
My Idle Immortal Path

Lin Hang never thought he would be able to cultivate become an Immortal. He thought his path to immortality would be arduous and full of hardship. But, the truth is always surprising to know. You have broken Spiritual Roots? No problem, you could refine it yourself till Divine Roots. You have worst aptitude in cultivation? No problem, there is Heavenly Book that upgrade yours. You have a small Sea of Spirits and its absorbtion is too slow? No problem, there is Mantra. You afraid of Heaven Tribulation would struck you? No problem, there is pill for every realm tribulation. You don't have skill to do that? No problem, each level of skill is compiled in one book. This is My Idle Immortal Path. _______________ Donate Link: https://linktr.ee/RyuzakiRIN

PathfinderForest · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Whatever you do, you need a clear conscience

31st July 2020, Friday.

Like usual, Lin Hang went off to school around 7 am. So, he wouldn't be too late when the first lesson begins at 8.30 am.

Today he brings the Idle Book with him. He still considering if he should sell Foundation Pill to her or not.

Maybe, I should ask her directly. If she needs it, then I would reap quite a good price.

Last time, she told him all about practitioner world. Like what they cultivate in, the known stage and the most influential faction group known around. But, what he didn't know, that was all a superficial knowledge.

In cultivation of immortal way. The fastest is True Spirits Cultivation, but to be a cultivator, one needs in the most basic is spiritual roots.

Without spiritual roots one could only practice in Martial Arts, but that also limited to the Grand Master stage.

The next stage, Martial Spirits still need the presence of spiritual roots to advance.

Even so. They're usually called as an Incomplete Grandmaster in cultivation society for their limited strength.

Of course, as someone who has five broken spiritual roots, it doesn't matter much to him for having such precious Cultivation Technique that could upgrade his spiritual roots.

Speaking about spiritual roots, last night after Lin Hang checking [Merit Store]. He re-read both basic techniques in the Idle Book.

After cultivating for a good hour, his understanding of both basic techniques went up again.

He especially managed to deepen his mastery on Basic Spirits Refining Technique.

A bit more, then his mastery would achieve a Small Success. By that time his Sea of Spirits would be doubled in size, it would also mean Spirits Qi Storage would be twice of the original.

Right, even thought his cultivation base already near 10 thousands CB. Last night, he felt there was a setback when he trying to break through the next level.

Fortunately, he recites Basic Qi Refining Technique again.

There is a clause in it On Foundation 1st Stage, it would start to attracting Small Heavenly Tribulation each small stage breakthrough, doubled the basic cultivation efficiency and opened alchemy talent.

Which means from there on, when he breakthrough it would attract Heavenly Tribulation. The difference is he would meet main Tribulation, every time he tries breakthrough to a higher realm.

Then what he needed to face the Tribulation from heaven? Remember again, what he cultivates was similar to this world True Spirits Cultivation.

To cultivate your spirits, you need to have a spirit that could grow. Every living creature has spirits, as it was the reason they could survive in this world. And the source of it was spiritual roots.

Even for someone with low understanding on cultivation like him, would be able to comprehend such a simple truth. Of course, his high IQ is the one that contribute the most.

With that in mind, he begins to hoping his pills could sold in high price.

Um, these days gold prices are surging like piping hot magma. So, he feels a bit unsure.

Anyway, he still could sell another pill after he learned alchemy, now that his alchemy talent opened amassing gold would be easier.


Like the day before. Today, schools top news is all about sensational couple.

In Unofficial Black Homepage of Sixth High, the thread about both of them flooding like water in discussion front.

There is a statement that he says, "I am witnessing both of them entering a fancy cafe only to come out at 5pm. What the heck they talk about to be merrily enjoying their time for a long hours inside?"

If yesterday afternoon news is about Goddess Arum coming to his class. Then this afternoon news should be about Lin Hang turn, as he comes to her class.

Like how Ratu Arum came yesterday, he walks straight to her seat and whispered near her ear, "Do you have a time today? I have something to ask you. We might strike a deal in some business too."

