
My lesbian diary...

a girl who is bullied for being a lesbian finds writing in he diary helps calm her nerves but they only get worse. but when she leave high school she finds many things maybe even a lover...

Merissa_Eagle · LGBT+
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2 Chs

The first entry...

'Dear diary, today was a shit day I got called a lot of names. Like faggot, lesbo, animal and more. I wish I never told beth, maybe I could have lived a normal life. I will probably write tomorrow even though I feel like an idiot. But until then, bye.'

That was my first ever entry, with some grammatical changes. I ended up writing in the diary every day, it became a regular thing. But the bullying still didnt end there, just like my diary it happend every day. Even out of school, people shouted down the streets,'kill yourself'.It didnt stop there, it got so bad that the police got involved. One night some kids came to my house and egged it, then the wrote 'faggot' on my mums car. They got in a lot of trouble let's just say that, but by that point I was used to it.

In fact I got so used to it I didnt care. Somebody would shout lesbo at me and I'd just say 'thanks'. I thought my life might finally be getting better. But that didnt happen because Beth wasn't satisfied with herself yet.