
My Immortal Werewolf System

After his father was killed and his mother committed suicide shortly after, Lycanos was left with nothing. Poor grades. Poor athleticism. Addicted to drugs and alcohol. He was bound to remain at the bottom of society. However, everything changes after he chooses to give up his life. [User has been revived!] [Immortal Werewolf System Activated!]

LELOUP · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Enzo's Rage

The following day, Lycanos did just as Xavier had instructed. He stayed close to Enzo, and was happy to see that he seemed just as ordinary as usual.

Watching him play football at lunchtime, he didn't seem stronger or more athletic than before. It surprised him, since the effects for him were immediate, but he had to take his experiences with a grain of salt.

He required blood everyday, and therefore knew things would be at least slightly different in his case. Enzo was visibly disappointed as he was at least expecting a perk to his new life. If he was going to be a quote-on-quote supernatural, he wanted something out of it.

The day came to an end, and the duo arrived at Jolsby Grove shortly after school had concluded. Lycanos texted him to inform him that he had arrived, and Xavier arrived shortly after.

"So, has anything happened?" Xavier asked.

"No, not really. I didn't even get any superpowers or anything. I feel just like I usually do but I feel quite hungry even though I ate loads at lunchtime." Enzo said.

Xavier's face became even straighter than it was prior, expressing worry.

"What do you crave?" He asked, cutting off Enzo's sentence.

"Urm.. I'm not entirely sure. What else could it be except for food?" He asked.

Lycanos' eyes widened as he heard this description. It sounded just like how it was for him. He was sure that Enzo had become just like him, an immortal werewolf.

"Do you crave human blood?" Lycanos asked.

"No, ew, I thought I was a werewolf not a vampire." Enzo blurted out in response.

'Ew? It's not that bad, is it?' Lycanos internally wondered, with a reddening face.

Xavier started to bite his finger, restlessly tapping his right foot.

"You crave human flesh. You've, somehow, received an extremely rare mutated werewolf bite from your friend and you're not a werewolf. You're a wendigo." He declared.

"Huh?" Enzo replied with shock and disbelief.

"Did you say human flesh?" Lycanos asked, also completely shocked.

"Yes. Don't worry, judging that you are mentally sane, you shouldn't need that anytime soon. You need to come here every single day and report to me how you feel as accurately as possible." He explained, now with a much bolder tone.

"Are you sure I need that? Aren't you jumping to conclusions don't you think we should wait it out a little longer?" Enzo asked, now with a much faster pace of speech.

Xavier gritted his teeth because he understood his point and really didn't want this to be true. He looked to the ground and gave the situation a little more thought.

"Yeah, he might be craving something else, not human flesh. I mean, he doesn't even know yet." Lycanos insisted.

He might've gained a craving for human blood but just lacked the senses to detect it like how it was in his case.

"I don't want it to be true but it's very improbable that anything else has happened here. Just make sure that you're here tomorrow, be on your way." Xavier explained.

They exited shortly after, and didn't even mutter a word to each other on their route back to Kol Heights. Enzo's eyes looked blank, and he would almost hit into various obstacles on their way.

Lycanos felt bad for him, since things were clearly much worse for him. If he really had to eat human flesh, that would constantly put him in a position where he'd either end up being jailed or killed.

The following day, Lycanos met up with Enzo once again, who looked even worse than yesterday.

"Are you hungry, still?" Lycanos asked, looking at his baggy eyes.

Ba-dum… ba-dum…

"Nope. I feel fine now." Enzo replied.

Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum!

Lycanos just nodded at him with a fake smile, but his fastening heartbeat gave it all away.

'He's lying.' Lycanos realised.

They arrived at school, and Enzo seemed even quieter and more timid than usual. He wouldn't really talk to Lycanos unless was being talked to.

That day, on the football pitches, Enzo was preparing for his trial for the A-team. This was why he was quite happy about this power he had been given first off.

He was trying out for the A-team after scoring more than 20 goals halfway through the B-team season. He had 20 goals in merely 16 games, and felt like he was being held back.

However, he was struggling to compete against the elite players of the A-team. They had not just superior skill but much greater physicality that was proving hard to manage for the likes of Enzo.

He was fast but was only 5'7 and he just couldn't match them.

Also, throughout the match, his hunger was eating at him and his mental. He felt like his stomach was an enlarging black hole, that would suck in everything that came into contact with it.

He was placed on the right wing, just as he was usually, but was placed against the two best defenders on the entire team. Ewan Stark and Carson Fraser. Ewan was 6'2 and 90 kilograms, with dark brown hair. Carson was slightly smaller, standing at 6'1 and 85 kilograms but he made up for that with greater speed and skill.

