
Chapter 16: Respect Your Sister-in-Law

Jerome's face darkened. He was obviously unhappy that Taylor was married without his consent, especially to Layla out of everyone.

Layla could tell that the Herbert Family did not welcome her. She had known this would happen.

However, she didn't expect them to let her stay for dinner despite disliking her.

It was a depressing meal.

The Herbert Family had a strict rule of not talking during meals, hence everyone at the table was silent.

Nevertheless, countless of them were secretly peeking at Layla.

She didn't care about their gazes, but Fred's slightly disgusted look made her panic. The food tasted bland in her mouth.

After dinner, Jerome called Taylor into his study.

Layla stayed in the living room downstairs, constantly receiving strange gazes from everyone.

"Layla, what are you planning to do? Taylor is a good man. Don't use your schemes on him!" Sally persuaded Layla as if the latter was really plotting something evil.