

tears where flowing down and no one even cared to help..

when I opened my eyes I was gasping for air and lying on the cold hard ground..and panic set in when I realized what just happened...I was hyperventilating at this point

I felt warmness..a tight embrace held onto me tightly and I felt myself calming down in seconds  and I heard his voice 'IS THIS WHAT YOU GUYS DO WHEN SOMEONE IS DROWING IN FRONT OF YOU...IT'S NOT EVEN A STRANGER IT'S YOUR FUCKING FRIEND...YOU  KNOW THAT YOU CAN BE SENT TO JAIL FOR THIS RIGHT?!'his loud hoarse angry voice spoke while he still held me tightly

author's pov

He gently lifted her up and walked away as everyone's guilt slowly started to creep in...he immediately laid her down in his bed as she was still dripping.

please take care of her..huh! i'm not sure if I can leave her like this alone soo your the only one I could trust..

he laid a gentle kiss on her forehead.

end of author's pov 

I was cold...I was freezing...I felt slight warmness on my forehead and I knew who it was.

I dared not to open my eyes and laid still and I felt warmness again and I slowly left my consciousness...when I woke up I was in different clothes and a random stranger sitting in the sofa reading something...where is he? and who is she??

'oh! your awake! how are you feeling ....' she held my forehead 'looks like your fever cooled down....oh I'm his manager by the way...he was anxious leaving you in this state soo I stayed back to ensure him that your fine'  so was he gone just like that!? I looked at her with a saddened confused look as several emotions passed by me 'do you know how hard it was to persuade him to go....' *ding* she looked at her phone 'I gotta go.. it was nice meeting you..' she was about to walk away 'wait! where are you guys going!?' I said in a hurry hoping that they just had a schedule nearby and would come back he would not go without saying a goodbye.....would he?!

'well back to Korea.' my heart thumped hard 'is h-he gone back to kor-korea??' 'yes! ' she said with a gentle smile

that's it! she soon left and I had nothing else to ask but my mind on the other hand was making schemes on how I could meet him or atleast keep in contact with him....should I ask for her number atleast?...




I just let her go. I have no right to ask, I was just another stranger he encountered amongst the hundreds..

This is just a dream come true.....just....



a dream....

I got back to my senses and focused on what's important..my studies to get a job out of this country and start a new fresh life leaving all this dread behind me.....