
My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Route

Blessed with a system to aid his understanding of his new abilities and offer chances for further growth, he makes his path towards becoming both the leader of his new home, and the conqueror of beautiful kunoichi of various talents and backgrounds. Follow a child soldier reborn as his favorite fictional character after losing his life in worldwide conflict! Rated M for language, suggestive themes, and explicit sexual content. Content Disclaimer: Character biases will not be respected or taken into consideration. Fanon is not respected or considered. I rely heavily on the Naruto Wiki since it is the most accurate source of info regarding the series. Copyright Disclaimer: I own nothing except for original characters, concepts, technique names or otherwise original material not owned or previously patented or published by any publishers or companies as of the beginning of this serialization. Cover Art found on ARTVY with the Naruto cyberpunk wallpaper AI prompt.

SilverSnow125 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 65: Exams Part 10 - Month Break 2

My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Version

Chapter 65: Exams Part 10 - Month Break 2


[Third Person POV]

Naruto and Bee both bumped their fists together and were taken to the mutual space where all tailed beasts could interface with each other and their jinchuriki. Bee and Gyuki were accompanied now by Naruto and Kurama.

"Hey, Kurama, we've got company, you can go back to sleep later", Naruto tapped his friend on his head.

"Hmm... what?", Kurama asked groggy as he opened his eyes. 

"... Gyuki... you look smaller than I remember...", Kurama observed.

"Hm, funny... You look bigger than I remember...", Gyuki responded.

"So, Nine-Tails and Blondie be vibin' and vibin'. I hear ya two be strong togetha', I'm here to test ya fighting spirit, yeah~", Bee said to the pair.

[AN: I'm terribly sorry for this, I can't rhyme for shit] 

"Uh... well... I haven't unlocked the seal yet, I don't have the key... What do you say buddy? Want to give it a shot?", Naruto asked Kurama.

"Hm... I'd rather not... I'm trying to sleep and this doesn't seem important...", Kurama responded.

"Hmm... how about after the exams then?", Naruto negotiated.

"... Fine... You should be able to use all nine by now... *Yawns*"

"Yup, yup, haven't done it before, so this should be fun", Naruto agreed.

"Do you wanna spend some time together later? You've been asleep for a while. Has your chakra recovered?"

"Of course, I only needed a few hours after I stopped playing life-support. I just had no interest in watching you procreate", Kurama yawned and stretched like a cat. 

As Naruto and Kurama both had their conversation, Bee and Gyuki were speechless at the conversation they were hearing. Life support? Procreate? This kid isn't even 18 and already he's making babes? The pair had many questions.

"Wait, wait, wait. You telling me you already going to be a papa? Fool ya fool?" Bee tried to come to terms.

"I'm more interested in this life-support thing you mentioned", Gyuki admitted.

"Uh, yeah"/ "What about it?", the pair responded in sync.

Bee and Gyuki were certain that if nothing else, these two were friends for sure. And so, the two pairs began to talk and get to know each other.

Bee explained that he was here because he'd heard that the Leaf's Jinchuriki had full control over his bijū. Naruto denied this vehemently and explained that him and Kurama were buddies, and that Kurama helped out whenever Naruto needed a boost, which wasn't often. He also asked Bee if it was okay for him to be here, since he knew that his Kage would be more than a little upset if he just walked into a different village.

Bee said it was fine and that he wouldn't be found out. (He was)

Naruto sighed, knowing the shit storm that was coming. 

He told bee that there was an internationally sensitive event about to take place, and that it would be best for him to come back in about two weeks, just to avoid any suspicion on him or his village from the populace. He also asked if he could help train Naruto to use Kurama's Full Power, since right now he couldn't do that yet.

Bee promised on the condition that Naruto Showed him how much power he could use at present. Naruto was a bit reluctant but told Bee he would show him, but not in the village. Bee understood and the two left the space. 

Once they were outside, they opened their eyes to see ANBU all over them and the Fifth Hokage looking at them with a twitching brow.

"Uh... hey... Aunty... I can explain...", Naruto rubbed the back of his head nervously.

Bee just admired the wonderful lady gracing him with her presence, "Yo, Naruto. She single?"

Naruto shook his head nervously, "No, my sensei's her boyfriend... she's also the Hokage..." 

Bee had to hold in a sigh of disappointment and he froze, "Damn... big bro is going to hear about this now fo' sure."

"Alright, Naruto. Please explain why you were standing in the middle of the street for over an hour while bumping fists with a foreign shinobi", Tsunade ha several veins popping in her head.

"Uh... Tailed Beast Telepathy?", was his intelligent response and the whole area froze.

Everyone knew that the Hidden Cloud had the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki, along with the Two-Tails Jinchuriki, and if Naruto had made contact with one of them things could turn south if not handled carefully.

"... You two come with me. Now", Tsunade was less than pleased at this development.


"Alright. From the top. Naruto, you first", Tsunade demanded in her office.

"Well, I was taking a walk through the village when Bee approached and introduced himself. I introduced myself in the same manner and we bumped fists. I got to meet his partner and he got to meet mine. We talked and he asked to see my level of power before leaving to come back in a few weeks. That's when we saw you and the ANBU", Naruto summarized.

