
My Idle Immortal Path

Lin Hang never thought he would be able to cultivate become an Immortal. He thought his path to immortality would be arduous and full of hardship. But, the truth is always surprising to know. You have broken Spiritual Roots? No problem, you could refine it yourself till Divine Roots. You have worst aptitude in cultivation? No problem, there is Heavenly Book that upgrade yours. You have a small Sea of Spirits and its absorbtion is too slow? No problem, there is Mantra. You afraid of Heaven Tribulation would struck you? No problem, there is pill for every realm tribulation. You don't have skill to do that? No problem, each level of skill is compiled in one book. This is My Idle Immortal Path. _______________ Donate Link: https://linktr.ee/RyuzakiRIN

PathfinderForest · Fantasy
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12 Chs

This is a big business!

Both Master and Bodyguard stunned at the sight of such a rare cultivation elixir like foundation pill before them.

They petrified after sensing the real deal in front of them.

A small red pill with a bluish glistening has a strong vitality, if she could eat this and refine the energy inside it. She could be sure to breakthrough into the Foundation Realm within three days.

Is this pill the reason he could breakthrough successively?

"Did you use this to breakthrough last time?"

Lin Hang was taken aback. He never takes a cultivation pill before, even when he brokethrough the Foundation Realm.

If she thought it that way, then just let them believe in it. It saves me from another explanation for it.

"Ah, well..." before he could say much, she cut his word.

Ratu Arum looks at him with disdain. "Hmph. So, that is why you didn't want to tell me about it. Even though I was asking you for so many times already. Then... Is this the left over you has?"

He shamelessly says, "Ahaha, you thought so..."

She stared at him again before looking at pill bottle.

"Ho, how much you want?"

It could be seen, Ratu Arum deeply attracted at Foundation Pill. She even feels a bit afraid he would say the price she couldn't afford.

Lin Hang fell into a dilemma. He hesitates a bit, is it okay to ask her that price? How about she determines its price herself.

After thinking over about it for a few minutes, he says, "Miss Arum. How much do you think it would be?"

"How about... A hundred million?" asked her.

"100 million? IDR or USD?"

"Of course it's in IDR, you fool. You thought I would have so much money on my pocket?"

"Eh?" he surprised at her answer.

Even I've never thought you had 100 million in your pocket, you know...

"Even you said so..."

Ratu Arum thinks he isn't satisfied with the price she come up with.

It could be said, she was in need of this pill. So, even the price is a bit expensive, she would still buy it.

"Don't be so long winded with your ramblings just say, how much do you want? I am in need of this pill."

"Ehhe, okay, okay... I know you need it urgently, as you already at Late Stage all this while. How about this, currently I am trying to learn pill refining. I would need a lot of herb and sub-materials to practice in the future. I just need you to help me procure it, I'll pay for the expenditure myself. Then—"

Before finishing his sentences, she interrupts him with a pleased look all over his face.

"Really, you want to give me for that request?"

"Wait, wait... I haven't finish my words. Let me done with my offer, and you could tell me your thought."

Lin Hang sipped his coffee that newly poured by Nana. This bodyguard is quite capable. She is able to compose herself again and took another cup of drinks for both of them, while her master begins a conversation with him.

Um, drinking a coffee in teahouse is an interesting. Well, this isn't a strict teahouse, and she means to open a cafe not just a teahouse.

"Speak then."

"Calm yourself. Being reserved is a must to do for a noble lady, right. That aside... I need a gold bar urgently. If you could prepare 2 Kilograms of Gold, I wouldn't mind giving you another one Foundation PIll. How about it?"

Ratu Arum frowned as she fell into a contemplation.

It is true, if it's a gold I could get it easily than money cash. But, he asked 2 kg of gold at that. What a reason should I say to Grandpa?

Lin Hang more or less able to guess her thought from her looks. She isn't reluctant to pay him at that price, but there is another problem for it.

As he thought, Foundation Pill has a great advantage for cultivation, while it is also rare in number so it would have its own price.

How about giving her another push?

"Ah, right. Miss Arum, I found a mysterious place a few days ago. I haven't checked the land inside, but I am sure it's similar to Grotto Heaven in those novels. After I stabilize my cultivation, I would investigate that place again. You could come with me after breakthrough to the Foundation Realm..."

