
My journey to you

The first time Aahil met Elena her friends were gossiping about him and she asked "Who is Aahil" Aahil ,....... The second time they met she tricked him but he deliberately gave in.Since then Mr Aahil Roy started his long journey to chase his little wife. they met again and again.She thought it's a coincidence.Little did she know that the big wolf is deliberately creating opportunities to meet little rabbit.

Kafa_Kader · Urban
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27 Chs


"No, definitely not, you know us, how can we do something bad?" Cyra replied guiltily.

"I know you, that's why I know you guys definitely caused some trouble."

"It's really not a trouble, we just have a mission our mission is to win the battle at wedding." Alia replied.

"Then can I know how are you going to win the battle, do you want me to borrow some guns for you?"

"Hehehe, no need, we are not going to kill, we just want to steal,"

"That's good, huh, what did you say? Elena thought she heard something wrong.

"You are going to do what?"

"stealing," Alia and Cyra replied in unison.

"Are you guys joking with me, now?"

"No, we are serious, our mission is to steal the groom's shoes,"

"You guys did so many things just to let me help you steal the groom's shoes. Are you so lacking in shoes, you are going to wedding to steal shoes from the groom."

Elena didn't know what to say. She thought they had some serious business. As a result they just want to steal shoes. She expected too much from these two.

"It's not like that, do you know what stealing shoes means in a wedding?" Cyra asked Elena as she was teaching her.

"No, how can I know, you already know everything there is nothing left for me to know."

"Thank you," Cyra was flattered

"I am not complimenting you,"


"Elle, believe me stealing shoes in wedding shows the power of bride,"

Elena just looked at Alia without saying anything.

"I will explain to you, okay. At the wedding the groom comes with many people, they guard the groom,

when the brides family still can steal the shoes with their wits,

it represents that bride family is more powerful and smart. The more shoes we steal the more powerful it shows.

So we need to take this matter very seriously." Alia said solemnly.

"Miss Alia from where did you learn this? Is it from Alia's nonsense book?" Elena asked nonchalantly.

Alia was embarrassed and started acting like a baby, "Elleee, please, do us a favor okay."

Elena couldn't stand these two acting like babies to her, she was about to agree but suddenly thought,

Although she also knows there is a tradition of stealing shoes at the wedding, it's just to have fun, definitely not as serious as they are saying,

why did these two become so desperate to steal and even tricked me to go there.

"You guys are still hiding something,"

Cyra was surprised, "how do you know?"

Alia stomped on her foot, "shut up. It's nothing serious, we just made a bet with the groom's family. That's all really,"

Alia looked very sincere.

But Elena was not so easy to fool, "What did you bet with? It's not money, is it," Elena squinted her eyes.

Cyra's eyes got bigger with surprise. Seeing her reaction Elena knew that she is right.

"So how much money did you bet with?"

Alia and Cyra pointed 10 with their fingers,

"10 thousand?"

" No," They replied in a low voice.

"then is it 100 thousand? Don't tell me you betted 10 million for a mere shoe stealing competition,"

Elena is just saying casually but after hearing 10 million their reaction said it all.

"You really betted 10 million," Elena rarely shouts this time she really couldn't help.

"Who did you bet with? Withdraw that bet right now,"

"We couldn't," they also wanted to withdraw but the groom's family didn't say anything, if they are the one to cancel the bet, they would lose face.

"Why? Not to mention 10 million, you don't have 10 thousand in you account, did you forget last time auntie stopped your pocket money,?"

"I know but I was afraid to lose face and Alia also didn't stop me, besides we even signed a contract,"

"Wow,I don't have any words."

"Elle, please help us this time okay,"


On the other side of groom's family, Aahil also firmly refused,

"Never, I am not going to play this naive game,"

But Zayn was persistent, "Brother, please help us this time okay, you know dad has frozen my card now, I don't have much money, I promised my cousin that I'll lend him the money."

"Why did you promise if you don't have money?"

"Brother you don't understand, it's not just about money but also dignity you don't know how the girls family was roasting us.

They even said they would definitely steal the groom's shoes not only the groom's but all of us, they looked down on us too much, so my cousin also got a little excited during the argument. So we made the bet that if you can steal shoes from us, we will give you 10 million,"

"Cancel the bet, it's simple,"

"We thought about that too but no one was willing to step down, so... Zayn gulped instead we made a contract."

Aahil was speechless.

Elena was also in the same situation as Aahil. Both of them sighed,

"Oh God, why do I have to deal with these idiots."

Aahil (now) : oh God, why do I am dealing with these idiots.

Aahil(in future) : Thanks to these idiots that I can meet my wife

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