"Hm. Very well. And you, Mr...?", Tsunade left the question in the air.

"Killer Bee, yo!", Bee responded with his usual flair and the room's occupants had to hold in a sigh.

"I see... Killer Bee, then... May I ask why you've come to a village where yours doesn't currently hold any diplomatic relations with?", Tsunade was less than happy.

"I heard ya' boy here had mad skills. I came to see if he could flow with my thrills, yeah~", He answered and took out his notepad to write down his sick rhyme.

Tsunade held in a sigh of exasperation, "I see... do you intend to use hostile action?"

"Nah, maybe a spar later on, I wanna see him switch it on, yeah~", Bee responded.

Jiraiya took over from here, "It's said that you can fully control you partner's power. Would you be willing to teach Naruto?"

"Jiraiya-!", Tsunade would protest but was interrupted.

"He don't need no training, ya fool. Far as I can see, ya boy's gone to school. All he needs is the key, and his might will be set free, yeah~", Bee rapped and had everyone's eyebrows about to fall off.

Naruto ran interference and explained, "He means that I only need to unlock the seal to be able to use the entirety of Mr. Fox's power. I can already control the power I have access to without issue. It's just the seal restricts the amount I can use."

"Impossible! If you unlock the seal-!", Homura protested. 

"Careful, elder. I know you mean well, but let's not start throwing words around we might regret," Naruto stared him down, serious.

The room's occupants were witness to Naruto's promise of anger first hand and were terrified at how much power his visage commanded.

Homura collected himself and spoke once more, "...Very well. Is there a risk of your... partner being released?"

"Only if I die, same as it always has", Naruto replied.

Koharu spoke next, "What is the procedure to... unleash this retrained power?"

"As Bee explained, usually it involves a battle between the jinchuriki and it's partner, within the confines of the seal. The winner would absorb the loser's chakra and play a constant tug of war with their partner. However, this is only when a relationship has not been established by the pair", Naruto explained.

"Ya boy and his boy be homies, yo! They need no games or flames, yeah~", Bee elaborated.

"You're saying that since they already posses a strong relationship this battle and constant struggle for dominance are not needed for the powers to be unlocked?", Kin, who was out doing groceries with Anko and stumbled upon the situation, clarified.

"Yeh~", Bee responded.

Everyone in the room gave Kin an appreciative and inquisitive look. She ignored it.

"I see... Where is this key?", Tsunade looked at Jiraiya as the person most likely to know.

"It's with the toads.", he replied curtly.

"I see... Naruto. Do you think you'll need it?", Tsunade asked.

"Hmm... Not at present, no. But I'll get to it after things calm down. The exams are tomorrow and I don't want to play with things that may or my not mess with my current balance", Naruto expressed his silent worry to all those who knew about the coming conflict.

"... Very well... You said you were going to show Bee your current powers, yes? I'd like to have an accurate measure myself. We'll erect a barrier in on of the Training Grounds and you can show us", Tsunade declared.

Naruto nodded and called his girls to him. He made sure to have clones inform them and get them decent if they were asleep or something.


In Training Ground 7, all of Naruto's friends and teachers were behind a barrier put up to protect them from the coming explosion of power they were expecting. Bee and Naruto were both inside, stretching. They wouldn't be fighting, but they wanted to compare their strengths at present.

"Alright, Mr. Nine, you ready?"

"Yeah, let's do this Octo-Pops!"

They both grinned and all those present were witness to a transformation much like the one Naruto used in the fight against Orochimaru. But instead of four tails, there were eight. There was a full skeleton covering the bloodred silhouette and it was three times its previous size.

The power being exuded by the creature was astounding, and terrifying.

Naruto stretched while in the form and spoke, his voice sounding like that of the devil incarnate to those who heard it, "Man... this is a lot more taxing than I thought it would be. Might need to get used to this with a few trial runs. What do you think, Octo-Pops?"

Killer Bee was speechless at the difference in raw power between his transformation and Naruto's. he took his full Gyuki form and still came up short. This kid was the real deal, and if he could use this much without ever accessing the form, once he grew used to it and its powers he would be unstoppable almost.

"Well, looks like I've found my new sparring partner. I can't wait for my next visit", Bee was so impressed he forgot to rap.

Both Tailed-Beast Transformations smiled at each other, sending shivers down the spectators spines.

"Uh... Tsuna-Hime...", Jiraiya spoke.

"... Yes, honey...", Tsunade forgot she was Hokage at the moment.

"Why is Naruto still a genin?", he asked and everyone else had to agree with the question.

"... Because I wanted him to be strong before moving up the ranks...", She answered.

"... I'd say he's plenty strong now...", Jiraiya observed.

"... I'll promote him after the exams... he's more than earned it...", Tsunade said with a sad smile.

"I wanted him to stay a kid a little longer... but that ship has long-since sailed, huh...", was her thought before Naruto returned to normal and sat on the ground.

Their village would be fine, she could feel it.