
My Imaginary Twin Sister

About a girl that as a child her father never accepted her cause she is a girl she had just one person to confide in, her mother but her mom had to suffer something that wasn't at all a crime giving birth to girl, she never complained Things don't always work as planned Tiffany grew up not having friends not leaving the house unless mom goes with her and her mates at school don't even come close to her, she grew up in a house were she would always witness her mother being bullied, beaten up bashed and bruised but she couldn't do anything. After her mother died she blamed herself for not saving her...... She soon falls in love but fear took the better part of her as she fears that she might end up with the same thing her mother sufferd in her own married life (domestic violence) so she trys her best to stay away from relationships but fate has another thing fully planned for her ╲┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ╲┃ But first start from the top ┃ ╲┗━━━━┳━━━━━━━┛ ╲╲╭ⓄⓄ╮┃╱╱╱╱╱╱╱ ╲╲┫╰╯┣╯╱╱╱╱╱╱╱ ┈┈╰┳┳╯┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

Divaxx · Teen
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56 Chs

I like you

Tiffany: And they started living with us, my step mother is wicked but i only notice it when I'm back from school.

Five years later....🌅🌃🌅🌃🌅🌃🌅🌃🌅

Tiffany : Terra might be hard but she's caring and she knows a lot about maturity she helped me out throughout the stage of puberty and now i am tall and there are most things that were added to my body I'm super shy to say ...

my stepmother sent me to a supermarket for groceries and she also gave me a list then she said i should buy exactly the name she wrote on the list, okay what if they had the same product ten times with ten different names what do i do then, take a hole year to find it ???

Anyways i went with her credit card then i took a cab there, now i know my way back home no matter what! and I'm Fourteen ➕ plus

The supermarket is big and beautiful😍..... I bought everything on the list but cheese and milk so i started looking for the exact milk with the exact name she wrote down for me, milk first

I searched the shelf and i found it but there was just one remaining and she said to buy three milk can's but i guess one is better than none right

So i reached for the milk and just immediately when i touched it someone's hand touched my hand (O_O)i froze in place then i turned my head slowly it was a boy, i quickly removed my hand ( I'm sorry is this yours ) .


Tiffany: ( I'm sorry what!!? (ー̀_ー́ ))

{I mean you can have it }

Tiffany: (are you sure ??)

Terra: Mobirix quick take it before he changes his mind

Tiffany: i took it and then i put it in my cart, he has a brown mustache that fit his face perfectly but nah (thank you) i said to him before leaving

{Wait you didn't tell me your name}

Terra: Don't tell him

Tiffany: but why???

Terra: if you tell him he will want to introduce himself and judging from the way he's behaving he likes you and then there will be so much opportunity's for him chat with you which he will take every free pass to impress you

Tiffany: Wow Terra i never knew , so i ignored him, now for the cheese, i purchased the cheese and i was heading to the cashier to pay but the the same guy that touched my hand at the milk area bumped into me, well most of the fruits were scattered on the floor

{Ooh I'm so sorry}

Tiffany: i bent down to pack the fruits back in the cart i was holding and he also bent down to pick them when i was done just one more i

touched it first but i think this guy has so much pleasure with touching my hand and this time i looked at him in the eye trying to read him without using my mind reading power

He is cute but I'm not looking for love 😃 so i removed my hand with a smile, he can keep the apple then i got up to leave can you imagine he held my hand like he was pulling me back 😠 Tiffany don't lose your temper let's just see what he wants, ( ಠ _ ಠ ) i kept a confused face and also gave him a " what " look

{ I just wanted to say you're beautiful and i like you}

Tiffany: (ノへ ̄ ) dude we just met,

((o*・ω・)) i think i was supposed to blush at his words but i gave a different expression

( I know we just met)

Tiffany: thanks that's being reasonable

{ But }

Tiffany: and there is a "but" seriously⊙_☉

{ I think i have fallen for you just by looking at you, your Beautifull and i like you}