"And stabilize your Foundation Realm there. That place has a good environment and thick world energy," continue him mysteriously.

Her eyes lit up when hearing it. From his description, even it isn't a Grotto Heaven, then it should be Blessed Land.

Moreover, it was the newly found 'grotto', that no one knew about.

From what she knew about him. He was at most a Foundation Realm. Even though it isn't weak, it also isn't that strong.

With that in mind, she could calculate the place he found should in the nearby of her family territory.

As a beloved princess of family, it would be strange if she didn't know the situation in her family territory.

There is no place that could be called the Blessed Land around there aside a secret land in her family compound. Not to mention a Grotto Heaven that has a different small space.

A place of fortune for cultivation would be hidden from the eyes and could only be found by one's luck. As it would cause a chaos when some mystical place like this could be found casually by ordinary civilians.

This means Lin Hang might really stumble to a real Blessed Land or even a Grotto Heaven.

"Are you really have one more of this pill?" asked her, after having confirmation from his nods. "Okay, I would like to follow you in that exploration. So... 2 kilograms of gold it is."

"Un. Then, it's a Deal!" They shake their hands smilingly.

While in her mind, 'If others find out I am asking these gold from Grandpa. Then, I could just give them the other pill and say this pill cost me 2kg gold. Hehe...'

"Do you still have other pills of the same type?"

"No, it cost me a lot to procure these pills already. But, I had another way to obtain more pills."


He proudly declared with a brilliant smile. "I could refine it myself. Of course after I am acquiring enough practice. Don't worry, I have never boasted about something I don't know."

"Eeeh~" she groans doubtfully.

"Don't give me that face! I am serious here. You could sell my pill after I refine it. Hm, how about 50:50 for profit dividing?"

"Are you sure?" asks her again.

He nods, then says, "Of course. You would be the one who provides the requirement herbs. I would only pay the herbs for my own use."

"How much time you need for your practice in acquiring skills?"

Lin Hang wasn't sure of when he could refine a pill, but he could be sure he would be able to refine any pills in the future.

He had opened his alchemy talent. So, he could just upgrade his talent to refine higher level pills.

After pondering about it for a while, "Hm, a week or so."

Ratu Arum smile while says, "Alright, I believe in you. You needn't to pay for your practice herbs. I would provide it from my own pocket. This is a big business..."

She turns her head, "Nana, prepare a list of Herbs seller. Be it Chinese Herbs Store or Local Herbs Store. Also look at nearby cities too. Cultivation Pill is a rare commodity these days. Especially in our country, Alchemy Master or Pill Refiner is seldom to be seen."

"So, Lin Hang. Don't be a fool again like you did before. Never says to others you could refine a pill. Even though Cultivator is rarely seen in this country and Martial Artist is weaker. They have their own community here."

It picked his interest so he asked, "Did you mean a cultivator at my level is small in number?"

"Not only small in number. They are literally rare living being around here, as I am also the only one in my family who cultivating in True Spirits Cultivation. Not everyone has inheritance of cultivator, at most they only have Martial inheritances that passed down since Kingdom Era."

"Well... It's mean, I am the first cultivator you meet?"

"No. I have met one of them a year ago. He is already in peak Early Stage of Foundation Realm at 19 years old. So, you are a second cultivator I meet."

Lin Hang couldn't help but voiced his amazement, "He is already in the Foundation Realm at such a young age. He should be a unique talent in cultivation, right?"

To his surprise, she shook her head.

"He takes much of the medication like hundred year ginseng and the like to reach that level. From what I heard from Grandpa, he is the only one who had a High Grade Roots or so. That is why he was chosen as one of the seeded players in the World Wide Cultivation Conference."

When she talked about him, her tone sound so surly.

It seems there is a bad blood between them.

"They put a high hope in his High Grade Roots. It seems with that root, he could reach higher levels faster or so, I heard. That is why, his family giving him a medication like there was no tomorrow. But, my Grandpa said it instead damaging his talent, as his future would be spoiled by poison left in that medication. If they couldn't find any solution before he turned 30's. It would be too late for regretting their deeds."

At this time, her face turn darker.

"Just forget about his matter. Let's talk about the Grotto Heaven you found."

