
My Idle Immortal Path

Lin Hang never thought he would be able to cultivate become an Immortal. He thought his path to immortality would be arduous and full of hardship. But, the truth is always surprising to know. You have broken Spiritual Roots? No problem, you could refine it yourself till Divine Roots. You have worst aptitude in cultivation? No problem, there is Heavenly Book that upgrade yours. You have a small Sea of Spirits and its absorbtion is too slow? No problem, there is Mantra. You afraid of Heaven Tribulation would struck you? No problem, there is pill for every realm tribulation. You don't have skill to do that? No problem, each level of skill is compiled in one book. This is My Idle Immortal Path. _______________ Donate Link: https://linktr.ee/RyuzakiRIN

PathfinderForest · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Trying First Heavenly Tribulation

"How could you breakthrough like drinking water?" The girl glare at Lin Hang.


After hearing this, he couldn't be more foolish than idiot if he is still don't know the reason this girl pestering him for a few laps already.

He made a blunder, a big blunder. To think, when he casually breakthrough would be seen by other cultivator...

If there is a hole, he wants to jump in. Wait, no! Why do I need to jump in a hole? Such a thing, would become another stupid act of him.

Lin shook his head, then speeding up, leaving behind confused school belle.

"Hey~ Wait, there! Why did you suddenly speed up? Wait, I haven't finished our conversation..." she continues following him.

"No, I don't want to talk with you. I already understand about it, and would never do such foolish thing again. So, stop bothering me..."

"You haven't answered me about that. You need to tell, or I would pester you for life."

They continue doing that until near the school gate. But, their action attracts a lot of sorrow and hatred.

From onlooker, their action no different than a bickering of a couple. For a part of girls, they would look in envious gaze to both of them. Another part of girls and guys would be filled with angry and hatred toward Lin Hang. He stole their 'young miss' from them.

Either way, when Lin Hang arrived at the school gate. He was showered with a lot teasing from his classmate.



After that, only in a few minutes, the whole school heard the news about them being in a relationship.

In the first break time. A group of boys from second year and third year gathering at hidden room owned by Basketball Club. There are even a few remarkable faces from this first year student here.

Behind the main seat there is a big poster of no. 1 beauty of the sophomore list in flowery frame, above it, written in bold and capitals word.

Princess Ratu Arum Fan Club

- PRA FC -

The Seat around the Square Table, right side is four 3rd year, left side is four 2nd year, bottom side is 2 first year. It could be said, every year has their own representative.

These ten boys are also called as 'Ten Guardian Captain'. The vice president of PRA FC actually captain of basketball club. So, its nothing strange if they used this hidden room to build behind basketball club.

Thought these room own by basketball club on paper. It was actually separated from the main building of the club room.

Ten Guardian Captain was waiting there in a tense atmosphere. What a joke, with all Ten Guardian Captain, they still let loose one small fish get close to their Goddess. It would be strange if the President aren't swatting them one by one.

Outside basketball club there is always a group of girls supporting them. Well, you could say, they were just fangirl of the basketball club. So, the presence of girl in itself isn't something peculiar around there.

There are five girls that sneak around them beautifully and walk straight toward hidden room.

President of PRA FC always mysterious among student circles. The rumors would say, he was Captain of Soccer Club, or Captain of Basketball Club himself. The most terrifying rumor was, one teacher of their teacher himself is the PRA PC President.

But, who would thought.

"Welcome, Pres."

"Welcome, Pres."

Ten Guardian Captain salutes in once after Vice President.

The one who entered in this room was those five girls. The one leading them was a cool beauty who ranked no. 1 in third year beauty list. The President of Students Council this year, "The Ice Queen" Laura Sari Diningrat.

She rarely comes here, as she would only delegate her Four Heavenly Guardians to pass her message.

Ten Guardian Captain could only lower their heads when President Laura sweep them with a cold glance.

"Is there anyone who wanted to post his opinion in this case?"

The temperature within the hidden room dropped a few points. Even Four Heavenly Guardians feel shuddered, not to mention Ten Guardians Captain.

