
My Lady and Mistress whom I Lo...

“When the light shines over you, that’s when darkness fades" A world of cruel people, who do cruel things. A young man learns at an early age of what it feels to lose someone you love. As he has no control of his life, he ends up being involved in a strange contract which sells him off to a young mistress. But he is no ordinary slave, nor is the woman he serves a normal mistress. Together, the mistress and her slave watch as they world crumbles around them, wondering if peace could ever be more than a distant dream. Status: WIP

FlamingYawn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
72 Chs

Young Vampire

Levi had the female kidnappers take care of her errands in Coveford village and occasionally met up with them. After the fight, Levi had spent less time in the village and barely even looked at the leftovers of her slave establishment. If she wasn't with the female kidnappers or checking on the test subjects, she was with Sae back at the crystal-clear lake in the forest. At least, that was her plan.

"What the hell's wrong with you?! This isn't edible you big-ass beanpole!!!" Sae suddenly woke up from his nap to see Levi in a tug of war with the wild horse, fighting over her new blazer. Levi had come by several times to give Sae some supplies like new clothes, food, rope, and a few other things. Sae said that he wanted to stay at the lake since it was so "peaceful", and of course Levi couldn't refuse.

"FINALLY! Geez, you're lucky Sae treasures you so much otherwise I'd pummel you to death!"

As if he could understand, the stallion started neighing loudly, knocking Levi back. What would Sae do other than to laugh to himself of the hysterical sight he was so pleased he had seen?

"What are you laughing at?" Levi's attitude only made Sae more cheerful and maybe, just maybe, Levi was happy about that. Still, Levi came for more than just to play around with Sae's new best friend and give him the supplies.

"I brought new tack for your horse and I got the new clothes for you again. Anyway, I have to go back to my facility."

Levi carried her slobber-covered blazer which was tugged on again but not by the horse...

"Stop hiding and say what you want to say."

Levi's fists were shaking and her dagger-like eyes were back. Sae let go of Levi's wrist and held her instead which caused Levi's mind to be filled of dreadful thoughts:

'why does he act like this...'

'He acts as if we're a couple...'

'what does that even mean...'

"Sae, stop hugging me like this..."

Sae listened and put his arms back at his side but he did wonder what made Levi so angry, well, more than usual. Thinking it was just one of her many tantrums or mood swings, he went back to pet his stallion while Levi stood still, feeling like she had just been stabbed in the heart while the salty tears threatened to fall down.

"Crying isn't gonna solve your problems, Levi. You went to her, didn't you?"

"How the hell do you keep finding this stuff out? Do you stalk me or something?"

"No. But I know each of your facial expressions. You're mad as hell whenever you talk with your mother that you break your glass desk. You blush and get weak whenever you're with me, and you act like a strict and hateful mother to your slaves and brother. But when it's the young mistress, you're just...off."

During the three year long period, Sae had gotten "close" with Levi. He had memorized her facial expressions and actions after communicating with someone. Whether in person or through a letter, Sae could easily tell. Levi's emotions were limited down to anger and embarrassed. But, she was brave as well. If she wasn't, she'd never be able to deal with Sae who was always the one to embarrass and annoy her to death.

"What, did she tell you to bring me to her or something?" Sae chuckled as he kept petting the horse but Levi replied with a simple "Mm." which caused Sae to freeze.

"So that's why you're acting all weird, huh? Tch. Don't hide those types of things from me, Levienne."


Sae just looked at Levi on the floor with an annoyed look. Though not angry, Sae couldn't help but want to hurt Levi at the sight of her in such a pathetic state.

'Seriously, how annoying can you get...'


"I've been watching you for three years...and so has she. But she's only seen you four times, I've seen you every day for those three years. I've grown attached to you somehow, even when you act like a complete devil...but I guess that's ironic coming from me..."

"Oh Miss Clyde, you really are a pain in the ass. But I mean, how else would you be approved by the council of the E.N.D or something."

"I haven't been approved yet..."

For some unknown reason, Sae started laughing, making the veins in Levi's forehead to pop.

"Anyway, I need just one more approval. Otherwise, I'll kill her..."

"geez, ominous as always."

