
My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Route

Blessed with a system to aid his understanding of his new abilities and offer chances for further growth, he makes his path towards becoming both the leader of his new home, and the conqueror of beautiful kunoichi of various talents and backgrounds. Follow a child soldier reborn as his favorite fictional character after losing his life in worldwide conflict! Rated M for language, suggestive themes, and explicit sexual content. Content Disclaimer: Character biases will not be respected or taken into consideration. Fanon is not respected or considered. I rely heavily on the Naruto Wiki since it is the most accurate source of info regarding the series. Copyright Disclaimer: I own nothing except for original characters, concepts, technique names or otherwise original material not owned or previously patented or published by any publishers or companies as of the beginning of this serialization. Cover Art found on ARTVY with the Naruto cyberpunk wallpaper AI prompt.

SilverSnow125 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 64: Exams Part 9 - Month Break 1

My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Version

Chapter 64: Exams Part 9 - Month Break 1


[Third Person POV]

After Naruto's more than impressive performance against Orochimaru was publicly announced the day after the second exam had concluded, Naruto's reputation within the village skyrocketed.

ANBU asked for tips and advise for training their own skills, so as to not get left behind. The academy requested Naruto become a Teacher once he was promoted, his promotion more than guaranteed. Many jonin, Kakashi, Guy, and Asuma included were recommending him for the jonin evaluation to get him promoted as soon as possible. And he was being regarded as a hero for fighting off such an evil person from their village single-handedly.

Many were singing his praises and Ichiraku's became an even bigger hit due to its relation to Naruto, him being the main investor in the once small ramen shop. Word of Naruto's exploits had already made it to the village hidden in the sound, where Orochimaru was gritting his teeth in anger at his hubris. Sasuke was having the time of her life watching her teacher rage at her silent mocking. 

Another place where his exploits made headlines was in the Wave Country, many people celebrating another triumphant victory against evil for their hero. Things were coming together and Naruto was considered as an entry into the bingo book for other villages, with an approach with caution warning. 

However, Naruto himself was less than ecstatic about this. He couldn't walk two steps inside the village without being hounded by people of all ages and creeds. He's had authors, artisans, musicians, historians, and more approach him to ask for permission to use his likeness or exploits in their works. Some to ask for details about the fight so that they could put it in the history books.

He was happy that he was so popular now, but it tired his mind so he started sending his girls out to his destinations so he could teleport to them and avoid being seen. They were less than enthused about being used as a taxi service more or less, but Naruto made up for it handsomely.

However, not everyone was happy, Yūgao had been furious that he'd gone off to fight an S-Rank Shinobi. More so that it was sanctioned by Tsunade and Jiraiya, to boot. She chewed them both out, uncaring of her position in the hierarchy and glued herself to Naruto whenever she had the chance. Hayatou often accompanying her to visit her little brother.

Hayate had asked Naruto if he was okay with them moving in since Yūgao seemed to want to live attached to his person at the moment. Naruto said he'd love to have them come live at his place. He'd been slowly getting several houses in the district combined with his and Sasuke's to make a large house that could fit him and his future family.

Hayate offered to pay rent but Naruto refused to take any money from him or his sister, he did want them to be active members of the household and to feel comfortable joining in on the family dinners and events. Naruto also paid the early termination fee for Hayate's lease, earning more brownie points with everyone who knew him; word got around.

But outside of the normal, day-to-day affairs of the talented young shinobi, there were other developments being made. He began to train to develop an earth affinity, and made sure to scrape every scrap of information he could from Dosu, Zaku, Kabuto, Yoroi, and Misumi. Techniques and all. 

Then once that was done he made sure to dispose of them and their bodies, he didn't want any surprise reveals later on. He got info that revealed that the sound four would be coming to the chunin exam finals to help destroy the village while Orochimaru carried out his portion of the plan, much of which was still unclear to all but Kabuto.

When Tsunade found out that they planned to summon her dead relatives to fight against her and Jiraiya she was livid. They thought Naruto would also be mad, given he knew who his parents were, but he knew that his father's soul would not be summoned, as it was trapped in the Death God's stomach and could not be freed unless a certain method was used. He refused to reveal the method.

He did the sinking feeling that Orochimaru would somehow get hold of his mother's cells and she would be used to destroy the village. He would not be kind to the snake if this came to pass.

He didn't do anything extravagant the rest of his time. He trained with the toads and had some fun playing with them, now being much larger than when he summoned them the first time. He took the month to relax for the most part. His girls, however, used this as an opportunity to try and gain a few extra pounds from him. They seemed to want to share Tayuya's status and while he was more than willing, he would not let them make themselves so vulnerable before an invasion and possible war.

That didn't mean he didn't indulge, however.

It was now the day before the Finals and he was met by an unexpected character, Killer Bee.

"Yo, Nine-Tails, what's up? Fool, ya fool?", Bee offered his fist.

"Yo, Octo-Pops, not much. How's old Ox?", Naruto replied, fist bumping. 

They both grinned.