Enzo received the ball and rushed into the box, but was then shoved onto the ground by Carson.

"What made you think you could be on the A-team?" He asked, as the referee whistled for a foul.

He laughed with Ewan, before walking over Enzo as he tried to get up.

"I hate those guys!" Enzo muttered under his breath, raising up.

He had tried for the A-team previously and had always ended up going against these two. They had the skill to intercept and take him down properly, but they would always flaunt their size and strength.

They did this to pretty much everyone and were dubbed as the 'cruel centrebacks' as a result.

Getting fouls on smaller players thrilled them and Enzo couldn't understand why.

His mind was stuck on his hunger and this tough time they were giving him was only infuriating him even further.

Enzo received the ball in another play, and saw Enzo storming toward him. He managed to pass the ball to a teammate before Carson reached him, but he still shoved him to the ground in his sprint.

"Oh sorry, Enzo, I couldn't stop in time." Carson said in a mocking tone, reaching out his hand.

"Tone down your tackles, I'll take you off if you continue." The referee said, arriving at the scene.

Enzo was enraged and he shot away Carson's arm before forcefully treading on his feet with his studs.

The referee immediately decided to send off the boy even though this was merely a training game.

"You are disqualified from the trial! Get off the pitch now!" He declared, pointing to the substitutes of his own team.

Ewan grunted upon receiving this treatment, then he shook off his foot.

"What did he hurt you?" Ewan said in a patronising tone.

"Shut up, Ewan!" Carson said, shoving him to the side.

His superior size made him not go too far from the slam, and he looked furious. He was going to attack his friend back, but the referee stopped them before he could do anything.

Storming off the fields, Enzo just prepared to go home, and Lycanos followed him off the fields too. He could tell that he had gotten on Enzo's nerves, and with his hunger, he knew something was up.

"Enzo, are you okay? You know I'm here if you need me to handle those guys." Lycanos said, cracking his knuckles.

"I don't need your help! I just… I just wanna go home alone today." Enzo said, toning down his voice.

Lycanos fell silent for a few seconds, since he had never heard his friend talk in such a way. He was quite the calm, timid type and didn't really get into altercations with anyone. However, it lead to people like the cruel centre-backs taking advantage of him.

Lycanos accepted his request and decided to just head home alone. He would meet him at Jolsby Grove anyway.

Leaving Enzo to himself and his thoughts, Lycanos left the school and began to head home. However, before heading home, he decided to try out his daily quests in the city, not too far from their school.

He just wanted to experience a different scenery, exercising near the heart of the beautiful place.

Exercising in Kol heights wasn't the most aesthetically pleasing thing but he was more than used to it at this point.

In school, Enzo packed his bags, and shut his metal locker before turning to his right. There stood the two cruel centre-backs. Ewan and Carson.

Ewan smirked and started to walk past Enzo to block his back.

"What do you guys want?!" Enzo asked, furiously.

He intended to head home to get some peace of mind. His stomach was now throbbing and he wasn't sure if he was going to make it home safely.

It felt like his stomach was completely empty, and no ordinary food could satisfy that hunger.

"Do you think you can tread on my shoes and get away with it?" Carson asked, walking up closer to him.

His eyes had been opened wide due to his anger, but Enzo continued to back away in fear.

He didn't know if he had any powers -he was actually quite sure that he didn't- and didn't want to get hurt by the two.

"So you're not going to reply to me? Alright then, I guess I'll just have to show you what I do to people that tread on my boots!" Carson roared, advancing forward.

He punched Enzo, dropping him to the ground right away. His punch wasn't at all powerful, but his weight allowed him to knock the much smaller Enzo right over.

Enzo slowly raised again, only to receive a punch to his gut that dropped him down to a knee. The feeling, along with his hunger, made the attack even more devastating. He felt nauseous upon taking this blow, and gagged numerous times.

"Look at him, he can't even take a punch." Carson said, making Ewan burst into laughter.

However, as he continued to look down to the ground, his eyes glowed white. It was a mere flash, and they returned to their usual colour before anyone took note of it. Looking back up to Ewan, he raised and gave him a death stare.

His glare bothered Ewan slightly, because he had never seen those he'd bullied stand up for themselves. After a single punch, they'd usually start crying and wheezing in pain, but for Enzo it was different.

"Just go down already!" Carson screamed out, throwing a punch to his face.

His knuckled collided with his jaw, but nothing happened. His head didn't even move back from the impact.
