
My Life In An Anime

Our protagonist reincarnates in an anime world, but as a woman....or something like that. Different anime franchises came together for the adventure of our protagonist and the question here is ..... how is he going to carry out his life with this.

Killer_Shiro · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs


He, without caring, sat down on one of the others, a little away from Shiyu.

He settled down and took out a book, so he ate while he read.

The book was about syndromes of the human body, he was very interested in those topics since he has reached the point of taking advantage of many things with his single improved mind control ability.

Making a simple mental control, it becomes a skill that can help you improve, either physically or mentally.

I don't think the fat man thought of that, surely he only ended up with nothing more than having relationships with minors, how pathetic, although I suppose his power was not that powerful since I have improved it.

I don't know to what percentage this ability was improved, and that is why after knowing that I can already improve my physical and mental abilities, I would like to know if I can add disorders.

There are some that are very good and that do not have a damage in daily life, so with this I would check the capacity of my ability and it would make me more powerful in strength and in mind, I kill two birds with 1 stone.

I kept eating quietly and reading in peace, I noticed that Shiyu looked at me super strange, his gaze went down and up many times.

It was obvious, she now had a low memory of me, but since I now have my power in my uniform, it saves me the trouble of being interrupted while I'm eating.

After that, I'll see what I do.

Time passed and Shiyu's gaze continued towards me, I had already finished reading the book enough today and I closed it, I still had food that I needed to finish and the bag of cookies that itsuki gave me.

In all this time I could see Shiyu's look of intrigue, so without further ado I decided to put away my bento and get out of here.

When I got to the door I could hear a voice speak to me.

•Hang on a minute!.

I turn around and see Shiyu's face who was looking at me.

•Excuse me, for some reason...we know each other.


Shouko looked into Shiyu's eyes for a few seconds, see you later.

-Kasumigaoka Shiyu, right?

Now at this moment, there was no need to lie.

• Y-do you know me?

-I'm Shouko-Komi.


•Great master!.

-That's right, it was a surprise that we studied at the same academy, but now that I've introduced myself again, I'm ready to leave.

I open the door again to leave.

•Hang on a minute!.

A sigh made an appearance from shouko.

Moments later.

Now at this moment, Shouko and Shiyu were having a conversation...or something like that.

•Because you left me in seen, I was waiting for your answer for days.

-I just forgot about you.

These words, made Shiyu's hair stand on end.

•You should have more respect with your senpai, I am one year older than you.

Shiyu's tone showed a bit of the ego he had, but he didn't have that much.

Now that Shiyu confirmed that she was Shouko-Komi, her name was heard in this academy and from what little I hear it is very popular, besides, that beauty rivals or even surpasses her, she has a good build and a commanding height and apart who is a great writer.

Those things were strong blows to Kasumigaoka Shiyu's pride, she surpassed him in everything she was good at.


Shouko didn't say anything and just looked at her without any expression.

The silence was noticeable and Shiyu's belly sounded, despite the fact that she was supposed to be eating, she was more entertained looking at me than she didn't eat almost anything because of the intrigue.

Shiyu blushed at the sound and shouko was expressionless.

-I see you're still hungry sempai, if you don't mind, I can give you this.

Shouko took out a bag of cookies and handed it over.


Looking at the small bag of cookies that he handed over, Kasumigaoka Shiyu hesitated for a moment.

After all, the two were not very familiar, let's say.

•Are you sure?.

-It doesn't matter, as long as you pay, senpai, the cookies cost 550 yen.

As if she knew his concerns, shouko spoke in a mocking tone, she doesn't like that kind of respect towards the seniors that they have in Japan, where she came from, respect is earned, but hey, she's in Japan and must follow their customs.

This kind of action made Shiyu somewhat unresponsive for a while. If she really tried to make him eat it, shouldn't it be free? Why should she be paying?.

However, this also relieved her of some worries a bit, she hesitated for a while and still took the cookies.

"Then thank you Komi-san." He took out 550 yen from his wallet and handed it over.

-Thanks for your purchase.

-Now, do you have any more questions or I can retire... sempai.

•Well yes, it is about the plot of my novel. I wonder if I can bother you to give me your opinion.


•Then, thank you Komi-san.

Hearing what he said, Kasumigaoka's Shiyu felt much better.

•I wanted to write a pure love story, but when I finished the first volume, the second volume is unwriteable and there is absolutely no clue about the plot, so I want you to help me get an idea.

-Actually, I've also read "Metronome in Love" by senpai.

Shouko decided not to answer his question right away.

•So if you read my novel.

Shiyu was a bit surprised. She did not expect this young lady who was also her author to read her own novel.

-That's right, when you asked me to give you an opinion I read it completely, they are excellent both in terms of description of the text and characterization, I read them as something natural.

Hearing his compliment, the corner of Shiyu's mouth turned up into a wry smile.

•Although I'm glad to hear Komi-san say that, but my novels don't sell well.

That's right, compared to the sales of Shouko's novels, her "Metronome in Love" is completely out of the picture. Even if it is published now, it has a little over 3,000 copies, and "Kimetsu no Yaiba" has already reached the 200,000 mark. the pass is broken and continues in a great increase with each day.