He left with a mysterious smile, after that a whole class cheered loudly. For young people like them, a love story is always something intriguing to know.

After all, no matter how envied these youngsters toward Lin Hang. Sooner or later, they'll understand one thing soon. Being a couple with Goddess Arum is something out of their reach.

So long, she could find her own happiness. At most they would warmly looking at her from afar.


On the way to Srikandi's Tea House.

"Miss Arum, is something happen to you?" sensing her unstable mood within her silence, he couldn't bear to ask.

"Um? You know it? Right, something happened to me, something terrible..."

She started to tell him her situation without waiting his answer.

Long story short. Last night, when she returns home. Her family elders scold her for fooling around with that commoner trash—him. They had a big argument against her for a long time before she runs away from home to her own cafe.

Wait! Who called him trash?! What a rude man her elder is...

It seems, they heard rumors from youngster about her. As the reason for her elders angry at her was related to their family secrets.

Though they were her elders, they couldn't force her will. Because her backer was stronger than themselves. It was her grandfather, Old Master of Caruban Saint Palaces.

Ratu Arum finished her long, long story with resentment.

"They are annoying right? Hey, did you hear me?"

Unknowingly, she pouts cutely at him like a girlfriend protesting to her boyfriend.

"Right! How could they call me 'common trash'. At most, I am just an Idler boy."

"Eh? After all that story I tell you, is that what you concerned about?"

He answered seriously, "Of course, they call me like that as if they are saints descendant!"

Did you ever ask about my family from others? Just from my name, one would be able to guess I am someone from a noble family. Is he really just dense?

"Hmph!" she pouts while turn her back at him. Why do I need to care myself about his conduct.

Sigh~ This girl's mood is really easy to flip.

He thought after talking that much, her mood would liven a bit more. But now, her mood fell down again.

"Miss Arum, I thought you shouldn't think about it too much. Every family member would always worry about their youngsters."

"Are you sided with them too now?"

"Of course not. What I want to say is, a true family would care about you even its just a ties-in-name not bond directly with blood. Like my foster father, even though he already said he would not interfere with my business... He would always worry about me silently."

His eyes begin to reminisce about the past event he had gone through.


Right now. Ratu Arum is having a cold war with her uncles who act as her guardian parents, after the death of her birth parents in accidents ten years ago.

Seeing her like seeing himself a few years ago.

At that time Lin Hang didn't have anyone he could depend upon for. Only his parents' best friends were there at the lowest moment of his. He remembered at that time he wanted to live alone in the house left by his parents, rejecting over given by a Charity Foundation stubbornly.

In the end, a middle aged man with Chinese name Lin Hu at that time talked to him who is still around 6-7 year old. He said, if he doesn't want to go to the orphanage, he could come with him to be his adopted son.

He is quite familiar with him as he saw him occasionally chatting merrily with his father.

As the government would take his parents house for some reason he doesn't understand, he reluctantly follows his foster father. He came to know that his foster parents was a half bred come from Indonesia, Lin Hu original name was Hutan from Rimba Family.

When he turned 12, they had a big fight because Lin Hang was returning home late at night. As Lin Hang doesn't want his life to be 'dictated' by him. He said he just an adopted son, Lin Hu just a foster father not more.

When he heard it, Lin Hu wanted to beat him at first, but he could only sigh and left him to himself that night after leaving a few sentences low spiritedly. "You are still young."

Lin Hang really angered at that words. He knows well, he was young. But... So what?! He thought.

In the next day. Lin Hu didn't look at him as he sits directly on his seat before taking a newspaper.

Lin Hang was ready to go off to school.

He said sternly, "Lin Hang! Even though, I am not in a position of lecturing you as you aren't my real child..."

Lin Hang gritted his teeth when he heard it. It was him, who said it in the first place, but why he felt sad when Lin Hu said it directly at him.

"I am still able to give you an advice as a family. Besides, I am also his friends and step brother. So, you are no different than a nephew of mine if not a son. Whatever... You only need to remember you still have a family here who worried about you."

