

It's an awesome afternoon. I just finished my questionnaires for the exam the next day. I get tired eyes from exposing myself to the computer for hours. I'm sleepy and better give myself a break. So I sleep right away ....

I woke up late in the afternoon and get myself ready to print my questionnaires but all of a sudden, I can't stand up. It's as if my feet and joints are beginning to fall down.

Night time came when my family members are intact when all of a sudden I felt dumb on my right hand and right leg. My brother called a doctor to see my situation . The doctor got my blood pressure and and advised them to bring me to the hospital because it is not good to stay in the house that my blood pressure is very high.

I was rushed to the hospital . At the emergency room, they checked my blood pressure and it shoot up to 240mmhg/120mmhg. And other vital signs were checked! Thanks God everything was normal except my blood pressure. The doctor in the hospital suggested that I have to be transferred to another hospital that can cater me more especially that they lack facilities to patients like me.

They just waited to stabilize my blood pressure and at 4:30am, I was transferred to another hospital .