Tiffany: as a friend? Right it should be as a friend

{Do you have a boyfriend?}

Tiffany: oh no if i say no he's going to want to be my boyfriend and if i lie my hiccups , oh i know ignore the question 😇 ( Oh wow you haven't even introduced yourself yet ) yeah why the rush dude

{ sorry about that, I'm Christopher Randy )

Tiffany: i put my hand out for a Friendly handshake just Friends!!! (Nice to meet you Christopher (*OᴗO )づ ) i don't know what is up with me and hand shakes, can you believe he held my hand turned to the back of my hand and kissed it , huhhhhhh( ˃̶͈🐽˂̶͈ ) the chills, Terra please remind me to Thoroughly wash my hand when we get home and now i regret shaking him,

he was a about to say something but a call came in i checked who and it was Simon, thank my stars Simon please save me

Simon: 📞📞 Tiffany were are you, I'm back

Tiffany: oh they are back, him and Leroy went on a vacation to see their aunt, and now they are back ≧=ʘ‿ʘ=≦ ( 📞 I'm at the super market 📞 )

Simon: 📞📞 can i come pick you

Tiffany: of course ( 📞yes please 📞) Simon has a car now and he can drive ,

Simon: 📞📞send me the address and I'll be there

Tiffany: no need to waste time (📞kk see you📞) i can't stay here any longer , Christopher waited for me to finish with my call then he continued his questions.

Christopher: who was that

Tiffany: ohh i just had the greatest idea eveer but no it will not work

Terra: it will

Tiffany: no telling Christopher that Simon is my boyfriend in order to make him leave me alone nah ( My brother)

Christopher: so he is coming to pick you up?

Tiffany: (hmm mmm)

Christopher : can i have your number

Tiffany: no way (ok) what is wrong with me, and stupid me gave him my number,

Christopher: can i walk you out

Tiffany: (no thanks i have to pay first )

Christopher: i can still walk you

Tiffany: i have a feeling he just wants to meet with Simon ( thanks but I'm fine ) I'm not handicap you know and i left him, after inserting her credit card and the pin, another call came 📞»»📞 unknown number?? I answered the call, (Hello📞)

Christopher: 📞📞sorry just testing the number😊

Tiffany: wow remind me to mark this number (okay📞) then i went outside to wait for Simon

I saved Christopher's number as Christopher ☺☺ then i saw Simon's white Jeep then he drove closer

Simon: hi I'm looking for my sister have you seen her anywhere??

Tiffany: ( Seriously )

Simon: You promised me you were not going anywhere today

Tiffany: ( yes i did but you Mom sent me to restock everything in the kitchen, and the toiletry and i cant say no )

Simon: ok but promise you'll always tell me were you're going

Tiffany: (i promise to inform you inspector Simon (⑅ōᴗō))

I put the things i bought in the car they were up to five bags, then i sat in the front seat and seat belted myself

Simon: who is that

Tiffany: i turned my head only to see Christopher waving at me (Simon can you please drive)

Simon: (^▽^) Boyfriend?

Tiffany: he started driving ( What, No )

Simon: then who is he to you

Tiffany: ( i don't even know him but he told me his name is Christopher that's all i know about )

Simon: so who bumped into who ?

Tiffany: ( him and I'm sure it was intentional cause we both saw each other before bumped me, Simon stop looking and me focus on the road)

Simon: well did you tell him you name ?

Tiffany: (no way you saved me by calling )

Simon: did you take his number ?

Tiffany: (why would i do that but he took mine )

Simon: do you like him

Tiffany: ((˵ ͡° _ ͡°˵) no i do not like him in anyway )

How could he ask me that

Simon: well i think he likes you

Tiffany: ( yes he does but i don't and could you stop with the interrogation)

Simon: Awwwwwn my wittle sister has a boyfriend

Tiffany: ((˵ ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°˵))

Simon: Don't feel bad you might end up liking him

Tiffany: blah blah blah I'm never going to like him 😡😡😡