Levi had gone back in her carriage with a new driver since Blanca was still being hospitalized after the fight. Sae had taken the rest of the day with his new horse. Levi was supposed to take Sae to the Blackford mansion, but she left without saying another word about the matter. After talking with Sae, and him finding out on his own, Levi didn't want to talk about it anymore.

'Just get back to work, stop goofing off Levi...'

A reminder. Words that held no meaning since Levi wanted to get back to Sae the second she took that step forward to leave him there. But X-6 and her team were expecting Levi to come down to the facility to test the new test subjects which were the night creatures that Azallyn had sent to Levi that night. Ever since the battle, the night creatures had been labeled "test subjects" and they had been through a different kind of hell. A hell ruled by Levienne Clyde who was a night creature herself.

"What's with 016?" Levi had just stepped into a room with a water-filled capsule with a night creature inside. A vampire.

"Miss Clyde! Good afternoon, it seems that there is in fact, nothing wrong with 016. He's just...calm."

Levi narrowed her eyes and walked up to the capsule. The doctor worried and yelled for her to be careful but Levi ignored and did as she pleased. As a test, she put her hands behind her back before placing her right hand onto the glass.

"Test subject 016 has no reaction to blood. What a calm creature indeed."

The doctor was trying her best to calm down but inside, she was terrified whenever Levi spoke in her threatening yet amused voice. Levi removed her hand, leaving a bloody hand print on the glass of the capsule. The vampire inside just looked at Levi who didn't walk away yet.

"Let me have the room, you can come back once I leave."

"Yes, M-Miss Clyde."

Levi looked through the glass and couldn't take her eyes off of the creature within. Mesmerized, she tilted her head slightly with a small grin on her face. The creature just looked at her eyes like it was innocent and had never once sinned in it's whole life, but Levi fully disagreed.

"You're the youngest of them, so I've heard. Despite being a disgusting creature, I can't say that without sounding rather horrible."

Levi went off the the side of the capsule. On the glass was a small screen where Levi could control the capsule and what happened to the creature inside. Instead of torturing it, Levi drained the water and removed the mask with just a few taps on the screen, surprising the vampire.

"No sudden moves."

The creature nodded. Though Levi found his race to be quite disgusting and unbearable, she found the young vampire to appear more "human" than the other vampires. He wasn't "bad-looking" either. He had light brown hair and dark brown, almost black eyes. His face was pale and he was a very skinny creature.

'If anything, he looks more like a young boy than a bloodthirsty vampire. What the hell...?"

"Where have you been hiding?"

"...I've been living inside Coveford village..."

Levi's eyes calmed down and she showed a more calm look to the vampire who was panting from wearing that suffocating mask for all the time it'd been moved from the slave establishment.

"What do you think of blood lust?"

The young vampire stared at Levi, his eyes opened a bit wider than usual. He seemed as if the term was new to him, and maybe he just didn't understand what Levi had just asked him. But he knew very well of the term, and he hated it more than anything...

"I think you should ask me what I think of being a vampire...it sucks."

Levi blinked three times and just stared at the young vampire who reminded her of a younger version of Sae. No, this creature was just like Sae when he was fourteen, and that freaked Levi out.

"...i-it sucks?"

"Mm. Living off of blood. Being so self-conscious about every little thing. Knowing people are terrified of you. Knowing that you'll die just because you're a night creature. I'm already a man in a world ruled by powerful women like you...my life isn't worth living when life is already determined...to die."

Levi' who had her arms crossed, felt her arms fall at her sides. She just stared at the young vampire, then at her reflection on the glass. Noticing her sudden change of expression, the young vampire put his hands on the capsule walls and tapped on it slightly, "A-Are you oka-"

Levi punched the glass, and made the young vampire stop himself from continuing his sentence. He fell silent and went back to his normal blank expression, leaning his back on the other side of the capsule. Levi went back to the screen and the front wall of the capsule suddenly opened, leaving the young vampire speechless.

Levi stepped into the capsule and hugged the young vampire gently. The young vampire, whom Levi had seen Sae in, was dumbfounded and felt the veins in his forehead pop out. He started thinking he should ask Levi if she was okay again but couldn't find the words.

'For me, Levienne Clyde the night creature, to hold another night creature, a species I am a part of and despise with all my darkened heart, this is absurd...'