
My Life In An Anime

Our protagonist reincarnates in an anime world, but as a woman....or something like that. Different anime franchises came together for the adventure of our protagonist and the question here is ..... how is he going to carry out his life with this.

Killer_Shiro · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


He entered his house and activated his power so that they would not notice his torn clothes as well as the wounds.

I take a big breath.

"Daughter, you arrived!"

Shuuko appeared in a very worried tone, it was 8:20 at night, too late to get home.

"Are you okay, did something happen, did something happen to you?"

Shuuko's worried tone was very serious and sad.

Since shouko has been through a lot of trouble when she's late.

Shouko looked at her and approached her mother before picking her up and walking around slowly.

"Eh?, shouko, what's wrong, please put your mother down, she's going to get dizzy."

He ignored it and lowered it.

"What happened daughter, why did you do that, you have never done it."

-No, nothing, I just wanted to carry you like that because yes.

Showing a warm smile to her mother that was not very common, her mother was moved and hugged her daughter with affection and tenderness.

"Go change, honey, I'll serve you dinner, that's fine."


Shuuko gives her daughter a kiss on the forehead even on tiptoe and goes to the kitchen.

Shouko watches her mother leave and just takes a deep breath and goes to her room.

His feelings now were very varied with his loved ones, before he did not care about their lives, but now he has changed, but not so much.

Now it is, if they die and shouko did not see them die or was not in their presence, he will act normal and not care about their deaths, but if shouko is now present and watching them, he will protect them, although very slightly.

Although it sounds very little, it is a great change for the inner chaos that shouko has inside, although everything will change, with the passage of time, but a long time...

It was time to sleep and I had to deactivate not feeling pain, to speed up your recovery. You can do both at the same time, even speeding up your heart and pumping more blood to increase your strength and speed, activate your brain 100%, and remove his limitations from his body, vibrate his body to negate any attack in a kinetic way and also control his muscles, making it like a spring, to be able to deflect and that the impact of his attacks is very powerful.

Shouko could use all those things at once, because she wasn't lazy when she got her new ability, she was researching techniques and studying, all the biology of the body and so on, she tried each of those things, one by one, but her body It's still not enough, I could only use it for a fewseconds.

But in those seconds, from the power of 3 times stronger, it would reach 5 times, but it still lacks to reach that.

But when his body becomes stronger and he manages to use all those things at once, it is very likely that he will die in 1 minute.

He does not have a cure, for his cells and something to cool his brain for so many orders that put the body at 100%.

So, the fastest way now is to just focus on healing and make everything go faster.

When deactivating his insensitivity to pain, he felt tremendous pain throughout his body so enormous that it was hard for him not to scream in pain.

Then he controlled himself to fall asleep.

The next day.

"Shh..., shouko-chan, wake up, shouko-chan."

You could see a najimi trying to wake up shouko, she had entered her house from shouko's mother.

He had arrived early to go running with Shouko, he had sports clothes ready to train.

Shouko began to wake up slowly and opened her eyes, little by little she began to recognize the person in front of her.

-What are you doing here, so early?

"Like, what am I doing here, did I tell you to go jogging in the morning, or did you forget?"

Najimi pouted in amusement.

[In fact, a lot of things happened last night, that doesn't even make me want to go for a run, but hey, what does it matter...].

-Okay, come out, I'm going to change.

"You don't have to hide from me anymore, I don't care to see... that, you know."

Najimi blushed, but she spoke a little excited, Shouko just rolled her eyes when she saw that this girl was excited to see her member.

For him, he didn't care, little by little he's getting along better with this dwarf and he could even have sex with her right now, but...he doesn't have those things in mind, his body right now hurts like hell shit, and can't move.

He doesn't use his powers on her either, because.....no, it would be silly, to have to use this, for something that can be avoided with his own actions.

-Ahh...najimi come down and serve me a glass of water, my throat is dry.

"How do you say?".

-I never asked you for anything and now you play playful.

"Sorry, now I'm going to get your glass of water."

Najimi left the room and left shouko.

The first thing he did was begin to activate his inability to feel pain, time went by quickly and he changed instantly, just as Najimi arrived, opening the door with a glass of water.

"Here it is, take it."

Shouko takes it and it feels refreshing, then she approaches Najimi and gives her a kiss on the cheek, making her blush too much.

But without further ado, he was already changed, he said goodbye to his parents, who were awake, they wake up very early and then he began to leave his house.

-Are you ready?.

"I've always been ready....".


-You have never exercised, have you?

"Well...not so much that we say....".

"Does shouko like strong women?"

-I like a very strong woman, both mentally and physically.

"T-Then, I will become the strongest woman, so that you fall in love with me and finally know love."

Shouko....she wanted to die laughing, that statement was very girlish.