Lin Hang could only tell her that his eyes are a bit specials. After transcending his tribulation, he took round way before return back home. At that time, he coincidentally saw a hidden grotto on his way back.

When he takes a peek at the interior of the grotto. The gush of energy flowed at his. But, as he still hadn't made a preparation, he could only take a note on that place before return back home.

"That is all I could tell you. If you wanna know more. We could go there directly after you brokethrough. Haha..."

He stands up looking then outside.

"Sorry, Miss Arum. I would have to back home early this time." he took a pill bottle again before saying, "Tomorrow, we could close the deal right away. Or do you want to take this pill today?"

He stretched his hands in aim to hand off the bottle to her.

"I wouldn't mind giving it now and take the payment tomorrow. Besides, we would have a long term business."

She stretched her hands and accept it while smiling cutely.

"How about I send Nana to give the payment directly tonight?"

He laughed as he says, "If Nana didn't mind taking such menial task. I would love to accept your offer, My Lady."

"Ehehe... Nana sends him out and prepare the car directly. We would return home after I finish my cup."


At Lin's Residence.

Lin Hang is meditating while reciting his cultivation techniques.

He already finished his chores and needs before he entered meditation stance while waiting Nana send a pair of Gold bar to him.

Ding-Dong! Ding-Dong!

That bell sounds send a strand of enlightenment as he entered Small Success directly.

His Sea of Spirits size doubled, so is his Spirits Qi Storage.

"Kyaah! Papa, Lin Hang girlfriend come to our house. Papa, hurry up!"

That sentence awakens him from his joy after having a breakthrough in his Basic Spirit Refining Technique.

Mother... How could you take someone's daughter as your son's girlfriend directly after meeting with her.

He hurriedly comes down to welcome her and receive the shipment. Nana left after greeting his mother while showing a bit redness in her face.

It could be said, his mother made her blush by her overreaction.

He is directly thanking her then send her back before return to his room under his mother teasing.

"This would turn into troublesome things in the future..." murmured him.

He had a headache from his mother nudge.

"Son, I wouldn't mind about you having a relationship with an older girl."


Name: Lin Hang

Realm: Foundation 1st Stage

Body: Mortal

Cultivation: 4 Day

Title: None (Idle Immortal)


Life Essense: 97 (ATK: 485);

Strength: 88 (DEF: 440);

Vitality: 89 (HP: 1335);

Dexterity: 89 (EVA: 445);

Perception: 126 (Cultivation Efficiency: +63);

Absorption: 126 (Qi Absorption: +63);

Fortune: 110

<Attributes> ...

<Spiritual Roots>

Spiritual Roots: Five Elements Roots

> Broken - Gold (Lv.6)

> Broken - Wood (Lv.6)

> Broken - Water (Lv.6)

> Broken - Fire (Lv.6)

> Broken - Earth (Lv.6)

Spirit Qi Gathering Array: Lv.1 (12+63)

Spirit Qi Storage: 0/200+200


His stats raised by a bit.

After a few hours of meditation, he upgrade his spiritual roots to level 6. Then, he directly prepares a few tens of thousands in IDR before neatly arranged a pair of pants and shirt.

He opened the Idle Book at Golden Trade.

After he put two bars of 1 Kg of Gold above it. The gold directly vanished from the sight and at the last section of Golden Trade changed into [Gold: 2 Kg].

He smiled before choosing [Storage Ring] and [Cauldron Lv.1].

Two flashes of light appeared above the Idle Book. One is small and the other is a bit bigger.

When they dimmed down, a storage ring appeared from a small light and half meter size of cauldron.

The storage ring isn't that showy nor too plain. It carved a lot of rune-like line.

While the cauldron filled with a mini formation array. He couldn't understand what formation is that, but he could be sure, this formation is helping him in refining pill.

He directly put a storage ring on his left index finger. The storage ring flashed with glistening dim light. It seems to be acknowledging him as its master.

Then, he immediately arranges things to put inside. A cauldron, pair of pants and shirt, a few glass bottles, and the Idle Book.

He closed his eyes and focused his spiritual senses and found out, both his parents already fell asleep.

At this time, Lin Hang ready to take Spiritual Milky Marrow.
