
Chapter 28: Counterattack

In the end, the military polygraph machine did not come into use.

That was because the matter was resolved right after the second step.

Apparently, the diamond necklace was found next to the bathtub in Carlotta's room.

When the butler returned with the necklace he found, Layla watched as Carlotta's expression changed drastically several times in a short minute.

"Mrs. Herbert, what do you have to say for yourself now?"

Meanwhile, Carlotta looked awful. She was silent for a few minutes before answering, "It seems that I have misplaced it when I took a shower earlier. Now that it has been found, let's just forget everything that happened."

After that, she turned to leave, but Taylor's voice stopped her.

"Slow down. You wrongly accused others, so how do you expect us to 'just forget about it'?"

"What else do you want from me? You can't possibly make me apologize to her. I'm your senior after all," Carlotta replied with a sullen expression.