Lin Hang loosens his grit and seems to be trying to say something but couldn't get his throat.

Lin Hu looked at his son who nailed at his place, "Son, though you are young, you're still a man. So, I would not give you any strict words as an advice."

He smiled at him.

"In the future. Whatever you do, you need to have a clear conscience and don't be blinded by your emotion."

Lin Hu returns his head to read the newspaper. He felt a bit relaxed when saying it, he hoped his son would at least remember it for all his life. Alas, he decided he would not interfere in his business anymore after this, even it made both him and his wife a bit worried he still keep his decision.

While Lin Hang hurriedly went to school without saying anything. But, his eyes glittered as water lingering in the corner of his eyes. The reason he doesn't return back home in time, but late at night was, he felt reluctant and bitter as a few of his friends took a revenge by calling their senior after losing in a fight.

It was a normal occasion for a young kid to fight each other for some time. But, they begin to scold him for days by saying he was a picked child from thrash can. He had no parents, and all words hurt his feelings. As he couldn't vent his anger, with them being backed, he went out to release his anger.

Unfortunately, his anger still lingers in his heart, while his foster father, Lin Hu stopped him and lecturing him for being late to return back home. Lin Hang couldn't help but raised his voice and contradict him. His feeling was in the mess.

After hearing what Lin Hu, his foster father said. The knot in his heart seems to be untied, he becomes more relaxed when taking things around him. The group of kids who opposing him could only yell at him at most, as he would just ignore them from then on. They would feel tired and stopped themselves.

By the time he in last year of his Junior High. Lin Hang become quite popular within his peers and juniors for his carefree attitude. A few girls giving him a love letters, but never got into a relationship as before. He liked to be free and enjoy his days alone or with his buddies.

He always remembers what his father said that day. He becomes either unruly and obedient son of Lins' couple, who has a free and idle spirit.


"Whatever you do, you need a clear conscience..." Lin Hang murmured as his eyes looked vacantly outside.

She suddenly says, "Don't sit still there like fools!" Waking him from his daze.

"Ahh! Okay."

He follows with her bodyguards like yesterday.

"Did you really stay here last night?"

"Yeah. There is a bedroom in my private space on the third floor—wait. Why I need to tell you about this? Hmph~" she elegantly sways her left hair.

"Ahaha~" He just laughs it off, and continue to follow her to the third floor.

Like before, every staff that had seen their closeness would be stunned in place for a while.

Their Young Mistress is bringing a boyfriend to her private space. If one time considered as a coincidence or she just has something important to talk about. Then the second time in a row, should means another thing, like he is truly her boyfriend.

"Then, what you need from me? I am not that idle like you." said her while opened entered the private space.

"It is an important business that would bring quite an amount of wealth. But, the content is..." he looked at her bodyguard.

"Alright, Nana is my personal bodyguard that stay with me since I was three years old. She is the only one closes to me aside from my grandpa. More importantly, this place is clean from outsider, that is why I could straightforwardly telling you about that matter yesterday."

"If you said so then... I would directly talk to the point."

He took a seat like yesterday.

Nana took a tea set and filled her Young Mistress and his cup.

Lin Hang took his cup and drink it slowly, "I have a pill that could enhance a chance to breakthrough the foundation realm."

"Pft...." Spurt!


"You, you..."

She stutters while pointing at his face.


He takes a handkerchief and wipe his face from the tea water.

"At the end of the day you are still a woman. Mind your elegance and don't spurt water out suddenly like that. And Nana, you are a lady too, doing a simple chore like putting a tea set becomes a mess on your hands. Shame on you guys!"

Then, he put a transparent small bottle with a glistering bluish-red pill inside. As it was hidden within his pocket and clouded by his spiritual wave before, so when it was put right before them. A strong wave of unique spiritual energy come out of it.

"This... This..."

Ratu Arum nearly popped out her eyes.

"Young, Young Mistress. It seems to be a real elixir pill with strong efficacy."

Of course it is real pill. If not, how could I face you with a clear conscience in the future.