
My Journey to you

A story of two sisters Zera and Mavis, who are actually the children who were chosen by the two god dragons, the imperial white dragon, and the imperial black dragon as their descendants after their death. The girls had no clue about the great powers they have and live don't even know the existence of each other. when they were young they get separated because of the death of their parents.

BTSArmypro · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 17: Zero finally accepts fairy tail as his family!!!

The words of that stranger enrage Warrod and He clenches his fists tightly.

But those people continue insulting the guild.

"Look, they even have a kid in their guild. How lame. This kid looks so girly and doesn't even look like he can beat a dog." Says another person while mocking Zero.

"Stop insulting Zero !!!" says Warrod in anger.

He then lifts his fist to punch each one of them, but Zera stops him and says "Warrod, This is not the right time to teach these fools a lesson. With the power we have, it wouldn't even take a second to cut their horns off. But taking action now will not benefit us in any way."

"Look who's talking, Don't you know who we are, We are White tiger. Even our weakest one can trash you all. Anyways I have lost my appetite after seeing you fairies." says one person from that group of wizards.

"Yeah, Let's go away from here" replies another from the group.

They all then walk away laughing.

In anger, Warrod bangs on the table causing it to break into two halves.

"Those bastards!! they don't even know who they are messing with. They dug their own grave. Mavis, Wendy, Zera… and even Warrod, Let's show them the true power of us fairy tail!!!" Says Zero angrily.

"Wow, Is this the same Zero who thinks humans are lame?" says Wendy mockingly.

"*Embarrassed*I never said all humans were lame!!! And also I realized people in this guild aren't exactly as I expected. So, I think this guild is a place worthy of calling 'Home'..." Says Zero.

They all then leave the restaurant and head back to their homes.

Mavis, Zera, and Zero head back to their new home which they recently bought.

Mavis jumps onto her bed

"Wow! We had one fun day, didn't we? Except for when those White tiger members ruined the full mood." says Mavis while lying on her bed.

Zero is disgusted by Mavis's behavior.

"Hey Mavis, You haven't even taken a bath and you are lying on your bed. You stink like rotten eggs, you better go take a bath now," says Zero.

"Yeah, yeah… Stop nagging Zero" replies Mavis.

Zera chuckles and says "You both really need to stop fighting.".

Both Zero and Mavis reply together angrily "She/He started it first!!!".

All three of them freshen up and lay on beds to sleep.

While laying on bed Zero says "Mavis and Zera... Actually today for the first time I realized that I had liked the guild a lot...even more than the temple that I lived in for more than a century. I think It is because I feel like they are our family. I feel very comfortable and secure around them... All this time I was always on guard and always protected others, but today was actually the first time someone protected me instead. It felt very touching actually."

"Yeah, I too had lost someone I had called family. But now actually instead of taking revenge I just want to protect the Family I got now." Says Zera. "Me too, but While protecting them, I still want to find out the truth, I don't care about revenge but I want to know why they killed our parents that night?" replies Mavis.

"And so do I...Anyways a big day is coming soon, Let's not think about the past now. *Yawns* I am already sleepy. Goodnight both of you…" Says Zera and Falls asleep. "Goodnight!!!" reply both Mavis and Zero. All three of them then fall into a deep sleep.

To be continued...

Hey readers, Actually there is a special meaning behind this chapter.

Not long ago, My friend had asked me "What do you truly lack? What do you want that you have never really had?". Then I cooly said, "Money, Fame, and Smartness I guess...".

After a few days, I asked myself these questions to myself, And then I had realized that what I had lacked wasn't money, fame, and smartness but someone I truly called Myself.

To make the people I love happy, I had hidden myself behind a mask which actually made me forget who I truly was instead.

Currently, I still am searching for myself.

Similarly, In the chapter, Zero talks about something which he truly lacks, which was a 'family'. And he realized this when Warrod had protected/defended him.

In conclusion, Everyone has something that they truly lack. And It is not too late to search for it. It might take years to realize it but once you do, you actually realize the true meaning of your life.

All the best to all of us, to find what we truly lack!!! I hope that once we find it our imperfect days can at least show a little bit of perfection.

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