Shiyu could never believe how big a difference it would be , she remembers the day the two met and how they delivered their novels to the machida publisher , but even being her minor , on the day of the sale , there was a massive difference , so much so that the depressed on the way

Also later she found out that she had support from Komi causing her sales to increase, which when she sees her, she has mixed feelings.

She feels humiliated in any way and with a lack of ideas, which is why now that she had a great author in front of her, it was a great opportunity to ask her for advice so that she could improve her novel.

•So, as you've seen it, I don't know what he thinks about the plot.

-It's simple, I don't dare to say very accurate, since this genre is not my forte, but as in all good things there is always bad.

-And in your novel it has many advantages, but also obvious disadvantages.

• Disadvantages?

Shiyu was slightly silent.

-That's right, you fail!

-The arrangements for the plot are too smooth, the male lead Nao and the female lead Sayaka have determined their respective intentions so quickly, and there will be no ups and downs in the follow-up.

•But what I want to write is a sweet love story...— Shiyu was a little shocked after hearing her words.

-No, no, I don't intend to let you change the main line, senpai. You can still let Nao and Sayuka be together, but you can add some additional uncertainties."

•Uncertain factors?—A hint of doubt appeared on Shiyu's face.

"That's right." Shouko nodded her head.

-Something like, a childhood sweetheart who grew up with the male lead, Naoto, was suddenly added as the second female lead.

-Or a girl who rejected him in the past and who makes an appearance to move the story further and give him character development.

-And then, due to the sudden addition, the already established relationship of the male lead Naoto falters again, which can make the plot more interesting.

-And if it's not enough, you can add other more characters, like the girl who was rescued by the hero a long time ago and who suddenly transferred her to return her kindness, or the older sister next door who grew up looking at the hero ever since was a girl.

Shouko had a lot of ideas in mind when it came to a romantic story, since all these things that she said come from animes that became very popular at the time, becoming jewels of literature.

Hearing her suggestion, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's eyes became brighter and brighter, and the seductive legs wrapped in black silk pantyhose also began to tremble rapidly, and the words began to murmur in her mouth.

•Hehehe... childhood sweethearts go on stage, then this, this, and then the girl from the payments... this way... the neighbor's older sister... this way...

Wow, that's the quirk of pretty girl writers.

Seeing her like this, Shouko reminded him of himself when he has new ideas to do, I guess she had finally entered a period of inspiration.

This state did not last long and Kasumigaoka's Shiyu recovered.


Letting out a sigh of relief, Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Shouko with a somewhat happy look,

-Thank you, Komi-san, indeed, you are a writer of popular novels and you can think of such a wonderful plot.

-Honestly, it's not that difficult, they're things I've already seen, I suggest you watch more movies or novels about love. The relationship between the hero and the heroine is often not so smooth, and there will definitely be various difficulties and twists in between.

•In fact, this is a good suggestion.

Kasumigaoka's Shiyu agrees with Shouko's suggestion. She can also enrich the experience of her, right?.

•If you can think of such a plot, it seems that Komi-san's love experience must be very rich!"

Leaning on the back of the bench, Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly asked.


He didn't understand why Shiyu suddenly asked that question. She secretly watched her face and found that there was nothing abnormal.


A deadpan look representative of Shouko was given to Shiyu.

Hearing his words, Shiyu's face looked very uncomfortable and he knew that he had said something foolish.

- I'm leaving, okay.

•N-no, don't wait please, I still need you.


•Sorry for being so abrupt and all, but since you helped me find the idea for the plot, I would also like to hear your suggestions for my book. You also know that my sales are not very good now.

Shiyu said playing with a strand of hair in her ear.

-Simple, republish the first volume.

After thinking about it, Shouko expressed her thoughts.

• Republish the first volume?.

-That's right, the reason why the sales of the first volume of Big Sister are not good is because the plot is too soft. My suggestion is to go back to work on the first volume. When the hero and heroine vaguely want to determine their feelings, they will immediately add new characters, so that the plot immediately went up and down.

-So, the content of the second volume is all kinds of entanglements in the relationship between the three of them, and when the male lead confirms his opinion again, the third volume can add new characters again..."

I already had this thought since she wrote to him to help her in her mail.


After hearing her idea, Kasumigaoka Shiyu bit her seductive red lips for a hesitant moment.

-As long as you can understand the content of the following volumes and ensure that the plot does not collapse, this book will definitely be a selling point and it will definitely be a success.

[I think...I'm not familiar with Romance Novels of this world].

-But it doesn't matter, in the end, "Metronome in love" is your novel, it can be said that it is equivalent to your son. It is up to you to decide how the plot develops.

-Now with all this..... Goodbye.

Only Kasumigaoka's Shiyu was left in quiet contemplation.

She had mixed feelings , Komi 's idea was good , since now she has new plans for the plot , but making a volume again is not something simple for her , it is a bit of pain for an author , it is realizing that what she wrote It is not good, and although he knows about this, he still follows himtormenting and annoying that.

I look in the distance as Shouko, left the place, leaving a silence.