconscious. Then Long Yun stripped naked and climbed onto Zhao Liu's bed. She moved the maid away. She rode on Zhao Liu's waist and held Zhao Liu's cock in line. own vagina.

At this time, Long Yun stopped, still struggling in her heart - Do you really want to fuck this servant?

In fact, Long Yun didn't like Zhao Liu, and Zhao Liu's cock wasn't particularly big.

It's just that Zhao Liu had spied on Long Yun bathing and masturbating before. The semen and cock Long Yun ate for the first time belonged to Zhao Liu, so she chose Zhao Liu.

The cock touched the wet labia, making Long Yun's heart tremble.

The lust accumulated over the past few days burst out at this moment, making Long Yun ignore everything and decided to be a lustful woman for once and truly cuckold her husband.

The good wife of the hero Guo Feng, the famous righteous heroine "Female Zhuge" Long Yun, is going to cuckold her husband! She's going to be a slut who cheats on her servant!

Long Yun screamed in her heart, her butt sank down, and Zhao Liu's cock penetrated Long Yun's tender and tight vagina like a sharp sword.

"Ah~~" Long Yun moaned happily.

When a real cock is inserted, it feels more comfortable than my own fingers or bitter gourd.

Of course, the most important thing is that this is a strange man's cock, a servant's cock, and she is committing adultery.

Long Yun lowered her head and looked at Zhao Liu's cock inserted deeply into her black-haired pussy. A sense of unfaithful stimulation rushed straight to Tianling Gai.

Long Yun stared at the joint of the genitals, raised her buttocks and moved her vagina up and down. Her vagina was raised again and again and dropped heavily. The hard cock was inserted into it, squeezing out a trace of vaginal fluid.

Snap, snap, snap... The sound of his butt hitting Zhao Liu's thigh was very clear, making Long Yun feel the lustful atmosphere.

"Uh... uh... uh huh..." Long Yun wildly rose and fell with her seductive plump buttocks, swallowing the servant's cock with her perfect mature cunt, and raped the servant.

Long Yun clearly felt her own madness and lust, so she became even more excited and stimulated, and was soon reached climax by the cock.

Long Yun looked at the joint and slowly raised her hips.

When Zhao Liu's cock left her pussy, she saw Zhao Liu's thick semen sliding out of her pussy.

The semen fell on Zhao Liu's slightly softened cock, connecting the cock and the hole.

"Huh..." Long Yun was still excited, especially when she saw the wild man's semen flowing out of her vagina.

She, a good wife and mother, a righteous heroine, a dignified and chaste woman, really had sex with a wild man, was creampied by him, and cuckolded her husband.

"Maybe... I am also a born slut." Long Yun whispered to herself.

When all the semen in the meat hole flowed out and landed on Zhao Liu's cock, Long Yun stepped back a little, lowered her head and looked at Zhao Liu's cock and semen quietly.

Suddenly, Long Yun leaned over, lowered her head, opened her mouth, took the cock covered in semen and sucked it.

"I'm so slutty... I like licking men's cocks and eating smelly semen so much..." Long Yun cursed herself in her heart, but she ate happily in her mouth, licking Zhao Liu's cock carefully and tasting the taste. Semen that ordinary people find disgusting.

Bang bang bang... Someone knocked on the door and shouted: "Is Zhao Liu at home? Zhao Liu! The second housekeeper wants to see you for something!"

When Long Yun heard someone knocking on the door, her body became tense. She held her cock in her mouth and turned to look at the door, fearing that someone from outside would break in and see her, Mrs. Long, holding her servant's cock in her mouth.

What if someone else sees this lustful look... As she thought about it, Long Yun felt her body getting hot again.