PRA FC was the biggest unofficial organization within schools. Their members consist of over half of the students and a third of teachers, be it girls or boys and men or woman.

Ten Guardians Captain responsible for managing their team and classmates. Four Heavenly Guardians responsible for gathering these ten captain reports and teachers' action toward Goddess Arum.

After waiting for a minute no one stands up stating their opinion. Of course the truth is, everyone couldn't even raise their heads up not to mention uttering their mouth.

"It seems we need to start "Protect Princess Operation" from today onward. But the detail needs to be discussed a bit further. Also, Vice President Rinaldi, contact squad leader of each class. We need announce this to every corner of schools."

Lin Hang never knows that trouble waiting ahead of him.


Fortunately, that girl didn't pester him till his class. Lin Hang could feel the view from his classmates change again. There is a teasing gaze, amazement, envy, and sadness even a bit hatred.

Class rep. is coming to his side and whispered, "Good job, buddy!"

He gives him a big thumb before sitting back to his own seat.


Question mark seemingly appeared on his face.

As Teacher in-charge come in, his classmates hurriedly back to their seat. She takes a sneak peak at him with a knowing smile. After she put her lecture materials on the table and answering students greeting.

"Minna-san, todays we have a very interesting subject learn."

Young Teacher in-charge, Ichijou Haruka, started the class with enliven greeting in Japanese today too. She had been a favorite teacher at least for their class. With that youthful and cheerful attitude of her, she had been able to won heart of students in his class.

"Haruka-sensei, I there anything special for today's lesson?"

"Hehe. You know too. Today's lesson would be a special way of communication. The lesson today is about "How to expressing your love in Japanese?" and "How to start an interesting communication with the opposite gender?" Do you guys interested in it?"


The boys shouted in excitement, while the girls had their face reddened.

"Okay, okay. Calm down everyone..."

"By the way. I heard someone already experience in this subject. From the said outside, the Beautiful Princess from the next class taken a fancy in our classmate....." she continued in a low voice, "well... Seishun suru ni mo, hodo hodo ni na~" Haruka-sensei winked at him.


As someone from the same class. They feel a bit proud about it.

However worshiped that Princess, she still fell in the hands of our classmate in the end of the day.

After writing a few sentences in whiteboard. Clap!

"Alright, let's train this in direct conversation. So, everyone could choose your partner. Um, If you ashamed, just choose your deskmate."

"Ling Han-kun. How about you practice this sentence with me before the real deal?"

"Hey, hey~"

"Sensei, I wanna do it too."

Lin Hang helplessly said, "Haruka-san. Watashi wa anata o a, aishiteimasu."

"Hai, arigatou ne~ Minna-san, this is the formal form to express your love. Then, Lin Hang-kun, said in direct form."

Suddenly, "Haruka!" Lin Hang directly said with a serious face.

Teacher Haruka has taken aback with a sudden change in atmosphere. She could feel, her heart pulsating faster.

"Haruka, Aishiteru..." said him in earnest face. "Is that good enough, Haruka-sensei."

If not for the last sentence, her heart may be falling all over him like the rumored Princess.

"Ah, um... good. It's good." trying to hide her shyness.

His classmate dumbfounded at the outcome. This season is really Spring's time for everyone.


In the schools' sport field.

A group of mobs surrounds a beautiful teenage girl and a sunshine boy under the sun.

She dragged here by this unknown boy in front of her. It really makes her annoyed. Only, she perfectly hides it under her reluctant smile.

Around them, mobs yelling at both of them, be it cheering the boy or provoking them.

"Princess, no... I mean, Ratu Arum. I, I Love You... Would you like to go out with me?" After mustering all his muscle he said it out aloud.

While the sunshine boy said his feelings, the opposite party doesn't hear it at all. She got distracted by the scene behind the boy. A brilliant looking boy doing his duty on day to watering a plant in front of their class.

Ratu Arum could predict what sunshine boy wanted to tell her. So, even when she got distracted, she already arranged a flawlessly rejection for him ahead of time. But, she got another idea when seeing that boy right in her views.

"Um..." lower her head while looking around fidgeted.

The gossipy mobs begin to draw a conclusion within their mind while whispering each other.

