
My journey to you

The first time Aahil met Elena her friends were gossiping about him and she asked "Who is Aahil" Aahil ,....... The second time they met she tricked him but he deliberately gave in.Since then Mr Aahil Roy started his long journey to chase his little wife. they met again and again.She thought it's a coincidence.Little did she know that the big wolf is deliberately creating opportunities to meet little rabbit.

Kafa_Kader · Urban
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

wedding battle

Did you forget about the wedding? Cyra looked at Elena angrily.

"No, but the wedding is not today right and even if it's today no one would set their wedding time at 7 o clock in the morning,"

"Of course, I know today is not the day of wedding but we have to go early to prepare,"

"What are we preparing for, it's not our wedding."

" We are not preparing for the wedding but It's for the battle."

"Battle?"Elena was confused.

"Ahemmm, Alia, let's start" with a cough Alia and Cyra started their performance.

"For ages, we are having a wedding but didn't know about the dark side of the wedding,"

Both Cyra and Alia started acting like they are in a stage show. Elena doesn't know when did they take the microphone no I mean the banana from the table.

"Wedding is a battle, it's not a battle between two countries, not a battle between two person

but two families"

"Doesn't wedding means uniting between two families?" Butler John who was passing by these three girls asked.

"Oh, Uncle John, you don't understand, because you are brainwashed."

"You see what happened at a wedding is everything is beautifully arranged, everyone is dressed up, enjoying and then the groom's family comes and takes away the bride under everyone's nose and we don't even understand that it's a beautifully arranged kidnapping,"

"But the bride is willing, it can't be considered as kidnapping,"

"So what if the bride is willing, her family is definitely reluctant to part with her, that's why it's a battle between two families."

"Yes,it's the dark phsychology behind the wedding, so we must go prepared."

Alia and Cyra said in unison.

Elena looked at the two, blinked a few times then started laughing.

"Hahaha, Alia you truly deserved to be a writer, your imagination is so rich."

"I never really thought wedding is similar to kidnapping," said Uncle John as if he was agreeing with these two.

"Well said,Alia," Emir also complimented, He was coming from upstairs and heard Alia's narration of wedding.

Then he thought his sister may also get married someday,no no, may get kidnapped some day by a evil man, just this thought is enough to irritate him.

"Good morning, Brother Emir" Alia and Cyra greeted Emir politely.

"Good morning, you guys are so early"

"Brother, we came to pick up Elena to prepare for battle, No I mean for wedding."

"But the wedding is tomorrow,"

"We Know but we decided to stay with in cousin's house today. So we are going early."

"Elle, do you want to go?" Emir asked Elle as she rarely stays outside overnight.

Elena didn't know about this plan before she looked at Cyra and Alia and saw that they are looking at her with pleading eyes.

She knows that they are up to something, she doesn't want to embarrass her friends and so agreed.

"Okay, when are you going? I will drop you off,"

"No need, brother you can go to the office, I can just go with them,"

"Are you sure,"


Emir didn't insist, he patted her sister's head and said to everyone, "let's have breakfast first"

After breakfast,

Emir tells the servants to pack Elena's bag and starts giving instructions.

"Pick that dress, it's Elle's favorite, don't forget to pick matching jewellery, oh aunty where is the earrings I bought yesterday, pack some snacks too,"

"Brotherrrrr, Seeing his brother nagging, Elena sighed,

"I don't need to bring so many things. I am only going for two days, not even two days,"

"But don't you like to eat these snacks aunty made for you, what if the snacks they have isn't to your liking."

"Brother, I am not so delicate, I can adjust anywhere, besides there are Cyra and Alia too you don't have to be so worried."

"I am not worried, I just think you'll miss home made food."

Elena laughed listening to his brother's sophistry, "Brother you are so cute." Elena said while pinching her brother's cheeks.

"Enough, enough, you two can you stop showing affection all time, Brother Emir do you know if are going to pamper Elena this way you will spoil her,"

"Are you jealous, of course my brother has to pamper me, right brother,"

"Well, our Elle is always right."

"By the way brother, my packing is almost done, you go to office now,"

"But I still didn't put some things," Emir hesitates.

"I don't need anything else, you should go now. Don't worry about me," Elena pushed Emir outside the room,

" Goodbye, brother have a good day at work, be careful, eat in time and I will call you if there's anything,"

Emir was helpless, " You too be careful,"

After Emir left, Elena says to Cyra and Alia gently, "let's talk dear,"

Cyra and Alia gulped, whenever Elle talks this it means they must've made a mistake, "hehehe we have nothing to talk, I will wait for you in the car,"

As they are about to go, Elena said, "stop, why did no one informed me that we are going to stay at your cousin's place today."

"We thought you wouldn't agree,"

"So you directly came today to kidnap me and convince my brother right, Very good idea, whose plan was it?"

Alia and Cyra pointed at each other.

"Now tell the truth what's your plan? You are not going to do something bad, right,"

Emir : a evil man is gonna kidnapp my sister.

Aahil sneezed - who is thinking about me.

Sorry to keep my dear readers waiting. We are going to meet the ML soon.

Kafa_Kadercreators' thoughts