If we put it that way, Najimi can train and become a very strong woman, but now with the knowledge of the Kure clan, a clan that is selective with procreation, I am sure that the daughter of Yakusha would kill Najimi even in its limits.

But it's better that she keep thinking about it, she won't be a physically strong woman, but if she has great mental power, that would be something else...

-Do what you want, I won't be so easy to conquer either.

Shouko had warmed up with rotating movements throughout her body, so she also taught Najimi before running.

After that, they started to run, shouko slowing down her speed to match najimi's.

-We barely go 1 minute and you're already dying.

Najimi was breathing heavily and sat down on a seat that was around.

"Sorry, I don't usually train....".

-Yes, I see that very well, but why did you decide to train like that so suddenly, the sports festival, I don't think it's the reason.

"It's just.......well...."

-What's going on?.

"I just wanted to make you compliment me when I give a good job at the sports festival...."

-There, poor thing...I wasn't going to flatter you anyway.

"You're cruel!".

-Heh, Najimi stop thinking all the time about trying to get my attention, because you already have it.....a little.

"Like a little."

-The fact is, when you start to think of yourself rather than others, that's when you can reveal your true potential and bring out the best version of yourself.

-I'll leave that to you as a dwarf teaching.

"Y-you seriously believe that...."

-Yes, but to be sure that you comply and do not give up in the process, what if I give you a prize if you exceed your limits for this festival.

"A prize, what would it be?"

-Easy,.... to have sex with me.

Najimi's entire face turned completely red, smoke began to come out of her ears and her eyes began to dizzy.

"E-Eh........We have to keep training!".

It is not known where she got enough strength from, but Najimi ran away at full speed, while continuing in that aspect and with her hands on her cheeks.

[This is similar to when you train your dog and with every good deed, you give him his cookie as a treat]

He only prepared to shake his head and began to run too.

Hours later.

In Shouko's room.

He was sitting in his seat, Najimi was also in his place completely exhausted that he didn't even talk to anyone.

Itsuki was also in his seat next to her.

"Shouko-san, will you?"

Itsuki wanted to buy him some cookies.

-You're getting ahead of yourself, for when I lend you my notes?

"N-no, I just wanted to invite you, nothing more."


"And well too... that".

-Already knew.

"I'm sorry, for asking you for your notes a lot."

-Don't worry girl, it's not your fault to be born like this.


At that moment the door opens and a woman enters.

• Nice to meet you class, today I come to give you some breaking news.

That woman was the director who, now, will give us news.

• Their usual teacher, won't be able to teach them anymore in this class, because she had an inconvenience.

•But there is no problem, because we have a replacement from her.

•Can you please come in and introduce yourself to your new students, Shibuya-san.

At that moment, the same woman who threatened to kill his entire family the day before, was in front of the entire class as his new teacher right now.

"Good morning everyone, today I will be your new teacher, nice to meet you".

"To start with confidence, call me Shibuya-sensei, I hope we get along well."

Everyone in the class greeted the new teacher in unison, meanwhile Shibuya looked at all the students, but more specifically at Shouko.

Meanwhile, Shouko had many things on her mind now, seeing the new teacher.

I didn't even know if this woman could work as a teacher, but hey...

Now the problems came to school, with a big breath, he calmed his thoughts.

The class started, Yakusha began to teach normally, as if it were something usual, that made me understand that this woman was a teacher for normal reasons, although it would make sense.

That being a teacher is a job to hide her profession of murder and there are no suspicions.

Throughout the class I could notice the fixed gaze of the new teacher and to top it off, when lunch time arrived, this woman did not leave the room, as the other teachers normally would.

I knew what he was trying to do was keep an eye on me and find some opportunity to catch me, which...is annoying.

So, for the first time in his entire school year, he decided to go out for lunch somewhere else.

My group was about to join me in the living room as usual, but they were surprised not to notice me, which made them feel very strange.

Now, where would I go to eat....in the school dining room....naaaa, it's a very noisy place with too many people, in a library? Neither, despite the fact that it is a very quiet place, annoying people will continue to see you.

So, he thought of an idea and with the passing of seconds, he found the place.

The roof ..., it was a bit illogical that the roof is open, since.... ahem, accidental deaths....

But hey, it's an anime, so here if you allow it, he got to the whipping and it was a very nice place to his surprise.

It had a small green area in the center, seats in the surrounding area and some four-foot-five guardrails, they were too small for her, but I suppose it was enough for the Japanese, who are mostly very short.

But looking at all these things, she noticed a person, she herself also felt Shouko's presence and when she looked at her, she felt very strange, it seemed as if this person knew him.

Likewise with shouko, but he did recognize this character well, it was Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

He hasn't seen her in months and now it turns out she's from my own high school.

Well, it's a very big academy, it's also impossible to meet all the people in an academy and more than I didn't go out and this was the first time I'd gone out to another place to eat.

Because when I do something new I find characters everywhere.