"OMG, the goddess of our school gonna be taken."

"No, No!"

"This is over! NO!"

From the second floor.

"Mama, I don't wanna go to school again after this..."

"It is the end of the world!"

Ratu Arum opens her little mouth cutely, "I am truly sorry," told her while bowing her head a little.

Everybody cheered aloud while the sunshine guy seems to be losing all his coloring like a graffiti drawing. A bit touch he might turn to ash right away. There are also a few people who were crying 'cause they're too happy.

But, what shocking everyone was, the sentence after that.

"I already have someone..." Arum face reddened as she said in a low voice while looking in a direction right behind the sunshine boy.

Another wave of emotion is exploding in this instance. Those who crying happily turned weeping in sadness and grieve. All cheering change directly into funeral instrument.

Their Goddess' heart has fallen and taken by someone.

Who knows today would be so lively? In the morning, the most beautiful belle, Princess Ratu Arum, rumored to be in a relationship with a transferred student. In the second break time, the said Princess Ratu Arum acknowledges that relationship while indirectly rejects a confession in the public.

Everyone feels that today is too much of a shock, like riding a roller coaster, but this also tired them mentally too. The only exception is, Science One class, as of unknown reason; not only their mind becomes cooled, their body felt more refreshed.

In the Science One Class, because everyone hit by a wave and wave of exciting event they couldn't feel the difference in todays atmosphere. It was quite fortunate for Lin Hang, the cause of this strange thing.

When Lin Hang activates automatically his cultivation. The world spiritual energy full of vitality gathered around him. So, the Science One Class is turned into a temporary secluded cultivation room.

Right after the last lesson of todays' class finished. A few boys gathered at Science One for a while before looking for someone around in every corner of schools. There is one order behind it, "Take him."

Fortunately, Lin Hang, reason behind all this event already went back home before anyone able to catch him for interrogation.


Ugh, what a tiresome day. Let's check that book again. I haven't looked at the next page yesterday.

First page is Profile.

Second and third pages are two Basic Cultivation Techniques.

Fourth and Fifth pages are Merit Store and Golden Trade.



[Skills Gallery]

Description: Compilation of learned skills, ultimate skills, martial skills. To re-acquiring proficiency and boost in prowess force.

<Basic Skill>

Secret Tome; Tome of Five Elements Force (Attribute: Gold, Profiency: Lv. 1), ....(4 More)

Sutra; Enigmatic Thunder Shift Skill (Attribute: Gold, Profiency: Lv. 1), ....(4 More)

Physical Spell; Yin Vital Sutra (Attribute: Gold, Profiency: Lv. 1), ....(4 More)

Shift Skill; Matrix Physical Spell (Attribute: Gold, Profiency: Lv. 1), ....(4 More)

Heavenly Book; Taichi Heavenly Book (Attribute: Gold, Profiency: Lv. 1), Intangible and Unformed Heavenly Book (Attribute: Gold, Profiency: Lv. 1)

Mantra; Taichi Mantra (Attribute: Wood, Profiency: Lv. 1), Intangible and Unformed Mantra (Attribute: Wood, Profiency: Lv. 1)

<Sect Secret Skill> (None)

<Heavenly Skill> (None)

<Ultimate Skill>

Natural Energy Flowing Skill (Effect: Hit Force*1) - Used

<Martial Skill> (None)

<Special Supporting Skill> (None)


Then, he flipped another page. Skills Gallery takes two pages. So, it was eight and ninth pages. As for the contents, it's filled with Tome of Five Elements Force Gold Attribute and Wood Attribute.

He begins to engrossed with skills content. He read a total 24 skills at once, one by one. As the time passes, his understanding and comprehension about the skills went up a bit. Every Skill proficiency rose to Lv.2, his force also rose up a bit.


