
My Immortal Werewolf System

After his father was killed and his mother committed suicide shortly after, Lycanos was left with nothing. Poor grades. Poor athleticism. Addicted to drugs and alcohol. He was bound to remain at the bottom of society. However, everything changes after he chooses to give up his life. [User has been revived!] [Immortal Werewolf System Activated!]

LELOUP · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

The Final Assault

Their meeting here wasn't going to last very long, but Xavier felt the need to brief the two on how to conduct themselves from that point onwards.

"That chemical I used should've disposed of any DNA that was left at the scene. Regardless of that, the cleaners should've done what I did anyway. I just didn't want the corpse to not be destroyed without us watching over it."

"How are we going to get Enzo to eat flesh?" Lycanos asked.

Getting blood for him was a lot easier. He was being targeted by -rather daft- gangsters that would try and beat him down with simple bats and knives. Even if they were armed, bullets did nothing substantial to him in the long-term. He could always beat them up, take their blood and be gone in under 60 seconds.

However, Enzo seemed like he would leave a much more apparent mess, that would require him to be there for much longer too.

"I don't know, I really don't. I was praying that you wouldn't become a wendigo but that's just how things have become. I've never even met one before and there aren't many ways for you to acquire human flesh without you having to personally kill someone..."He stated.

Enzo just broke down into tears once again, and Lycanos just patted his back upon seeing this breakdown.

'Of course, he has the personality type. Timid and weak.' Xavier thought, upon watching this first-hand.

"Is there any way to find some human meat, do you reckon?" Lycanos asked.

"To be honest, it's unlikely that there's a way to get it from a third party but then again, I'm not certain. I'll look around for a few days then inform you guys on if it's possible. I should know not too long from now." He explained.

"When will I next need human flesh?" Enzo asked.

As of right now, he didn't have any hunger whatsoever and was fine with the thought of not having human flesh for the next few days. However, he didn't know when the feeling would pop up again.

"You won't be like a vampire that needs human blood like a few times a week. You should be good for a week or longer judging from how much you had." Xavier replied.

The three just settled what was to happen between them for the next few days after this. Lycanos was tasked with keeping a close eye on Enzo, and Enzo was given Xavier's number so that he could directly tell him if something was wrong.


That night, the streets were quiet, but the world of crime had just woken up.

Skulls looked upon his men, who were stood in 2 rows of 5.

At the centre of this group was the scarred man with his brown haired ponytail.

"Men! I have a job for you all to complete! Enzo has managed to survive by some miracle and is already healthy and uninjured!" Skulls said, with slight anger to his projected voice.

"What? No, sir I bashed his head in!" The man at the front said, slamming his metal bat into his right hand's palm.

"You dare answer back to me?!" Skulls asked, pulling down his sunglasses to reveal his piercing brown eyes.

There were a few seconds of silence.

The air became thick and the large man dropped his bat back by his side.

"No, sir." His subordinate timidly replied, hiding away his bat.

"Thank you. As I was saying, I'm very disappointed in the ways you have all conducted yourselves and this will be the last chance you as a unit have. Capture Lycanos Ramio and Enzo Arius! Bring me them alive!" He ordered.

"Yes, sir!" They roared in reply.

"For Crisco!"

"Crisco! Crisco! Crisco!"


2 more days had passed, and Enzo was doing just fine. With his new body, he was forced to hold back on his true abilities when on the pitch. He had electric pace now, and could perceive the game with new eyes.

Nobody was able to catch him by surprise, giving him not just elite offensive play but top class defending as well. He was sure it was only a matter of time before he'd join the A-team and establish himself as a star.

Lycanos' power continued to climb; however, Enzo's power still overshadowed his own. When he transformed into an immortal werewolf, he wasn't even supernatural in terms of strength, and wasn't far above human levels without the use of his lunar strike talent.

Nevertheless, he still hoped that his system would progressively make him stronger and stronger.

The two walked home, and the mood between them had elevated quite a lot during these past 48 hours.

Enzo still had the lingering thought of his need to eat human flesh. Upon further questioning, the two supernaturals soon found out that there was no way around Enzo eating flesh.

