

After two and a half hours travel, we arrived Ormoc City particularly OSPA Hospital . At the emergency room, all the duty staff attended to me right away. Since I am wide awake, I was asked some personal questions that was needed in the information sheet. I was conscious all the while and I knew what they were doing . All vital signs were checked, a catheter was placed and I am now ready to be brought to another room, to get my CT-SCAN. After that, I was transferred to my room which I am going to spend I don't know for how I will be staying there. I kept on praying by the time I was transferred to another hospital ." Lord , I am entrusting my life to you. You're will be done. Just prepare me if ever I am given the chance to survive . Be my captain . I submit my life to you then". That was my prayer and I really wanted to live . But on the other side of me says, "Everything has been lifted up to you Lord. Whatever it is, nobody can question that. " My blood pressure was monitored by nurses every shifting schedule, I was given medicines three times a day. Many have visited me in the hospital and I'm thankful that they even travelled far just to see me. You have nothing to worry in a private hospital because patients are well-taken cared of. I spent one week in that hospital . I dreaded the day that I'll be going home!