
My Imaginary Twin Sister

About a girl that as a child her father never accepted her cause she is a girl she had just one person to confide in, her mother but her mom had to suffer something that wasn't at all a crime giving birth to girl, she never complained Things don't always work as planned Tiffany grew up not having friends not leaving the house unless mom goes with her and her mates at school don't even come close to her, she grew up in a house were she would always witness her mother being bullied, beaten up bashed and bruised but she couldn't do anything. After her mother died she blamed herself for not saving her...... She soon falls in love but fear took the better part of her as she fears that she might end up with the same thing her mother sufferd in her own married life (domestic violence) so she trys her best to stay away from relationships but fate has another thing fully planned for her ╲┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ╲┃ But first start from the top ┃ ╲┗━━━━┳━━━━━━━┛ ╲╲╭ⓄⓄ╮┃╱╱╱╱╱╱╱ ╲╲┫╰╯┣╯╱╱╱╱╱╱╱ ┈┈╰┳┳╯┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

Divaxx · Teen
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56 Chs

Diana doom

Terra: lets crank it up alittle ๛ก(ー̀ᴗー́ก)

Tiffany: What!!! Terra please wait and think about this

Terra: i already did (ー̀ᴗー́ ♥) and its too late to turn back now

Tiffany: before she finished her sentence my hand i mean she controlled my hand to remove Don from my neck and she let him go and Don didn't even come back he was on the bed and he was heading for Bruno , oh Terra why are you like this

Terra: i can still hear you

Tiffany: then she made me turn into a very big snake right in front of Bruno, seeing me like this Bruno's heart raced ten times faster it was like his heart was begging to come out

Bruno: y....yo....you... Ar....are..😨

Tiffany: and he fell unconscious( oh no is he dead, Terra i told you i missed you but not this killing side of you)

Terra: relax he's not dead he just fainted thats all

Tiffany: she turned me back normal again, (just fainted!!!, Terra you are soo impossible even if he's fine our secret is.... no i don't even want to think about it, he saw me change)

Terra: so

Tiffany: ( so??, so he could wake up right now and tell his parents )

Terra: don't worry, they won't believe him anyway.... But if it bugs you so much then I'll kill him, his parents will never know because you'll live for him

Tiffany: (WHAT!!!!!!!! (◑.◑)(❁_❁)) (why would you even suggest that kind of thing)

Terra: Relaxxxxx..... I'm just joking

Tiffany: ( OK now what are we going to do??)

Terr: we?? Nah your doing this on your own friend(꒪ͦᴗ̵̍꒪ͦ)

Tiffany: (can you be serious for once )

Terra: i am being as serious as i can

Tiffany: ( really, ugh.... Now what am i supposed to do now)

Terra: get your Moms spell book

Tiffany: (are you helping??)

Terra: No....you should ask me more questions so we can waste time and guess what.... Bruno's mom will come here soon and ... You know see her son unconscious and you close to him with a snake on his bed. Imagine how the sight would be .

Tiffany: i did imagine it and she would think i killed her son ((OωO) please you have to help me )

Terra: then get the spell book

Tiffany: i rushed like a thief and teleported to my mother's room then i opened the mirror quickly then when i got the spell book i went back to Bruno's room (now what do we do ??)

Terra: now look for Lost memories first page

Tiffany: i looked for the spell she asked me to find and i found it (how did you know )

Terra: oh there was a day your mother tried it on you

Tiffany: (why?)

Terra: cause you turned into a cat and you had almost torn your dad's face to many pieces 😂

Tiffany: (i did ??)

Terra: and.... Wait a minute you... No questions remember. Cast the spell on him

Tiffany: (but what if he ends up not remembering who he is )

Terra: Mobirix do you trust me

Tiffany: ( No )

Terra: well you have to trust me now, he will only lose the last thing he saw

Tiffany:( which is??)

Terra: you turning into a snake🐍

Tiffany: she was still talking when Bruno got up, (He's alive) do you think he remembers

Terra: of course he does you haven't casted the spell yet genius !!!

Tiffany: so then that means( •.• )...

Bruno: Ugh! What happened, you no get away from me you're a.....

Tiffany: oh no, i didn't wait for him to talk i searched the book quickly (Sleep (∩ᄑ_ᄑ)⊃ ☆゚*・。*😴・) i put him to sleep, we have to wipe his memories i mean the memory of me turning to a snake

Terra: stop!! saying we... it's just you

Tiffany: well okay,,, thanks anyways 😊,

Terra: (˼🌑̙̂ ̟ ̟̎ ̟ ̘🌑̂˻) hmmmmm

Tiffany: this time i placed my both hands on his head like the book said then i close my eyes and said the words according to the book

((ノ ˘_˘)ノ ⚡️|||⚡️⚡️|||⚡️⚡️|||⚡️) and bam!!! Nothing happened, how do i know if it worked??

Terra: just wait for him to wake up

Tiffany: hmmmm.....then i returned the book to my mothers room and came back to wait for him to wake,

With my heart pounding and me pacing around the room i was so restless, he wasn't waking up and my mind didn't wait to take me to that direction

( oh no, did i kill him?(⊃。•́_•̀。)⊃) now i became uneasy i went close to him and shook his body very hard, cause if he doesn't open his eyes right now i am going to punch him.

And after a few minutes of trying to wake him up by all means , he opened his eyes

(Your alive (ノ≧∀≦))

Bruno: hay what happened

Tiffany: now what do i tell him happened????

