
My Journey in other worlds starting from the world All of us are dead.

The story is about a guy who died in his world and was given a second chance by a mysterious system that asked him to go to various worlds and become strong. Follow his journey as he travels collecting various powers at the same time while finding wives in that world. The Mc is a good person, If you like ruthless and evil Mc. You can skip this novel this isn't your thing. All characters appearing in this story don't belong to me, except Oc Ps: My English is a little bad and also I'm writing this for fun don't expect much from it. If you don't like you can leave

Jagadish_A_8390 · Movies
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52 Chs

Chapter-43: Meeting

"What are these guys arguing about again? " thought Hiroki as he walked towards the daycare room.

At the same time in the daycare room,

"I want this monster out now?" said Seok-Hyeon pointing at Hyun-su who was standing beside Du-sik with his head down.

"But he is just a child? " said another resident

"What child? , didn't you see his nose bleeding, that is the symptom that he is turning, he is not human "

"So hands up who wants him to kick out him?" said Seok-Hyeon raising his hand and looking at others to raise the hand.

"Kicking out is the same as killing him. You want to kill him " asked Eun-Hyeok looking calm. Since Hiroki sent this guy he must know of his situation. So he tried to help Hyun-su until Hiroki came back. Otherwise, Hiroki might not help him anymore. He doesn't care whether this guy is turning or not.

All he had to do was to wait until Hiroki came back. After that, Hiroki can decide what to do with Hyun-Su.

"It is not human, it is a monster so don't care whether it dies or not,killing a human is a crime not a fucking monster"

"I want him out raise your hands who support me "

But no one present there raised their hand. It just looked like they didn't want to participate in their discussion.

"What no one? "

"You cow you raise your hand? " shouted Seok-Hyeon as he raised his hand to beat her wife.

"Stop it," said Yi-Kyung as she looked at Seok-Hyeon.

"So what is going on?" a sudden voice interrupted the discussion and all looked towards the entrance and saw Hiroki standing there.

" "

Nobody talked just looked at Hiroki. Eun-Hyeok said about the situation Hyun-su was facing now.

"So you want to kick him out?" asked Hiroki looking at the residents. He could understand their feelings now. They were all scared of the situation they were in they were surrounded by monsters. They didn't know whether they would survive or not, or if they would be the next to turn into monsters?

"He is a monster, we can't keep him," said Seok-Hyeon in a low voice.

"Did he do anything harm to you? " asked Hiroki looking at Seok-Hyeon

"No,...but in future "

"Future my ass, you are the last one who has the right to talk about the future "

"What future can you expect from a selfish man like you? Expect scolding others and trying to hide in danger"

"You are just worried about your life. I know there is nothing valuing your life "

"But you are trying to kill others for your life, then that is nothing but pure selfishness, "said Hiroki looking at him with disdain.

"Now since he is turning into a monster, you want to kick him out "

"But what if any of you get infected? Should we also kick them out?"

"You should know you may be the next infected " said Hiroki looking at all of them.

"I can't take it anymore, you brat how dare you talk to your adults like this?" shouted Seok-hyeon.

"Who do you think you are talking to me about like this? "

"I'm just saying it for our own safety " shouted Seok-Hyeon

"This old man is talking too much" said Eun-yu who was behind Hiroki

"What brat what did you say?" asked Seok-Hyeon with an angry face. He may fear Hiroki but he doesn't fear this brat.

"Nothing I just said you are cool, "said Eun-yu with a smile as she showed her middle finger and other fingers which indicate

"Fuck bastards like you!"

Seeing this some laughed as they understood Eun-yu's hand sign meaning. Hiroki also tried to stop his expression from showing a smile and patted Eun-yu's head and gave her a thumbs up.

Eun-yu slapped away Hiroki's hand, with slight annoyance but there was also slight embarrassment. Eun-Hyeok who saw this was shocked and wanted to grab Hiroki's collar and ask him what was happening between him and his sister. How can he not know to see that his sister seems somewhat different from her usual self? If it was her usual self she would curse Hiroki for patting her hand.

But what did he see? His sister just slapped away his hand and didn't say anything and she also seemed a little embarrassed.

"Well since you are all worried about your safety, I will keep an eye on him," said Hiroki as he looked at Hyun-Su.

"So anybody got a problem with that?" asked Hiroki looking at the residents.

Nobody raised any questions, Seok-hyeon also didn't say anything but his face was unsightly with an angry expression.

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