
Chapter 8: I’m Bringing My Wife Home With Me

"Dye it black? That won't do!" Layla shook her head resolutely. "It wouldn't suit my look."

Taylor turned to look at her and said, "You're going to be the young madam of the Herbert Family soon. You should change your look."

Layla still felt like she was dreaming. In fact, never in her wildest dreams would she think of becoming the Herbert Family's young madam.

"Um... Master Taylor, can I ask you a question?" 

"Say it."

"Are you really going to marry me?"


"But why? Yesterday, you said our marriage would be beneficial to me. But what do you get from this?"

Layla pursed her lips and continued, "You may not know this, but I have to tell you. I grew up in an orphanage and have been involved in gangs ever since I was in middle school. I was expelled from high school, and I'm still unemployed. Moreover, I always get into fights. Are you sure that you want to marry me? I don't know if you've mistaken me with someone else haivng the same name. You'd better check first."

Taylor hummed in response.

Layla was on the verge of having a mental breakdown. She had said so much, but his response was curt. He had not even tried to explain anything to her!

"Don't do it again," Taylor suddenly said.

"Don't... What?"

"Don't get involved in fights again." Taylor emphasized, "I don't care about your past. As for the future... I will send you to university."

"Are you serious?" Layla was pleasantly surprised.


Having received his affirmation, Layla's eyes sparkled with joy.

"Okay! I'll go and dye my hair black."

This time, Layla didn't bother to ask more questions. She knew he wouldn't answer even if she did.

What mattered was that she could attend university!

Just for this reason, she was willing to do anything.

After all, Yannie had always wished for her to study at a university.

Layla exited the car and entered the salon without hesitation.

Watching her from the car, Taylor's eyes shifted slightly.

Then, he made a phone call.

As soon as the call was connected, a man's anxious voice sounded, "Taylor, I was going to call you! You didn't show up at your brother's engagement ceremony yesterday. You should come home today and have a meal with us."


The man on the other end was overjoyed. "Great! Then I will reserve a seat for you and have the chefs prepare your favourite dishes!"

"Reserve two seats. I'm bringing my wife with me."

"Your wife? What do you mean?" 

"It's exactly what you think it means. I got married today."

"Really?" Jerome Herbert nearly had a heart attack. "When did you start dating? Which family is she from? Why didn't you bring her home to meet us?"

"I'm bringing her to meet you later," Taylor answered indifferently.

"When did you two got to know each other?"

Taylor didn't respond to his father's concern. "I'm hanging up."