Name: Lin Hang

Realm: Qi Gathering 9th Stage

Body: Mortal

Cultivation: 3 Day

Title: None (Idle Immortal)


Life Essense: 82 (ATK: 410);

Strength: 73 (DEF: 365);

Vitality: 74 (HP: 1110);

Dexterity: 74 (EVA: 370);

Perception: 110 (Cultivation Efficiency: +55);

Absorption: 110 (Qi Absorption: +55);

Fortune: 100


DMG Enhancement: (0); DEF Enhancement: (0);

Rejuvenation: (0); Reflection: (0);

Penetration Rate: (0%);

Element DMG: Gold (0), Earth (0), Water (0), Fire (0), Wood (0);

DMG Ex: Human (0), Monster (0), Demon (0);

<Spiritual Roots>

Spiritual Roots: Five Elements Roots

> Broken - Gold (Lv.3)

> Broken - Wood (Lv.3)

> Broken - Water (Lv.3)

> Broken - Fire (Lv.3)

> Broken - Earth (Lv.3)

Spirit Qi Gathering Array: Lv.1 (10+55)

Spirit Qi Storage: 200/200


He stretched his hands and look at the windows.

"Oh, it's already night? So fast... Huh~" sighing at lost.

Mother and Father must be asleep already. I left tonight's dinner, but aren't really starved either. What a good feeling to have been able cultivated.

He looks into spirits.

[Cultivation Base: 5148]

It must be enough to breakthrough into Foundation Realm. Without much thinking, he used up around 3500 CB.


10th stage.

After a while powerful force busting out from his dantian. An inner core with the shape of an ethereal sphere enveloped Yin and Yang medium within his dantian.

A moment later a powerful pressure come down striking him. Instinctively he looked at the clouded black sky. His eyes nearly popped out from the fright.

This, this is... This is Heavenly Tribulation.

He opened the window and dashed out in fastest speed.


01.10 AM.

30th July 2020, Thursday.

In southern suburb of Cirebon City. The black sparkled sky suddenly turned into the clouded sky in the second.

A shadow run through Gunungjati Road toward Gunungjati Peak from Klayan district in just less than 40 seconds.

After such forceful running with a spiritual pressure above him, he gaped trying hard to inhale more oxygen. But, the heavens aren't going to give him a time to rest.

Goro! Goro! Goro!

Black cloud filled with thunder and lightning.

"F*ck! To think I forgot about Heavenly Tribulation and rashly breakthrough toward Foundation Realm."

Fortunately, it was already late in the midnight, so inhabitant around here is already having their beauty sleep.

He unconsciously looks into spirits. There is a another new description.

[Success Probability: 90%]

When he saw this, a sigh of relief come from his mouth. He straightens his back and run toward the peak.

The Heavenly Tribulation already gathered enough energy to release its first strike.

Lin Hang stand at a big boulder in the near cliff.

"Fyuh~ Come!" shout him to the sky.


He hammered by a lightning strike at size of baby hand. It numbed his whole body, a charred scent lingering around. He gritted his teeth when another strike come in a few second.


Bzzzt... Zzt...


Another strike come in an interval of nine seconds after the last finished.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He finished accepting nine strikes of lightning before a gush of heavenly energy enveloped him and sucked in.

Inside his dantian.

Inner core layered with liquid state of powerful condensed spiritual energy. His power upgraded by 10 points each.

Name: Lin Hang

Realm: Foundation 1st Stage

Body: Mortal

Cultivation: 3 Day

Title: None (Idle Immortal)


Life Essense: 92 (ATK: 460);

Strength: 83 (DEF: 415);

Vitality: 84 (HP: 1260);

Dexterity: 84 (EVA: 420);

Perception: 120 (Cultivation Efficiency: +60);

Absorption: 120 (Qi Absorption: +60);

Fortune: 110

<Attributes> ...

<Spiritual Roots>

Spiritual Roots: Five Elements Roots

> Broken - Gold (Lv.3)

> Broken - Wood (Lv.3)

> Broken - Water (Lv.3)

> Broken - Fire (Lv.3)

> Broken - Earth (Lv.3)

Spirit Qi Gathering Array: Lv.1 (12+60)

Spirit Qi Storage: 200/200


After that tribulation. His appearance change into that of a shamate with charred naked body. Um, he is like a beggar losing all his last possession—ragged clothes.

He directly takes a few banana leaves and draped to his body hiding his private part. At last he cleared his first Heavenly Tribulation.
