
My Immortal Werewolf System

After his father was killed and his mother committed suicide shortly after, Lycanos was left with nothing. Poor grades. Poor athleticism. Addicted to drugs and alcohol. He was bound to remain at the bottom of society. However, everything changes after he chooses to give up his life. [User has been revived!] [Immortal Werewolf System Activated!]

LELOUP · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Wendigo Feast

Enzo then shouted, and walloped Carson right in the face. His punch knocked him to the floor and cut open his face, causing blood to run down it.

The boy turned to glare at Ewan, who stepped away in fear. They had never met such resistance and, in reality, they weren't tough or hard. They were softies that would just use their God-given size to bully others.

Once his eyes met Enzo's, he couldn't help but turn and run off to leave his friend on the ground.

Enzo then turned back to Carson, who was still holding his head after receiving that blow. It felt like a cannon had been shot at his face, and he struggled to even raise up onto his hands and knees.

Once he did so, though, Enzo threw a kick into his abdomen that literally lifted him off the ground. The kick sounded loud and heavy, making Carson just drop to the floor.

He ended up throwing up after receiving that strike, and Enzo continued to look at his body, struggling to hold himself back. Upon noticing the open wound in his head. The red inner flesh beneath his ripped skin.

He knew exactly what he wanted.

He gave his surroundings a quick glance, and claws started to grow across his enlarging fingers. Fangs grew from his teeth but it wasn't just two pairs of fangs, but more than 8 fangs that were now lined up along his upper and lower jaw.

He lifted Carson onto his shoulder before crashing through a window beside him. Using his mammoth strength, he lifted into the air to then land on the roof of the building he was just in. It was only two stories but he crossed those stories with absolute ease.

Now on the top, there wasn't a soul in sight, and he ripped into the flesh of the unconscious Carson.


This slash woke him up right away, and the pain he felt made him give out a loud scream. However, before he could scream any further, Enzo snarled and grabbed his lifted neck.



His body fell totally limp and he was killed in this single slam. His body simply laid across the roof, unmoving, and Enzo began to rip apart his torso. He continuously dug deeper and deeper into his torso before pulling out chunks of flesh and organs. His hands were now covered in blood but he was not concerned.

His mind had now totally handed power over to his instincts, and he devoured what was ahead of him. He ripped out the organs from his body like his liver and kidneys. He would also mix in these meaty chunks with slabs of fat, which was euphoric to him.

He couldn't stop devouring the goodness in front of him, and he barely even stopped his feasting to take breaths.

Soon enough, there was a massive hole in his body, with his ribs that had been simply snapped off by Enzo. His super strength allowed him to break apart his body like it was just cooked chicken. He tore at the muscles around his ribs, and left the area in a complete mess.

Suddenly, after remaining still for a few seconds, he regained his senses. His eyes returned to normal and he backed away as fast as he possibly could.

'No, no NO!!' Enzo thought, looking down at his bloody hands.

He violently tried to wipe off the blood and chunks of flesh, only to realise that he merely smudged the blood across his skin and clothing.

Tears started to well up in his eyes as he did this, and he struggled to reach for his phone. Wiping as much blood as he could, he called Lycanos.

Lycanos, within a local park not too far from his school, finished his 200 pull ups before dropping down to the ground. He had reached a tree trunk that was more than 4 metres in the air, and landed to receive no injury whatsoever.

He was shirtless and was starting to see the muscle packing onto his frame. He was still skinny by all means, but he now had a chest to cover up the bony upper torso that he once had.

Upon doing so, he had finished his daily quests, and took some time to just take a breather.

[Daily Quest Complete!]

[+2 XP]

2 days after his level up, he was 4XP into his level and couldn't wait to receive his next level-up.

Receiving a phone call from Enzo, his heart fell into his stomach. His smile faded, then he answered.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked.

Upon hearing Enzo's words, his face fell awfully still and he dropped the phone.

Lycanos rushed through the streets as quickly as he could and was luckily a mere 10 minute walk from his school. He managed to run that distance in well under 2 minutes, running through the streets with immense pace.

Arriving at the scene, he saw Enzo on the roof of a building with blood all over his body.

He wasn't strong enough to scale the building in one go, but there was luckily a place at the end of the long, narrow, structure, that connected to another building at a right angle to it.

He leaped forward and jumped right off the other building to then gracefully roll onto the roof.

"Don't worry, I've called Xavier. He should be here at any minute." Lycanos said, advancing in a crouched position.

They both assumed a crouched position as to not be seen by any passer-byes.

Lycanos saw the scene at hand, and was horrified. The corpse of Carson was barely recognisable, as he had eaten into his face and torso. However, half of his sunken in face remained, and he could tell that it was him.

Upon seeing the blood from his corpse, his eyes flashed red. His instincts kicked in, and he tried his best to suppress them. However, he knuckle-walked past his friend to then lift the broken neck of Carson.

Sucking up the blood that remained in his shredded up blood vessels, he luckily managed to acquire 250 ml before it was very hard for him to suck up the rest.

[Weekly Quest Complete!]

[+4 XP]

Enzo was quite surprised by this act, but couldn't view it as disgusting. He felt much worse than him, with the taste of raw meat and blood still lingering on his taste buds. As repulsive that was supposed to be, it felt rather comforting for him.

Just behind them, Xavier arrived and rushed past the students. He gave the surroundings a quick examination, before he started calling a certain person.

"This is bad, this is really, really bad!" Xavier said.

He started talking with an anonymous person, and continuously surveyed the surroundings as covertly as possible.

He had a black rucksack that he then removed, revealing a special flask. It had a long neck and round body, which was filled with a transparent liquid.


Taking off the tight cork lid, he began to pour the liquid onto the body.

Gurgle! Gurgle!


The body started rapidly breaking apart, leaving the broken skeleton that was underneath. Upon doing so, they could see the neck bone of Carson that had been totally snapped in two.

"This should get rid of any evidence. I've called a few guys to handle this, let's go." Xavier whispered back to them, signalling for them to head in the opposite direction to which they were looking.

Leaping off the building, Lycanos had to roll to not sustain any injury. However, Enzo and Xavier both landed as if they had just skipped a few steps.

'How strong is Enzo?' Lycanos wondered, upon seeing this.

He also noticed that his body had been totally destroyed, even at the skeletal level. He had a snapped neck, with his ribcage that was totally caved in and shattered.

"How are you going to get rid of that scene?" Lycanos asked, as they speedily walked out of the school premises.

"I'm not. I've called a few guys that will. They'll be in and out of this place in no time." He explained, as they took a turn past a corner.

"What happened?! Did you not tell Lycanos about your hunger beforehand?" Xavier asked, while looking for others in the vicinity.

Enzo just looked down and fell silent. Lycanos didn't feel the need to berate Enzo for him lying but he was quite angry. He knew that his hunger had faded, but there was no way for him to have known it had gotten to that level.

"I was going to hold it off, I promise! But then.. but then they started annoying me and I lost control. It wasn't me, I swear! It was like I lost control of my body!" Enzo explained.

"I understand." Xavier and Lycanos both said simultaneously, upon hearing his loose explanation.

They both resonated with his words, and Enzo was surprised to see that the two didn't seem to show any disgust or repulsion.

"This is the world that we now live. The power that we have causes us to maim, beat, kill. It's part of the package, son." Xavier explained, as they then arrived at Jolsby Grove.