
My lesbian diary...

a girl who is bullied for being a lesbian finds writing in he diary helps calm her nerves but they only get worse. but when she leave high school she finds many things maybe even a lover...

Merissa_Eagle · LGBT+
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2 Chs

A big mistake...

It was my fourteenth birthday, my mother bought me a diary that was covered in pink feathers. At the time I thought it was stupid to have something so premature, so I just said thanks and chucked it in a drawer never to be seen again.

About half way through high school I got my favourite haircut, it was short so everyone called me a lesbian. That's how it was for the rest of the year I was the lesbian girl everyone made fun of, even though I wasn't a lesbian... or so I thought. It was about the start of year ten when I realised I didnt like boys, even though I had always dated them. I told one person, my best friend at the time Bethany (Beth for short). Telling her was a mistake.

We had a giant fight over something stupid and she told the hole school I was a lesbian. This is how it all started. I got bullied every day, my mum saw how depressed I had become. She suggested to Write all the horrid things people said to me in the diary, so I did.