Terra: tell him he bumped his head

Tiffany: but that would be lying and the more i lie they will find out quick

Terra: no they wouldn't, to lie is to say the edited version of truth but in a very believable way. You don't have to know that it's a lie just go with the flow

Tiffany: but how can a person lie and not know that's a lie

Terra: because the person they got the information from did not tell them it was a lie

Tiffany: and who's the person in the first place??

Terra: well the per... Damn it!!!! I see what You're doing

Tiffany: what am i doing???

Terra: you're interrogating me again ,i said no questions!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Tiffany: sorry,

Terra: now lie

Tiffany: but...

Terra: Lie!!!!!

Tiffany: my hands began to shake and i began to sweat, i thought she was supposed to advice me to be a better person

Terra: i am, by lying you're protecting your secret the same secret your mom tried hiding until she died so now i have taken over

Tiffany: o͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡╮(;´OД Oຶ`)~o͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡ ....

Terra: so it's either you lie and cover your secret or tell him the truth and start explaining

Bruno: are you okay (._.)

Tiffany: (⊙_☉) ok i can do this (ノ)`ω´(ヾ) ​​​ it's just a lie,..... But what if my hiccups come up

Terra: Hmmm ( * ಠ _ ಠ )

Tiffany: sorry, sorry, fine .

Bruno: you're behaving strange, did i faint is that why your like that????

Tiffany: ( You saw a cockroach....)

Bruno: Cockroach????

Tiffany: (Rat)

Bruno: Rat??

Tiffany: (i mean rockroach, no rat uhm cockroach...)

Bruno: which one is it (๑• . •๑)?

Terra: i always knew you were not good at anything i just wanted you to prove it

Tiffany: what I'm good at some things

Terra: definitely not to the extent of your secret

Tiffany: sure i can ( Oʖ̯O)

Terra: is that a bet

Tiffany: no i will try

Terra: Whimp!!!!

Tiffany: Ugh, your on

Terra: I'd like to see that

Bruno: are you going to tell me what happened to me or not

Terra: oh its onʕ•̀ᴗ•́ʔ

Tiffany: 😥😩

Terra: are you about to chicken out now

Tiffany: no, I'm just getting warmed up😎, call this new side of me Diana Doom💀!!. She will handle this matter without lying Huh huh 😸how do you like my villain name huh

Terra: you know you don't have yo give yourself a villain name to be evil right

Tiffany: 😒

Terra: but I'll go with it lets see if Diana doom can be better Than Tiffany

Tiffany: Ok, Diana Doom✌ your turn ( cool down dude why you so worked up ??)

Bruno: cause you were surprised when i opened my eyes an..

Tiffany: (Shhhhhhh, Shhh, shh, that's cause you passed out)

Bruno: 😐

Tiffany:( you know Die, kinda thing, no offense but dude you were knocked out good )

Bruno: what has gotten into you

Tiffany: ( i don't know but right now I'm high on sugar, well if not for me you would have been drowning in sorrow)

Terra: ok maybe Diana Doom is not ready

Tiffany: you're right i don't know what I'm saying, let Tiffany handle this (Bruno, i scared you and you fainted )

Terra: don't you dare say it

Tiffany: ( i didn't know what to do and yes i tried my best yo wake you up, i thought you died of shock 😭 , that's why i was surprised when you opened your eyes )

Bruno: And what did you scare me with ???

Tiffany: i was still looking for what to tell him when i saw behind him Don standing straight like he was Measuring his height with Bruno and something i didn't notice that much,

he had ears or i don't know I'm not a snake expert and i have never studied snakes

But he looks like he's ready to attack Bruno

( 0 x 0 ) so with panic i pulled Bruno with force and he fell on me...

Then he got up and i got up as well thinking were in this room is Don

Bruno: Why did you pull me like that (Ō_Ō)

Tiffany: (well cause, cause there was a big hairy spider behind you )

I said it very fast then i held my breath and my hiccups didn't sound, not this time hiccup

Terra: one off these days your chest is going to fall out

Bruno: What

Tiffany: And just when i thought this Boy could not be scared of a spider, he ran out of the

room screaming leaving me . so what would happen if the spider was real..... I would be on my own tsk, tsk.

Now were is that snake (Don!!!!) I was checking his bed when i turned and Don was following Bruno's trail (oh no you don't)

I rushed him, then i dragged him by the tail.

Wow Don has weight maybe i never noticed it cause he was always on my neck.

When i finally manage To pull him back into the room i teleported Don and me to my moms

room then i locked him in the mirror and went back to Bruno's room

Bruno: There it was on my bed

Tiffany: he came with his parents to exterminate the spider (Don't worry i took care of it )

Bruno: How??

Tiffany: (I..killed it?)

Bruno's parents: o͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡ (;´OДO`)╭o͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡ you killed it

Tiffany: (no, no, i.. Gave it freedom)

Bruno's Parents: How

Tiffany: (how..) I'm i suppose to answer that ? ( i threw it out the window (^▽^))

Bruno's mom : awwn the poor thing

Bruno: Mom it was either the spider or my life and now you feel for it ? You confuse me sometimes

Tiffany: then his parents left

Bruno: how did you not run

Tiffany:( ....)

Bruno: wait a minute was it the same spider you scared me with ??

Tiffany: i only nodded

Bruno: please promise me you will never tell anyone i was scared

Terra: nope she can't keep secrets

Tiffany: of course i can ( i promise)

Then the day was over i went back home , after some weeks later Dad and Simon and Leroy's mom came back and...

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