
Chapter 9: Do You Want to Fight?

Layla walked into the salon and suddenly remembered something.

She had no money to dye her hair. Taylor didn't seem like he wanted to pay for it either. 

The salon looked very high-end, and the services must be costly. Layla couldn't afford it.

She had only 20 dollars with her at the moment. It might not even be enough to have a hair wash.

Just as Layla was pondering whether to leave, a woman sneered in her direction and spoke loudly, "I thought this was a high-class salon. How can stray dogs be allowed to enter?"

Layla looked over and saw two familiar faces.

They were Abigail Lee and Bianca Cooper, Sally's best friends and high school classmates.

Back in high school, Layla was often bullied by the three of them. In the end, she was framed and expelled from school. All this while, she knew that they were behind everything.

Sally was also the one who took the lead in mocking her at the engagement ceremony last night.

Now that she had coincidentally met both Abigail and Bianca, Layla made up her mind to go with it.

Layla swaggered in, wrinkling her nose and walking towards Abigail. Then, she sniffed the latter's head and frowned deeply. "Now that you mention it, you reek like a stray dog."

"What did you just say?" Abigail's face flushed instantly. "Who are you calling a dog?"

"I didn't say it was you. Why did you have to admit it?" Layla replied with a smirk.

Hearing this, Abigail became furious. She stood up and shouted at Layla, "Layla, watch your mouth!"

Bianca took her hand and said, "Abigail, don't mind her. She's nothing but a hooligan who was expelled from school. We won't be able to talk some sense into her."

Abigail calmed down and glared at Layla with contempt. "You're right. Poor people like her live a difficult life, so they can only show off with their words. Fred was right too. We shouldn't pay attention to people like her."

Bianca chimed in, "I don't know why but poor people have particularly thick skin. Fred obviously doesn't want to talk to her, yet she was always pestering him. She even said that he was her childhood sweetheart and took care of him at some orphanage! She tried to take credit for Sally's hard work but failed. How shameless!"

Layla subconsciously clenched her fists. Only she and Sally knew what truly happened at the orphanage. No matter what she said, everyone would rather believe that she was the one who tried to steal Sally's man.

Layla pretended to be strong and unaffected by their words. She simply looked down at both Abigail's and Bianca's legs and seemed thoughtful.

The two girls were frightened by her stare and asked warily, "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing. I'm just curious. I have never seen how rich people raise their dogs. But judging from your size, it seems that Sally has fed you both well."

"What... What did you say?"

Abigail was so angry and flung her hand to slap Layla. However, Layla grabbed her wrist with an iron grip and seethed, "Do you want to fight? Fine, I'll entertain you."