If he didn't continue eating human meat when he felt that hunger, his body would desiccate, and he'd die. Xavier didn't know much else about wendigos, and they were pretty much in the dark for everything else.


Beside them was a light tap, that they both heard. Both students stopped in their tracks and surveyed the surroundings. Upon first glance, nothing suspicious could be seen.


They were right next to the local park of Kol Heights, where Lycanos would usually complete his daily quests. They walked through this area from time to time, and decided to explore the origin of these odd sounds.

They entered the park and didn't see a thing once again. However, behind the thick tree trunks of this park were several suited mobsters.

One took a tighter grip onto their wooden bat, while another swung their knife into reverse grip.

"Get them!" One roared, racing out.

"GRAAAARGH!!" The fighters shouted.

Enzo looked terrified as he saw the incoming group of fighters, while Lycanos looked excited.

The first man swung his bat at Lycanos, who had injured him in the past. He currently had bandages under his suit from a wound he'd received from the boy, but he saw his attack coming flawlessly.

He used the power of his lunar strike, landing a punch straight to his face, killing him. The impact dropped him to the ground, and Lycanos swiftly raced on to the next.

[Low-level gang member defeated]

[+2 XP]

Enzo backed away upon seeing a mobster charge at him. This guy had a leaner physique than most of his accomplices, but wielded a spiked mace to make up for his lack of strength.

The boy could easily track and evade each one of his strikes with ease. The man's mace got wedged in the ground just ahead of him, then a mobster crashed into Enzo's right side.

He was 6'0 and quite large, being 100 kilograms. The impact of his slam knocked Enzo to the side a step, but he soon realised that he couldn't push him any further. His legs wouldn't give in under the force of his strike, and he stayed firm.

Shrugging the man away, he was hurled almost 15 feet into the air before ricocheting off a tree to crash back into the ground.

'Woah.' Enzo thought upon doing this.

Looking down at his hands, he clenched his hands and gave them looks of amazement.

The man that had previously been trying to attack him just remained still, slightly trembling.


A single punch from Enzo killed him, and he was taken aback by the destruction he'd caused from that punch alone.

The corpse made him feel uneasy, and partly guilty for what he had just done. While just looking at the man's bleeding body, he received 3 bullets into his back.

The bullets dropped him to the floor, and they felt like the tips of hot iron rods.

The man who had shot him came closer to then stab him in the side of his body. He sliced through his abdomen, making him grunt in pain. He couldn't even get back up to attack the man and just rolled over, grasping his side.

"Prepare to die, boy!" The man said over him, loading an MP5 submachine gun.

He aimed in at the boy's torso, intending to gravely damage him before taking him to Skulls.


Lycanos slammed into the man at top speed to drop him to the floor. He dropped his gun, before cowering away upon seeing the sight. Lycanos stared him down with glowing red eyes and crushed the gun with a stomp.

It was reduced to a disordered array of metal parts, and he whacked the man right in the side of his head to knock him out cold.

[Low-level gang member defeated]

[+2 XP]

Lycanos stood tall over his fallen opponent, but then was impaled in the back by a rusty metal pole. It had a jagged edge, and he was shot 3 times before he coughed blood.

He fell to his hands and knees, with blood oozing out his mouth and nose. The man behind him stood with his gun still extended, and smoke slowly flowed out its barrel.

It looked like the job was done. The two boys that they had to capture were now down and ready to be taken in.

"Good job, Crusher. Take their bodies and bring them to the hanger." The brown-haired man said, placing his bat on his shoulder.

"Again…" Lycanos said, stepping back up to his feet.

He grabbed onto the pole in his chest and gritted his teeth, before slowly pulling the pole out. With a final tug, it was fully removed from his body and he now had a hole in his body. Blood spirted out from the opening but it began to speedily seal up.

"I'm not done!" Lycanos shouted, before rushing at the man who had impaled him with the pole.


A single swing to the man's jaw was enough to knock him out right away.

He then swung at two more gangsters in the vicinity, taking them both out with single swings each.

[Low-level gang member defeated]

[+2 XP]

[Low-level gang member defeated]

[+2 XP]

[Low-level gang member defeated]

[+2 XP]